CLOSED: April Chat - Showers and Flowers!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

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Waving Hi to FruitOfTheVine/FOTV/Fruity who originally started these threads. I hope she'll be back one of these days. In the meantime, we carry on.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new room! We all miss Fruity!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yes we do miss fruity!

Thanks for the new room. I am tired and sore today. I built 40 foot of raised bed gardens yesterday. Friday I am painting them barn door RED! I am lining my driveway with them so I only have 160 ft. to go. I am building it all out of cull lumber from Home Depot. Each section cost me about $2.00 including paint and screws! I will take pictures on Sat. to share.

These are for flowers only. I am lining them with weed block and each section will hold only one type of plant to start off. Then as they grow and I can divide them they will get mixed in together. I need to do it this way as I always loose the tags and I want to paint the name on the back of the sections with the name and date I planted them. Hope I can remember to do that for all of them.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm looking forward to seeing your new beds, Kris. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a busy day for you!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

can't wait to see it, Kris. You are a very energetic woman.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Kris that is a great idea. All up and down your drive way. Sounds so pretty. What kind of plants are you going to fill them with? Do you have a favorite flower? I love the daisy shaped flowers and I do not have enought sun to grow them. So I have to marvel at others. I am the hosta house. Oh well gotta go with what ya got. They really are pretty tho.huge ones all the way down to mini ones. Lol

Ohhh,, Elfie loves HOSTAS!!! Really really love hostas. I am looking for Giants now. If you ever get me as a swap buddy just remember Elfie loves hostas,,,lol

My beds will be filled with oriental lilies, day lilies, and daffs. They get lots of long hot summer days. So I have to plant want will work there. Since I live in the country I can use brown water to water these beds. I am running a pipe the full length of the beds. It will have drainage holes drilled in it and be stoppered at the end. I know how to do it but it is kind of hard to explain.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


Thanks. Maybe I will take pictures as I do it to show how I make this.

Night all

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I have been putting the rain bird drip system. Absolutley love it. Just turn it for a wile. Things do not get all wet only in the back yard from the sprinkler running. It does not wast water either. It can be kinda expensive but well worth it. Have it on two sides of the house now. Maybe some in the back yard this year. Well have a great evening all.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow those beds sound wonderful! We are wet and cold and windy now....
Back to almost feeling like winter. Down into the 30's YUCK.
I do have lots of daffs blooming.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me too, but I had to bring some pots in, again *sigh* just trying to get a few things kinda used to being outside.

I am exhausted, I had to drive to Columbus, Ga. Yesterday. And to Birmingham today,,, I am to old for this,,,,

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is a lot of driving, get some rest!

We are off to Austin this week end for a huge hot rod show. See you all Sunday afternoon!

Be good!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

no promises on the being good part, LK.
Have fun!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh sounds like fun a hot rod show, we go to those all summer long.

Cold today, windy, and rained yesterday. Going plant looking this weekend. Told myself not buying alot cause I want to get things cleaned up and organized and moved. That is if the weather becomes agreeable. Looks like we may go from cold to hot, I just saw that CA was going to 90 Monday! Not that I am in CA but if you look at the patterns what they get we will get.

Home Depot has all their Bonnie plants on sale 5 for $10.00. I picked up lots of veggies and a few herbs. Their perennials are also 5 for $10. And MG garden soil 5 for 10.00 too. I bought bunches, but it is raining here today so all I have done today's is work on a bathroom cabinet. I took before pictures and will take more pictures as I get it finished.

Hoping to go to a big flea market tomorrow. Planning of finding cool thing at cheap prices,,,lol

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Elfie - I am so jealous of all that work you're getting to! No plants here yet except pansies! I have some hostas for you....I am a lover of them as well! I've been trying to get as many different kinds as I can trade for....and I really love the big full ones! I have one plant that needs splitting so badly - it's probably 4 feet round now....and when it leafs's about 6feet wide! takes up an entire section of the garden!

I have grand plans when the snow melts! This year I am going to try and tackle the front bush area and remove all the old old wood chips and weeds. Its a mess and ugly! No rush....there's still 2 feet of snow out there! I miss green things!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

You know, I have not been able to make a hosta grow. I have a tiny one from Jaye still, she has not peeped up yet this year.. poor thing..

Ali,, I will get up a list of what I can trade. I do not have many giants in fact I only have 2. But I can supply you with minis. I have minis coming out my ears.

Debra, I can send you a hosta that you cannot kill. It is a nice sized one too. Just let me know. I first found this hosta in my yard. I thought it was a weed and mowed over it for a full year,,,lol. It not only survived, but got bigger and bigger. I have divided it over 20 times, moved it 4 times, left it in a pot in my pond for 2 years. I cannot kill this thing. It loves shade and water, lots and lots of water, it was my very first hosta too. You will love me.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

GOOD news....we had rain last night and more snow melted....the ice has shrunk and I can see baby crocus sprouts....about an inch high.....yeah!!

Elfie....we'll have to plan to be trade partners!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Alikat and elfie I have lots of hostas would like to be a swap partner too. Elfie if you have so me. extra minis I would love some I would pay you for them or the shipping just think about it. Thanks. I am putting together a fairy garden mini hosta would be great.
Yes I was at home depot today here. They have scotts mulch 5 for 10. So got ten. My poor little vw was weighed down.
Happ sounds like our weather is lots like yours. Yesterday was so awful. Rained all day and so gloomy. Windy it would blow you bald. Lol. Today sunny still windy but very bearable.

I will be glad to share. I need it get a list together. I have lots of minis. But they are not real big yet this year. Give me a month and I can better know what I can share.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Elfie and I made a round today. I got a Meyer's Lemon, and saw a citrus grove in middle Alabama. Trees planted in the ground and hoop house built over them He removes the cover in the warmer months (it is off now) and trims back to the heigth of the house. Bad year with some 8 degree weather and they lost some trees. But what a great idea!
Another place Elfie and I got some hen and chicks, some tomato and pepper plants, and I got some verbena mixed colors. Got some of the stuff planted. Maybe a few more tomorrow.
Cut a few weeds when I got home. No grass to speak of, well a few old clumps of fescue. hard to cut the clumps. I was surprised ole Bess the lawn mower cranked right up.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I was out surveying things in the yard yesterday. Lots of leaves and greening going on. Forsythia and hellelbores in bloom, flowering quince about to explode and daylily growth up. Lots of daffs, of course. Some things, however, not looking so good.

Crystal, I found a pot with a rooted goji berry cutting in it. Made it all winter and is leafing out. I think it was for you. Do you still want it? Also going to send you a dried Tennessee Spinner gourd full of seeds. I know you asked for that. At least i think so. lol.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Oooo-- wonderful!!! Thank you on both counts!! I am excited. I saw a Goji plant at the Calloway Garden plant sale last week, but decided it was too expensive to possibly kill ,so I left it behind. Need tips on growing both the goji and spinners. The other Goji I killed was too tiny to set in the yard yet. I should have kept it in a pot longer.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

What type of soil to you have? Maybe it didn't get enough water. I have two in the ground. Once they are established, they will root wherever branches touch the ground and make a thicket. I's not a bad idea to grow them on some type of arbor or support if you want to be able to get to more of the berries.

The little one in the pot bloomed and produced berries last year. :) They will make berries the second year.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

excited! I am thinking where to plant and about trellis

Ohh goodie, more food to eat at Crystals. I like to munch in her yard. I am like a deer raiding and pillaging. Lol.
Hey Crystal do not forget to start me some of those wonderful ground cherries I scavenged from your frig last year. I want to plant lots of those.

We had so much fun yesterday. I was bone tired when I got home and had a long nap. Now it is raining so I can not plant, whaaaaaa. I cannot wait to build a hoop house. I think I will do it next week after I get home. I really want to get things planted, darn it.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Crystal, my Goji survives in poorest of soil and the climates here, it should be okay for you.
They grow much like my snowberries shrubs. I love shrubs that flower and have food for the critters.
Son came over yesterday and cleared the south gardens, dug up the rampant bamboo plants, cut it back, moved the currants and blackberries to a different spot for me, and I saw the lily of the vallies coming up. All my hiyacynths and daffs are in full swing and the tulips are starting to head. The violets are all a bloom. Come on spring! Thank goodness I have an able bodied son.. for that I am grateful.
Joe has decided he wants the banana out front this year in the triangle. So.. I have to dig the hiyacynths, pot them up, and he has to lug it from the unused sump pump well in the basement and out to that area. *sigh* I don't mean to complain, but I though the banana did just fine out back in the garden plot, but.. no, he decided to plant yukon gold potatoes there and used three of my new plant pots for his left overs. *sigh*
banana last august, front where he wants it now.. last years pear tree garden this time, and this years garden after Joe work. Things were really popping fast last year.. nothing out like it was in years past.. it was a long hard winter here..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, gojis are pretty hardy.

What kind of bamboo do you have, Debra? I love your banana.. Everything looking good!

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I wish I knew .. it is green all winter, tho and spreads sideways.. Here it is all cut down.. ( way back in the left corner there) . So now he is going to put white bricks on the south side flower bed along the back there..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Looks nice Debra. Spring is here I think. Stuff is coming up all over here too. I took a nice long wak today. 2 miles it is a bit nippy but after what we had for the winter it seems like paradise. Lol.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Rain here last night and all day today. Still raining. Everything really greened up overnight. Tht grass is agrowing!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Glad you got some rain, we thought we were to get some today, but it just stayed cloudy. Got a lot planted .

Thunder storms and lightning everywhere around my house all night. I did not sleep much. I hate thunder and lightning. Not going to get anything done today. I sure did want to plant today, seems like that will not happen. Drat it.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

It has been cool here too the past few days, it is 56 right now, and there are no complaints here.
My wisteria is finally going to bloom for me, I got it a few years ago, and was told they can take 3 years to bloom. Not for sure, but I think it is white. I would love to find a purple one!

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