FEBRUARY 2014 The Love Month!

Ripley, MS

Ok, I will either text or have him do it.
Love you all and appreciate your prayers and kindness to me

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

You know the feelings are mutual for sure!!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Sandra, hope you have as much good fortune with the second eye surgery as you've had with the first one. I'm sure you will. You are a great patient! Sorry I didn't get a post off before now. Will be praying for you today and for guiding hands for your surgeon. You know we love you!!

Jeri, I had no idea y'all were thinking of selling your beautiful place, but I totally understand. Our dear friends and across-the-road neighbors are in the process of putting their place up for sale. It is a beautiful home and 52 acres with a horse barn, log cabin, lovely gardens & greenhouse, and ownership of part of a 10 or so acre lake. One of the prettiest pieces of property out here. We're just sick they will be leaving, but they are both in their mid 70's and moving back to town to a smaller place to take care of while they can do so. I totally get it, but we hate to lose them. It really makes us think about what we'll have to do one day, sooner than we think. These neighbors are the ones we trade with when one of goes out of town. They feed our dog (he's part 'theirs' we think), we water their greenhouse and feed their dog, pick up either others papers, check the house, etc. You never know who you'll get the next time. Anyone want to buy a house and live by us?

I sure don't see why Mary would want to move to PA either, but maybe she feels the need to go.

I can't believe it's almost March!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad Sandra is getting her other eye taken care of. Loretta is also having cataract surgery today. She always participates in our outings and get togethers but doesn't get on here very often. Hope all goes well for both of them.

Elaine I have a friend that has a cabin on Peti Jean and also a house in Little Rock. The cabin they have added on to and it's where she does all her gardening. They spend all there time up there. I asked why they didn't just sell their house in Little Rock and she said because they know at some point they will need to come back into town full time.

Batesville, AR(Zone 7a)

I'm home from my surgery and everything went well. Hope Sandra's goes well also

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Prayers today for both Sandra and Loretta. A couple weeks and it will all be worth it.

Yes Elaine that is part of the problem…Jim is 71 while I'm just gonna be 60 but all of this is just too much to worry with.

They have some apartments(that are very nice) just up the street that are based on your income and that was where I thought she would move but she says that she can't live by herself. She won't live by herself.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad things went good for you Loretta. Hope you can make it Sat!

My great uncle still lives in the country by himself at 89. But his children hire people to keep things up. Mow the grass, etc outside. It doesn't look like it did when my aunt was alive but the basics get done. They also have meals on wheels deliver his food every day. They get a lady to clean house for him, etc. He is in the country but it's actually not but 20 or 30 minutes into a decent size town depending on which direction you go. It's where he is happy but it's hard on his kids keeping everything up from a distance.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Loretta, glad to hear your surgery went well! Jeri is right, a few weeks and it will all be worth it. Leigh is getting most of his feeling back in his hand that he had the carpel tunnel surgery on - he about waiting too long to get it fixed and had lost a lot of the feeling in that hand! He had gotten to where he couldn't pick up some things or even open a drawer...... nothing like putting it off! :(

Hope that Sandra's surgery goes great as well. I had wondered about her putting a patch over the bad eye until it got fixed too but wasn't sure that would work.

Elaine, that sounds like a beautiful place! I know you hate to see good neighbors go..... it is hard to replace them! Praying that you get some great ones in their place and that they find a place where they have some caring neighbors as well. I was so thankful that my parents were able to stay 'home' until the end. It was hard on them to keep everything up - and we all had to pitch in to cut fire wood or help maintain fences, etc but they really enjoyed being at home and where they wanted to be. Surely once we live that long, it is best if we can be where we are happy for as long as possible - although I realize it isn't always possible. Leigh's mom had to go to a nursing home because she had so many health issues and was so fragile that no one could deal with her on a daily basis without special equipment. But, she had some ladies that she paid regularly to take her to walmart in the nearby town, and out on excursions at least once a week so even then she was still pretty happy. We considered trying to have her live in our home, but couldn't get all the logistics worked out for assistants to be there during the day, etc. Very few resources in our area except for people that are hired privately to "sit" with people.

Jeri, doesn't Mary live by herself now? Or maybe she doesn't look at it that way since you are right next door? Or has she just been living with you since she has been sick?

It was 18 here this morning! I am hoping that is the last extreme cold snap......ready for Spring! ^_^

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Hey, Loretta. Glad your surgery went well, and good to hear from you too!

Genna, I meant to say earlier, I had no idea Leigh had surgery. It's been so long since we've chatted with you. Hope he will be getting the feeling back soon. I heard from a cyber friend on another website recently. She ruptured a tendon in her index finger trying to open a cranky jar! Had surgery and her whole right hand is in a cast with a pin for about 6 weeks! So ladies, be careful when opening jars. I can't quit thinking about this every time I open a jar now. She said she was just straining to open the jar, heard a pop, and felt a shooting pain. That was it, and her finger felt like she couldn't do anything with it afterward. Wow! I'll surely use my lid opener more often now.

Yes, it was 19 here this morning too, and barely hit 40 today.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Got word from Sandra and she is also through and everything went well. She was stopping for a bite to eat at Sonic on the way in.

Genna I'm glad that Leigh's surgery is healing.

No Mary lives in the guest house which is just off the carport so I guess she doesn't count that as living by herself. She is in remission right now but other than right after surgery or something she has been in the guest house.

We leave tomorrow for Disney. Hope to take lots of pictures.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad to hear all went well with Sandra.
Jeri I know you all will have a great time at Disney! Should be a great time of year to be there.
Elaine that is scary! I don't have any strength in my hands. I've worn them out. I keep one of those rubber grippers in a drawer and can't open a jar without it. Maybe I need to buy an actual jar opener!

Are you all having trouble getting on Dave's. I can log on without any problem and can get to the home page without any problems. But when I click on the Mid-South Feb. thread it just spins and spins forever. I've given up several times. It's not just my laptop. It does the same thing on my iphone and my ipad. I did download Firefox to my new laptop and tried it as well as explorer.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Charlotte!! I know we will too, if my feet hold out with all the walking.

No mine has been fine lately. My whole internet was dropping out about a month ago but we thought it was the road construction out front.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I have the same problem, off and on. I can go to any other website and get on quickly. Sometimes DG takes half a minute or more - a lifetime in computer speed.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Look what I found blooming in my yard today. This is just one small patch of daffodils. They are blooming all over my back yard. It want be long before the ones in the front will be blooming.

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Just heard from Sandra and she is on her way to the Dr. She said that she is doing good and she is able to see pretty good already.

We're off to Disney.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

It's time for a new thread for March so I will go and make one now.

Ripley, MS

Jeri, thanks for posting for me. My body betrayed e again and chicken little had to be put to sleep again ! They told Jerry I had a "boatload" of medicine this time. This eye is much better than the other was. The feeling of a stick in it is much less than the first one. I thought I was seeing well with the first one, but now---WOW--the right one is so good that it makes the left one seem bad again! Of course she said the left eye would be the one to make me have glasses when it is all over. I still feel a little sluggish from the meds and the new way I am having to see things. Now I am opposite ! I used to take my glasses off to read, now I have to have readers to read! If I forget and get up with the magnifiers on it makes me dizzy ! It is quite an adjustment, but I will get used to it soon I a, sure ! praise God the whole thing is done, my nerves have been shot from struggling to see things and hopefully that is over now! Just have to get my new habits straight. I go on March 26th for new glasses, of course I have to see the surgeon next week, but I a, looking forward to that last visit.
Loretta, so happy you are doing great and hope your second one does even better as mine has!

Jerry's Mom had to be admitted to hospital yesterday. She took a cold Tues night and Glenda came yesterday to take her to the doc. She was so sick, Glenda took her on to the ER hoping she would not have to sit all day as she does in office to see the doc. They kept her there in Ripley all afternoon because her oxygen kept dropping too low. They also found she has a UTI. The doctor decided to send her to Corinth where there is a lung doctor. Ripley is pretty much a first aid station now, just GP doctors. They said at Ripley she had a small spot of pneumonia, she has COPD and is on oxygen at 2.5-24/7. When they got her to Corinth they put her on 4 oxygen and when Jerry came home she was more comfortable. Hopefully they will get her fixed up and back home soon, I am lonesome just knowing she is not down the hill.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)




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