What's happening in your neck of the woods - Feb 14

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi there
"M" feel your pain....((()))) :)

"B" MMMMM Warm and sun in one word sounds lovely enjoy.

Having a terrible time posting photo's here. My new work computer will not allow me to save photo's to my desktop and can't read a disk, I feel like a dummy. Will see if Daves will help me to get back on at home. I can do it from there much easier.
On a good note the sun is up longer now and that is nice.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the family photo "M"
How did Lorna make out with the adjustments?

Seeng you are getting more spring like weather Ann, can you send it my way.

Look forward to photo's

Verona, ON

Oh M if anyone is in need of a hug today it sure is you. I don't know if I would have even been able to go to the airport. Huge hugs from the pups too. Lovely looking family you have!

How did Lorna's apptmnt go for her adjustment to the 'bucket'?

Very happy you are getting spring like weather Ann but please send it on east to Betty and I. There is some melt and there are some areas of gravel showing so I am encouraged. Although it is bitterly cold today. BUT the sun is shining.

VAnn did you get all the forecasted snow in Ottawa? We got about 20 cm but it has all melted already.

Ribs are feeling much better. At least I can sleep in my bed now much to the pups' joy They are back to having their night time puppy pile. Once I find in a spot on the bed it is pretty hard to move around with 260lb of puppy on you.

Enjoy that warmth Betty! Darlene gets the headaches a lot doesn't she? I remember she had 1 when you were there last. Poor thing.

Off to stoke the wood stove. I'm already into next year's wood. I know it has been a brutal winter not only by the wood I have burnt but also the extra tank of oil (infloor heating in the downstairs) and over double the number of plows.

People are still driving on the lake and that makes me quake with fear. I just don't look out the lakeside of the house - figure I would hear them if they did go through. A young lad a few years ago feeling his oats and his liquor went through at the north end of the lake. It was around midnight and our valiant volunteer firefighters were out there doing their job. We were just coming back from our show at Cottage Life in TO and were stopped by a road block. Our house was just 1/2 mi down the road and when the firefighter at the blockade saw it was me he let us through on the promise I would go make coffee for them. That I gladly did - several pots in fact. The young lad was trapped under the ice and under his snow machine for quite some time. He physically recovered but there was some loss of faculties.

Make sure you all do something nice for yourself today ladies. I'll keep looking for the tulips, crocus and snowdrops to pop up.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Dianne - we got a reasonable amount of snow, but I just stayed in until yesterday by which time it was mostly cleaned up. Bright sunshine yesterday and today made both days very pleasant if on the cool side. The fresh snow allowed a good snowshoe outing this afternoon.


Does anyone know about books called "One for the Money"; "Two for the Dough"; and "Three To Get Deadly"?
They came by post today, and I didn't order them..... apparently purchased by someone?
it came from Amazon books, in the US.....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all,

Kids were saying Dianne that we got over 1 ft of snow from Friday night to Saturday morning..glad I'm down here in Florida but rather than white I'm getting liquid snow, r a I n! Guess I brought it with me.

Your talk of snowmobilers still on the ice makes me think of Greg and the boys..can be sure they are still traveling the ice..would it not still have a lot of inches seeing as its still below zero??

As for Darlene, she was in a major accident years ago, lots of damage to her spine, she has morphine patches she uses and sometimes they just don't work.

Ann, are you using glommed trails for snowshoeing?

Susan think jean answered on the other thread, she thought the books might have come from Katie??


yeah, I saw that post from Jean, Betty. I'll wait to see if katie replies...

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

glommed ???

We went to a spot where there are some groomed trails for cross country. Of course, we try to avoid those with snowshoes. Today we started off across a field and into the bush and down a ravine and up the other side before we picked up the regular trail.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good morning :-)

Re Lorna .. a work in progress, but, I am happy to say, a GOOD WORK!! This socket seems to be the BEST one in 4 years of 'socketry'.
Still requires some fine tuning, but, it's looking promising.

NO 'new' snow here, just sunny and cold .. the snowbanks are still crazy high ..

Rain is kind of common for Florida at this time of year isn't it, but, it needs no shoveling, and doesn't last long .. sure hope Darlene is feeling better.

Ann .. sometimes computers are a flipping wonderment!!! Mine has developed an anomaly or 2 over the years, and, now, I am the only one who knows how to upload pics ..

Waiting to make a call for a hair appt .. I need a NEW DO !!!

Dianne .. we lost a young couple here over the weekend .. not skidooing, but, in a flash freeze situation .. they were to be married in June ... 28 yrs old.
Everytime air ambulance flies over our property I shiver as I know there are lots of ice fishermen out on the lakes ..

Gym day ..


Victoria Harbour, ON


Overcast but sun is trying to come out..just leaving with the girls for breakfast then maybe a trip to TinCity.

"M" how very sad about the young couple, warnings out and yet some think it's still safe out there..I should talk, likely my boys are dong same.

Meant 'groomed' Ann, I pad decides to change wording..thing is I'm always so busy that I never re-read post.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I thought it might be an "autocorrect". :-)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty and Ann THANKYOU!! I just had a wonderful giggle :)
Alberta Ann

Victoria Harbour, ON

One of these days I. Sure I will get kicked off dg for posting something offensive..

Wind blew the rain away, actually sunny today, did breakfast at IHOP then down the TinCity/Naples..got to say I spent my allowance in about 1 hour lol

Beach day tomorrow

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty, know you're back, am hoping your weather is better than here .. we THOUGHT we were doing OK, but, 10-15cm is expected overnight .. we'll see..
As we all know, meteorology is an INEXACT science ....

Took the DGnds out for supper last night .. such great kids, a pleasure to be with ..
Austin will be 13 next week!! Brooklyn will be 'Sweet 16' in July ..
Have pics to attach ^_^

Hope everyone is well ...


Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Yes, you go for a holiday and need a holiday when you get back, Lordy yawning as I'm typing, won't be a late night.

Listened to the weather, says toronto is in for major rainfall, further here possible freezing rain.

See a little melting is going on, happening just the way it should, slowly! Don't want flooding..I'm at the bottom of the hill so guess where everyone's water will go.

Those little ones sure are growing, hard to believe hoe the years fly by. Are they pleased they will not be moving?

How is Lorna doing?

Shall I say his might be your last snowfall or will I jinx it. Lol


Hi Ladies - haven't been lurking - just haven't been on DG

It's supposed to be 63F tomorrow afternoon.

Yesterday was a Fabulous and an Annoying day:
Bob had brought home an office desk from work - they were going to toss it out - it's modular.
Size - 10ft long, 31" deep, by 72" high - has a "back" on it and a credenza (6 cupboard doors) - 2 person work station - beautiful wood. wow oh wow.... I'm am "over the moon" with it. Yesterday he brought the pieces in from our deck (been there for 3 weeks, covered with a tarp, under the overhang), and he did most of the assembling. It was sure something, bringing in pieces that long, and/or that wide. east through the porch, continue through the kitchen (shut the door), backup, then north down the hall, then sharp turn west into the den, and sharp turn north fully into the room. phew.
Then, when he was putting it together (and our den is pretty crowded with his desk, and my sewing table) I went into the LR to keep out of his way.... CRASH hear I.... jump up and RUN into the den... he's not hurt, but knocked a bunch of stuff I'd moved off the old desk...... of course I Wrenched my knee jumping up and running, so today I'm in Pain! it's getting better, with drugs LOL

Annoyance - had to take my entire computer system apart, to fit the cables in through the holes in the desktop, and generally clear the tangle (LOL) Well........ no internet, tv, or phone now, cuz it's all through a modem...... panic!! .... our provider won't come here for 24 to 48 hours... no PHONE? no TV? no INTERNET?????? ........ played Freecell..... boring.......
I went to bed at 12:30am... 2am Bob woke me up to say he got internet & tv!! yaaaaaaay "My Hero!!" In the am, I checked the phone, and it must have reset, because we have phone now too LOL

I'm on "pins and needles".... Interviewed april 1st for a job at a church, as a bookkeeper/treasurer.
I will hear sometime this week - he called our Pastor for a reference, so have to imagine he called other references too?!?! One of them said "no, never heard". 3 people were interviewed - I was the 2nd. 1st one didn't have my qualifications, they said. Don't know how 3rd interview went. Our Pastor said they sounded interested...... Oh, and they'd asked me what I was looking for in a wage...... told them "I hate that interview question, and I know interviewers hate it too LOL"
Told them $15 to $25/hr. They said they were looking to pay $25 to $30/hr!! Told them I wouldn't undervalue myself, and I have been paid $26/hr previously......
Well Ladies - we shall see..... there's another company that sells religious books and bibles (new & used) that are looking for a Administrative Manager - they're only 18 blocks from home lol They emailed me today...... asked me to come see their store, and introduce myself - they're open on Tues, so will just have to DO that :-)

Well, that made a Long Story, LONG lol

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good luck with the interview, Susan.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I would say 'break a leg' Susan, but, I tend to think I won't as you have a bad knee.
I think this job (or the bookstore) both sould promising ..

Gorgeous day here .. about 11C and sunny after a very foggy morning ..

DH an I had our taxes done, both getting back some $$ .. YAY




I just got a call-back on the job I interviewed for, on the 1st.... the Chair of the Board of Trustees wants to meet me at 2pm today.
As they want someone to start on Monday, I think this is a GOOD thing :-)
This is the bookkeeper / treasurer position - pays Very Well - 20 min drive (on a good day) :-)

Pray for me to get this job :-)
After more than a year, I'm ready to be working

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

In my thoughts, fingers crossed !!



The interview today - with the Chair of the Board of Trustees. He was asking some hard-hitting questions, and I think I answered them very, and pretty, well.
The other person in today’s interview was Les, who currently holds this position as Bookkeeper / Treasurer.
They spoke to my Pastor and got a very good reference,
They spoke to one of the Drs I worked for at Calgary Lab, and also got a good reference!!
They’ll let me know in a couple of days. Btw – it sounded like Les was “chomping at the bit” to hire me on the spot lol

AND, Scarboro Church is showing great interest in me also – as an Office Administrator full time.
They called me at 12:30 (before I went to my interview at 2pm). I told her that I was going to the interview and being considered at another church.
I called them back after my interview, and she said they are very interested and would offer me the job, except that they really think they should meet me first..... lol too funny!!
So, between Better Books & Bibles (18 blocks from me, and 20 hrs / week), St. Andrews (bookkeeper/treasurer), and Scarboro United (office administrator)..... I feel quite sought after......... nice after being unemployed for over a year..!!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good luck with the new job tomorrow (Monday) Susan .. thumbs up !!!

Spring clean up has commenced here .. lawsie .. we had some SHEDDING wood this year, there's birch bark coming up from under snow at every turn !
Still, it's nice to be OUTSIDE enjoying the fresh air ^_^

Have a wonderful week everyone


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all

Up to spring cleaning as well, not me so much but Rita! She worked most of the afternoon raking..Lordy can't believe how much green growth is under the snow and leaves.
Her home is almost done with renovations, soon she will be able to move in..I will miss having her in the house,..sure did take over the hard parts of winter/spring..

Susan, best of luck, exciting and yet overwhelming at times..may you be the perfect fit and get to spend the last of your working years there.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Susan Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Spring is slowly showing up here but boy is it ever dirty everwhere!.
I'm itching to get the G house open but the forcast is showing some snow still to come so........Will have to wait.
Still it is coming, Yippie!!
Alberta Ann

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr here today ..
Was in town early as Lorna has purchased a trailer to haul around her gardening equipment.
She had to get plates and then have the trailer set up ..
While that was happening we went to the gym for an hour and she had a good work out.

Came home thinking I would work outside, but, it's stil very cold -2C and there is a hecuva wind, so, I am trying to tidy the house up a bit .. had filing to do ..

Think maybe a shower will warm me up ! ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Will it ever end Ann??
Anxious here as well

It's so nice right now, 18C, brought one of my sewing machines in for repair and in an hour I would say we lost about 4 degrees..calling for rain, freezing rain towards early morning and snow..you just got to wonder who pi**ed off Mother nature?


First day went really well (3 hour day, that is). Les, who is retiring, is a great guy and is enjoying training me.
I get an office and am invited to personalize it :-)

For now, I have tomorrow off, Good Friday, and Easter Monday off. I'll work all day Thursday.
Next week, I work full day Tues/Wed, Thurs afternoon, and all day Friday.
After this, and next week, I will work 5 days/week - likely mornings only.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

YAY and HURRAY Susan ..
Sounds very promising, and, at the very least they are not 'over loading' you right at the start! That can be so taxing !

Wishing you all the very best ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

Great news on the job and hours Susan, you sound so happy.

On a sad note though, prayers going out to those youngsters who lost their lives in Calgary .. kniffing, my goodness what could have gone on that was so terrible to do such a thing.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Initially I had thought there were NO deaths, and then, word came that 5 young people had been stabbed to DEATH .. how absolutely horrifying !!!

COLD here .. expecting 10-15cm of snow :-(

Seeing many ROBINS ... ^_^


Verona, ON

Cold here too M but I didn't hear the Weather Liars mention snow. Wood stove is still blasting away. Waiting for 1/2 load to come off of the roads so the truck with the logs for next winter can get here.Then the fun begins - chainsaws are ready and the splitter is too.

Robins here too plus there seems to be an abundance of pileated woodpeckers this spring.

Stay safe and warm everyone.


I just heard about the 5 stabbings tonight, at our church's Lenten Study........ so terribly unnecessary and tragic. Six families have been destroyed by this senseless tragedy.........

Yes, I'm looking forward to my 2nd day of work tomorrow - full day :-)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Belated as they are, my wishes to you and yours for a wonderful Easter that goes hand in hand with a MOST beautiful SPRING ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy belated Easter as well,

Lordy, was in the 70's earlier, felt so nice..had rain off and on but that's ok, the gardens I have raked is showing greenery growing..how exciting is that!

Had so much broken pieces in the garden, my beeing in so much pain in the fall I didn't put a lot of what needed to winter store so need new patio table, can't believe od many pieces of glass created a table top. Note to self, stick with metal art, just gets rustier and no need to put away come fall.

Went in search of a new love seat cover for the metal glider, nope, they don't sell them, have to buy whole new unit so headed to Fabricland and bought outdoor canvas to recover the piece and make pillows..now to get some energy to make it.

Good thing about all he cooking and baking this past weekend is the not having to cook supper for most of the week. Lol

Susan, how is the job going? Oooh think you were off for Easter right?

"M" sure hooe temps are on the rise..if you got this wonderful weather today it will not take long and you will have no snow

Alberta Ann, how are the plants coming along?

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Good Morning and Happy Easter (belated) Easter bunny had to contend with a pile of snow on Friday , he promptly melted it and sunday was great.
Susan, hope the job goes well today for you.
Betty, That darn fabric never seems to last when you leave it out, jealous of your skill to sew new ones!
"M" 5 beautiful young folks ........
Well I washed the G house walls yesterday and now it is almost ready for starting it up. Think I will pare down a bit this year, famous last words. I think I say that every year then Spring happens and my addiction kicks in!
15 Katrina mini english cukes are up and going along with the other stuff and I hope to move a bunch of stuff into the G house tomorrow. Don't really have a heater in there but I will only put the tough stuff out and have heat mats under them. Seems that I can push the envelope that way. Seeded some Godetia for Pots yesterday and the Tomatoes need Transplanting from 2" to 6 right away but need the G house for them as not enough room inside.
Had lost faith in my Sweet potatoe (lime color leaves) coming back but low and behold it has and now is going gang busters. Will keep it in and get some cuttings off it soon. Best read up on how to.
Sun is shinning here and tomorrow we are to get 30mm of rain and Weather man says 60 mm in the next few days. Need the rain to wash away all the dust that has collected from a Long winter.
Bye for now
Alberta Ann


Hope everyone had a nice Good Friday, and Happy Easter!!

re Job:
On Friday, had a meeting with Chair of Board of Trustees (Bill), and the current Treasurer (Les).
During the meeting, Bill had to go for a few minutes and Les said "thank you Susan, for helping with this - I was lost and you knew the right answers to Bill's questions". He was SO relieved I did....
After the meeting, Les had to go to pick up his wife, so Bill & I were talking. He said - "We know that Les isn't an accountant, and I had no idea he was so far behind (November) and I wish I'd known so I could have helped him." Les is driven crazy by Debits/Credits....
Bill btw, used to be a CFO - he's retired and wouldn't have the time/energy to do the Accountant/Treasurer position.
I guess this means they're glad they have me there!! I'm really happy in this job, too :-)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sounds like all is well with the crew in 2 of the Western Provinces ..
Glad you like the job Susan, and Ann, your plants are doing well .. Sweet Potato vine is beauticul, snd you're getting a second run at it ^_^

I have a cold :-(
Just waiting to cancel a dental appt.
Sure do wish the machines accepted MESSAGES..

Snow is melting here, but, looks like ANOTHER system from Texas could give us a "final? dump .............

Take care


Victoria Harbour, ON

Susan, so happy you are enjoying the job..think it's a match made in heaven. How is bob liking his job?

"M" sorry to hear you are unwell again, think you overdid it the past week..got to love those machines..upsets them when you don't cancel but don't make it easy to cancel

A sunshine day here both yesterday and today, by morning rain, rain and more rain..think in 2 weeks all but 2 days will be dry. Lawn is turning green so quickly, lilac trees have leaves opening, can't believe the greenery hidding under the blanket of snow.

Ann don't know how you stop yourself from planting a zillion plants, what fun it must be having a greenhouse.one of my favorite vines is potato ..so many varieties now. Speaking of vines, under that snow nestled beside the pond is a humongous ivy, wonder which type survives our winter?? I can't even keep an ivy alive in the house during winter and here mother nature covers it with snow and it flourishes. Lol

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

A new month and hopefully we are all experiencing the new season even though it's slow in coming.

You'll find a new thread at: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1358507/

Come join us there.

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