Brugmansias in February 2014

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Lucas & Dianne I also have your heart in my hand with the mites I do leave the majority to nature but I have found that the ECO OIL helps to knock them back and dose not hurt the beneficial insects like the wasp which I posted on BGI last year as I had no idea about them and I have tens of thousands of them like 10-50 per leaf , I also have the hover flys to which help in control
The Eco oil has plant pheromones which tell the insects that the plant is under attack and the illusion is that the mites move on to other healthy plants which I also have found

I still have mites but like you I have been just cutting leaves that are to bad off and putting them in to the council green waist bin and not in to the compost

Haven't had time to look at this yet, but it came recommended by a great grower at BGI.
So when you have an hour to spare ^_^ *Laughing* have a look.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

This is a talk about Brugmansia in Canada and is very interesting
It is a service that Richters herbs dose for education of plants
A1=must see

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to every one

Chrissy a little up-date on the cuttings they all managed to stay alive I was not in the best of health last month and this my son repotted them and come every day to water some days twice I had a quick look at every thing this morning a few pics of them,


Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut

Hi Elaine ...sorry to hear you have been unwell.
Are you getting any of this lovely showery stuff today ...I hope so, your Brugs will love it.
Take good care of yourself ...Autumn isn't that far away now, relief from the heat is in sight.

Waving to everyone else out there ...hope you are all enjoying some rain or sun (whichever you may need).


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western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning Chrissy All I got was about 5 spots here yesterday son told me only 2 streets away was getting alittle not a pleasant day here to day all watered so now need to go out there again ,.

Yes our showers turned into steam here Elaine ...argh, go away Summer !
Not too long now though.


West of Brisbane, Australia

Many buds but few blooms, just the usual suspect, Joli x Bergk (although looking mighty fine with a triple, two-coloured skirt) and the squid, which alas, looks like it's going to remain a squid. I wonder if some Big Floppy Apricot genes might improve it?

PS Mighty dry here too; exactly three weeks since the last real rainfall. We've barely had any summer rain; so much for the so-called wet season.

This message was edited Feb 13, 2014 6:56 PM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

And I found this on the ground; a single chorisia flower, which shouldn't even be blooming now. This is one tree not bothered by the dry; in fact, a wet winter would be a real problem for it. There are some plants I don't know are in flower until I find a spent bloom on the ground--the frangipani vine in particular, which has decided to climb the roof. Also the yellow cassia tree. And the snailcreeper that has decided to climb the cassia ...

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Waving to the squid ...give it a chance, it may just require cooler nights to shine.

Lovely bloom from that tree ^_^, such pretty flowers on a telegraph pole covered in thorns.

Happy to hear the rain pouring down outside (real rain) after some loud thunder outside.
Wish I could share it. We have been very dry here too so every drop is precious, nothing makes things grow like the rain from a storm, just have to hope the buds remain on the plants.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone ! ^_^


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West of Brisbane, Australia

The JxB has turned pink this morning. It's not the darkest pink but has a rich intensity.
Next is a Golden Butter x BFA seedling. Nothing special in itself, just some streaky apricot tinges to it and the aurea fragrance; it needs to be crossed with a double before it might start to yield something interesting.
Last is a selection of my single white seedlings, predominantly Golden Butter and OA crosses (the GBxBFA seedling is on the extreme left). They are all pleasantly perfumed but will progressively be pulled out to make space for the later (double) crosses, although I'll end up leaving the most sweetly scented when I can establish which one that is.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Korumburra, Australia

Things are quiet here. Warm enough. The brugmansias in the pic are cuttings of Clementine 1 growing in a bed and flowering at the same time. The daturas speak for themselves. I may take then to horticulture shows next year. The home grown seedlings (Hot pink pod Xdpg/Knightii pollen) have several with small buds up to 3 cm long. Look exactly like similar Knightii buds, so heres hoping.

May have more interesting pics soon


Thumbnail by mavrice Thumbnail by mavrice Thumbnail by mavrice Thumbnail by mavrice
West of Brisbane, Australia

1. My first Knightii x Ecuador Pink seedling has flowered and I could have sworn that I saw a double skirt before the first bud opened but alas all the blooms in this first flush are single. and white.
Two of My Seuss (i.e. from the pod parent incorrectly identified as Dr Seuss originally) seedlings have flowered and they're both yellow.
2 and 3 The first one is the most interesting because it's a small cute bloom; I've compared it with Musketeer in photo 3. Not sure if its small size is permanent because the big dry has reduced the flowers of most of my brugs, including Musketeer.
4 and 5 The 2nd MS seeding is a four-pointer but has nothing of note.

This message was edited Feb 21, 2014 11:42 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

1. The kxEP seedling compared with the pollen donor, Ecuador Pink. The knightii genes have really shortened the bloom but it's inherited that distinctively shaped skirt from EP.
2. A suaveolens seedling, not worth persevering with. Which is why I've pulled most of my suave seedlings out before they've even flowered.
3. Aztec Gold x not sure but I think it is one of my white Old Apricot seedlings.
4. Look at the cut petals on this one. I know it has as one of its parents one of my white Old Apricot seedlings, and it's intensely perfumed.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Salmon Perfektion x Dorthea
1 and 3 SPxD 3rd seedling. It opens a pure white before turning a soft pink.
2. SPxD 2nd seedling at left, compared with 3rd seedling.
4 and 5 SPxD 1st seedling, with the last pic showing an unusually small bloom.

This message was edited Feb 21, 2014 11:29 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Finally, my last Salmon Perfektion seedling, a six pointer. Strong aurea scent, which it must have gotten from the Ludger genes. The texture of the bloom is thick but not waxy; instead, it's sort of like quilted velvet/flocked wallpaper. Dunno if this will be a permanent characteristic as it is the first bloom (and during the big dry, too) but it's different from all my other blooms.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Here you go everyone ...the Herald Volume 10 issue 1 is now online for your viewing.

Congratulations ! ^_^

Love all your Brug adventures ! great to see.


Just in case you can't see it for any reason, here is your baby cestrum. I took a puter pic for you but it is prettier on the online entry.
By the way, now we have had slightly cooler nights and rain the Strawberry Milkshake is a really beautiful pink and the leaves are now deep green.

Lucas I have the first of your babies starting to pop. ^_^, fingers crossed for a good outcome, might be the right time of the year.

Hope everyone is loving the fresher weather.


Thumbnail by
Christchurch, New Zealand

look what I found at the Ellerslie Garden show...

labelled Brugmansia 'Old Gold'.

the scent was lovely :)

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

a new FaceBook group called Brugmansia Australia
this is for all of you that are on Facebook and are looking to get to know other growers other then DG members!

this is a more open group as there are almost 1Billion people on Facebook which means there are a lot more people that our plants can reach
I hope that you can come and have a look and see what's happening there with the new CV and the most currant seedlings from all over Australia


Thumbnail by SolMan
Korumburra, Australia

Hi Cestrum & Lucas.

Cestrum, all the brug cuttings have struck & so have 3 of the hibiscus. I have planted your seed today, they were very generous numbers and I appreciate that. I have sent some dmails to you but not had answer.

Similar Lucas, I did find your number but will not ring with your oking it, If you have email I could send you some pics,

0417 563 846

Victoria, Australia

pics in this thread would be fine. :)

Korumburra, Australia

Will do. They are just breaking through now. Maurice

western sydney nsw, Australia

After all the rain my little ones are not so little now .
This is the first time there has been a all over flush .

Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut
Clifton Springs, Australia

Check your Dmail Maurice....

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