Seedling problem

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have just a few seedlings in my little greenhouse which sits in my living room. I have two tomato seedlings, a Galena's Yellow Cherry and a Hybrid Patio that are developing white patches on the leaves ( the new leaves in the top are completely white ) and then turn brown and are beginning to shrivel up. Any idea what would be causing this and what I should do about it?

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Sounds like too much moisture, but others will probably have more concise answers.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That might well be it. I was keeping them very wet because in past years I have let them dry out. I have withheld watering them the last couple days.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

On nice days, like I had today (60*, sun, no wind) I took my little ones outside to dry out, get some fresh air, and receive a little indirect sun. I had them in the shade-and protected. You might try that too.

If there's mold on the soil take a spoon,scoop up the mold and toss it.

If you water from the bottom, you can control the amt. of water they get a little better. Put them in a "bathtub" (an old pie tin or cake pan, let them soak up the water, and then, take them back out.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

The only time I've ever had the top leaves on seedlings turn white is when the light source is too close to the seedlings.

What is the light source in your little greenhouseand how far above the foliage is that light source for I'm assuming you have one since just room light is not enough light for seedlings to grow properly.


Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh yes, that's true. Didn't think of that.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It is a hooded fixture with a sixty watt bulb. It is pretty close because the greenhouse is small. Would it be better to move the seedlings or put a smaller watt bulb in the fixture?

Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)

Can you use a florescent fixture instead? The heat from a 60 watt bulb could be burning the leaves.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I do have a four foot fluorescent light in my basement. I can bring it up. I made a frame to hang it from so I can adjust the height on it. But it won't fit in the green house.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Do bring up that fluorescent light from the basement, take the seedlings out of that greenhouse and rig it up so they are getting proper light.Try rigging it so the seedlings are about two inches below the light, to start with.

That 60 W bulb is useless, to be honest.

The ambient temp in your living room is more than sufficient to allow for seedling growth I would imagine. Actually seedlings prefer a cooler temp to get strong healthy seedlings.

What is the temp in your living room?


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Usually around 72 give or take a few degrees.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

usually for those incandescent bulbs, a general rule is that if you can feel the heat coming from it when you hold your hands down at the plants level, you have it too close, CFL bulbs are much more forgiving in that field i have found, plus plants can "see" it better, especially if it is labeled as "full spectrum"

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