An opportunity for you to partner with me, please

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I have an exciting opportunity to share with you. For 10 days in late August I will be traveling to Korhogo, Cote d'ivoire (Ivory Coast) in western Africa with a team from my church. We are going to assist missionary, Jan van den Berg as she spearheads the building of a school that will teach girls. This is a project that has been ongoing for several years. It will provide the girls with a chance to learn to read, learn a trade and be disciples for Christ. For more Information and photos visit this link

While in Korhogo we will be involved in laying foundation for the next building as well as other tasks Jane has for us. This will be hard work, but I am grateful for the chance to serve the Lord and Jane with this project. Please pray for us and prayerfully consider supporting me. The approximate cost per person is $2500. I will need to raise this before July.

In lieu of any plants for me at the swap, please consider a donation to help offset my expenses. It is difficult to ask for help, but you are part of my family and who better to ask for support. I certainly do not want to offend anyone.

If you are willing and able to support me in this way please send a check (with my name Jan Jackson on the memo line) to :

Park Bible Baptist Church
95 Sparks Ave.
Pennsville, NJ 08070

Any money not designated for a specific person will go nonsupport the whole team. Any money raised above our specific needs will be donated to the school project to help with the cost of materials.

If you have read this far thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with me. Please feel free to dmail me with any questions you may have.

Many thanks

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jan, What a wonderful opportunity for you. Looks like a very worthy cause to me. They will be very lucky to have your help and support.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Have you considered approaching Oprah Winfrey for a donation to build this school?
As you know--she did the same thing in Africa (?) and developed an Academy for girls.
She always talked about it.
Oprah is also a very God-fearing Christian--so it is a match made in heaven...
Take a deep breath---and just do it.

Send her your story, your plans, your needs and what your hopes are for these girls.
Who knows? She may cough up a million $$....

I will, certainly, contribute to your expenses. Will this be tax deductable?
Not that it matters.....

When you talk about "The Swap"---is that in the fall at Holy and Ric's--
or is it at Aspenhill's in VA?

Wishing you a safe road to your travels and much success in realizing your dreams.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Holly and Ric for the encouragement.

Gita, I guess when I said swap I was thinking about aspenhill's in May. Thanks also for your encouragement.
Good idea about asking Oprah, but that is not my place to do. That would be the mission agency's option.
I will ask tonight about a donation being tax deductible. I want to be sure I get the answer correct.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Jan, what a wonderful experience that will be for you! Two summers ago, between his junior and senior year in high school, my nephew did something very similar through our church. At age 17, and having grown up with middle-class American privilege, he had no tangible concept of anything else. It gave him a new perspective on life and world conditions in general. I've never been adventurous or brave enough to go do that myself, so I really admire those of you that do.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good for you Jan, that's going to be quite a trip! Thanks for sharing with us.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the encouragement aspenhill and Sallyg. I am very excited for this opportunity.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Gita, I checked and the answer is yes to it being tax deductible.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


At tax tine, though, they may want to see a receipt for claimed deductions...

That would be an additional expense to mail these out after donations..

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I am sure we would send out a receipt.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Jan, look for stapeliads there.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I need to google that, dear. Thank you

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