Privacy Shrub Clearwater/Tampa Question

Belleair, FL

Hi, I'm not sure what zone or region I'm in, but I live in Clearwater, FL and what I'd like to do is find a shrub that could be put at the end of my property that would create a wall/fence barrier. I've seen them before but have never had the need to know what they are/were. I'd like like to be a few feet wide and between 4-6 feet in height. I'd like to create a wall of them that expands to about 40 feet in length, that doesn't take years to get to to the height and fullness I'm looking for. If you've ever been to Disney World, you'd see them all over as they use them for walls in some places but Walt wasn't available for this, so I found this site. Anyways, ANY help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Here's a guide for your state. You should be able to find something here. Perhaps others will have recommendations as well.

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