North Creek Group Buy Part 2

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Short answer, because I am just as adamant as Terri about not jeopardizing my relationship with North Creek .as Terri and doing this as long as we keep it simple.

And I have stated that I am awaiting info and cost suggestions from North Creek and their best recommendations. They have their own fleet of delivery trucks that routinely deliver to a number of places nearer than PA so they could come with a full truck.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just don't think it makes sense for those who live in PA to drive down to Lucketts, VA to pick up their plugs.

I don't understand why it would jeopardize your relationship with North Creek to have multiple cars pick up the flats at the nursery, since that was the original pick up plan. I don't think Aspen would have agreed to that if she thought that would have a negative impact.

I also don't think a final decision regarding pickup and/or delivery has been made, or should be made at this point.

As far as payments are concerned, it would make sense to pay the main person (coleup?) at the seed swap.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, but I still need to drop out, sorry. Maybe you can get plants from one of their trucks when they come to your area, but that won't help my logistics much. From their site it's pretty clear what to expect s/h to be from NC, and I'd rather not have the added cost. Again, my apologies to those splitting flats with me.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup: I'm sorry, but I too need to pull out of this co-op. I'm just not comfortable with the change in terms. Logistically, it doesn't make sense to me to you now for the plants, pay North Creek's fee for shipping to your house (cost yet unknown), pay a handling fee to you (cost yet known), and then rent a truck to pick up the flats from you 4+ months from now (I had ordered12.5 flats, so they won't fit in my little car). I checked the North Creek site, and there is no charge for cancellations made at least 5 days before the plants are shipped

Since AspenHill is already a customer, there is no minimum dollar threshold to meet so the co-op can continue without my order.

Thanks so much for the incredible energy you have expended on this co-op.

I apologize to everyone I'm sharing flats with, but with the changes in terms this has just gotten too complicated for me.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

We can't use the North Creek trucks -- they require a minimum of 35 flats for a truck delivery, per the website.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm not sure how it would jeopardize any relationship with NC. If it were my nursery, I would be thrilled that a group from DG has decided to make a substantial group purchase. I would seriously doubt that they would care that we were in their parking lot dividing up plants and such. Plus if they did care, why not just find a local grocery store or something to meet at and divide up there?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

My understanding is that North Creek is not a nursery that sells directly to the public, but a wholesale supplier.

For myself, what I like about North Creek (in addition to their super low wholesale prices of course) is their mission: "North Creek strives to promote sustainable outdoor environments. As a wholesale propagation nursery, we specialize in growing starter plants or plugs of perennials, ornamental grasses, ferns, vines and shrubs with an emphasis on Eastern US native plants. Our plants are used by wholesale growers and landscape contractors. Landscape Plugs™ provide planting solutions for ecological projects including storm water management, soil stabilization, landscape restoration and habitat establishment. Our vision is to be a leader in the development and practice of sustainable horticultural systems while delighting our customers."

Since I started gardening, I have become increasingly interested in acquiring plants that support habitats for our native pollinators and other beneficial insects. Because of this, I would still like to buy from North Creek.

I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to have *two* group buys this spring? Maybe we could keep the North Creek buy with an eye to supporting native plants, with the understanding that Coleup is our current active representative with NC, and she needs to set up a buy with them in a way that works for her personally, and also preserves her relationship with NC. At the same time, Critter and some others would like more freedom to explore alternative plant delivery and payment arrangements, so maybe it would make sense for Critter to also sponsor a group buy, with a focus on other types of plants?

Well, just a suggestion. I think buying from NC may introduce certain kinds of constraints but for me personally it is worth it, since I want to support the creation of habitats for the native pollinators and beneficial insects. E.g., if every active person on this list sponsored (that is, paid for) just one flat of a single kind of plant loved by the native pollinators, then we could share with each other from each of our flats at no additional cost. So, if 10 people participated, everyone would get at least those 10 different plants, all of which could add to the ecological benefit of our own gardens.

In addition, we could have a more traditional group buy led by Critter in which we each indulge our desires for hellebores, geraniums, carex, dryopteris and whatever else takes our fancy.

Well, those are just my thoughts...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint: I love the idea of supporting habitats for native pollinators and other beneficial insects (that's in part why I don't use any herbicides/pesticides) and I'm really happy that you have been championing them. My problem is that I have such a shady yard. Most of the plants that are known for supporting wildlife seem to like it either sunny or moist (or both), and most of my yard is neither. The only sunny area I have is on a very steep hill where I can only use tough-as-nails plants that don't require care and won't reseed, because it is so hard for me to balance on the hill to do any upkeep. (Though I may have a blank slate to work from if this frigid weather kills off all last year's work.) I suspect that getting 10 people together with like garden conditions and goals would be tough. But I'm game! I do think it is important to set out the guidelines in advance (including transportation and pickup arrangements and costs and handling charges (if any)) and stick to them, though, so we all know what we are signing on for.

You should really consider joining the Takoma Park garden club -- their spring swap is huge and terrific. $12 dues;

Ditto for the Potomac Valley Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society (which isn't remotely limited to rock gardens), which also has a terrific swap. $15 dues; Both are great ways to get hard-to-find plants, and lots of natives.

And try to make the Green Spring plant sale which is May 17 this year. It is huge. Lots of pricey plants, but also very reasonably priced plants from local garden clubs. Some of the vendors specialize in native plants and plants that will attract wildlife. Green Springs is worth the trip even without the sale -- it boasts "a wooded stream valley with ponds, a naturalistic native plant garden, over 20 thematic demonstration gardens, a greenhouse filled with tropicals, and a well-stocked horticultural reference library." It is gorgeous.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

As I get back online tonight, I'm glad to see lots of constructive suggestions here!

I agree, we were already thinking in 2 different directions for this swap even before Terri's mom landed in the hospital. It might make sense to see if North Creek is willing to split up the flats we've reserved so far into 2 purchases... and from that point, each group could decide what other flats (if any) to add.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Revised Initial Order

Asclepias currasavica (tropical milkweed) / 72 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /Sequoiadendron (full flat)
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Yehudith (2/3)+Sequoia(1/3)
Meehania cordata/ 50/ Sequoiadendron (full flat)
Onethera 'Fire works/50/ Catmint(1/4)+SSG(1/4)+Coleup(1/4)+Catbird(1/4)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / Aspen (1/2) + coleup (1/4) + Catmint (1/4)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Here is the summary of varieties that have been spoken for with the one fourth flat or more minimum. Each asterisk indicates # of shares needed to complete a flat and ppp means price per plant

Partial Flats Ordered but not completed

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /aspen (1/4)***ppp $1.13
Geranium 'Expresso'/ 32 / + SSG (1/4)***ppp $2.15
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / SSG (1/3)**ppp
Hellebores"Candy Love'/18/ Yehudith (1/3)**

Partial Flats Spoken For need to be completed to add to Initial Order

Baptisia australis (false blue indigo) / LP50 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp $1.15
Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' / 32 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp$1.18
Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' / LP50 / catmint (1/4)*** ppp $1.08
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' / LP50 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp $1.08
Aster laevis 'Bluebird' (smooth aster) / LP50 / catmint (1/4)*** ppp $.62
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' / LP50 / catmint (1/4)*** ppp $1.15
Pycnanthemum flexuosum / LP50 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp $1.08
Pycnanthemum multicum / LP50 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp $1.08
Vernonia "Iron Butterfly' /50/ coleup(1/4)*** ppp $1.25

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Coleup, please remove my selections from the group buy. I will be going another direction with my order. Thank you for the work you've done up to this point.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Revised Initial Order

Asclepias currasavica (tropical milkweed) / 72 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Yehudith (2/3)+SSG(1/3)
Onethera 'Fire works/50/ Catmint(1/4)+SSG(1/4)+Coleup(1/4)+Catbird(1/4)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / Aspen (1/2) + coleup (1/4) + Catmint (1/4)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)



Partial Flats Ordered but not completed

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /aspen (1/4)***ppp $1.13
Geranium 'Expresso'/ 32 / + SSG (1/4)***ppp $2.15
Hellebores"Candy Love'/18/ Yehudith (1/3)**ppp $ 4.21

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

If I had been given the opportunity to respond to what ever precipitated two people to drop out in less than three hours with no group discussion or if I had felt less pressure to answer concerns and present my plans before I reasonably could have or defend my positions rather than present them for comment or insisted that Terri and I finish working out details as she was up for doing, with minimal if any adding to her plate at this time.... if, if, if things might have gone differently or at least I for one hope they would have gone differently!

At this point just for the record and because this is a public forum I have reprinted my Change post (in black) and in italics some of what was in my mind at the time. I've gotten pretty good at c/p from various drafts and notes contemporaneous or prior to 1/22/2014 at 8:45 am!

1)This 'group buy' will be independent of our Spring Swap being hosted by Aspenhill. Only as a last resort should North Creek plants be distributed then or there.
Terri has no problem with any flats of plants from NC being part of our swapping at the Spring Swap she is hosting. She also is up for a pre-swap 'casual Thursday' hosted by (tba) in March, April, or earlier in May (tba)at a more central location (not Lucetts) and would like to see friendly faces as much as the rest of us party animals!

2)Unlike Terri, I am not at this time extending the invitation for anyone to meet me at North Creek to pick up their plants. I appreciate knowing that there are several willing to assist if that becomes the route I choose to go.
I am one of us who would be " interested in having plants earlier than the end of May" so I have been studying the feasibility of a second pick up from NC and possibly a third if that works out for me. So, rest assured that me and my Plant Bus"Have plants/Will travel" red van can pick up all of the flats in our initial order and quite a few more. I can pick up all of our orders after they are all available from NC mid May and transport them to Aspenhill's swap for pick up there. Bottom line: any plants ordered in our initial orders will be picked up by me and be available for pick up at Terri's.
Like Terri . I will pick up lants at NC and they can be picked up there on day of Swap
Unlike Terri I am actively persuing additional dates and places pre swap.
Unlike Terri I do not plan to obligate myself to coordinating a meet up pick up at North Creek,
Unlike Terri, I have not set a date or dates for pick ups
Special Cases: status, under consideration,
Those near plants but far from Swap, (Sequoia)
Those wanting plants but far from Swap (Gardadore, Roses,)
Small cars and many plants (Happy)
Many plants to split up amoungst many people not part of group buy as their part of Swap
Those wanting plants earlier

3) Currently there are too many variables to plan any parties around interim deliveries. If and when this is a real possibility I will let you know.We can have our plants when and where we individually prefer if we factor in shipping costs. I'll be getting an estimate of same for perusal and consideration.
Shipping - FYI Upon request, I can make arrangements with North Creek to have any full flat or multiple there of shipped directly to you at a date you specify and I can give you an estimate of shipping charges for same (I'll need your zip code for estimate). Contact me.
Of course there are always 'plant fairies'
Not intending to have plants shipped and like Terri I do not intend to reship,

4)This is a no profit transaction so I believe no one should be 'out of pocket' even though some of us are quite generous in this regard, Final amount due may include a 'handling charge' as minimal as possible.
5)I also do not intend to wait for payments as Terri was willing to do for 4+ months!
# 4 and # 5 are really more comments than changes to the Guidelines! As a group buy member I think it would be good policy to include a small agreed upon additional 'service' charge . Unlike Terri, I am putting out my "Tips Appreciated" jar. Also, unlike Terri, I would
like payment sooner rather than later but Im not quite ready to invoice everyone. (Critter, would you like me to put your group buy orders in the other invoice I will have for you? Hey, that would be even one less check for you to write!)

Those of you who have orders can consider this a Last Call for changes by noon this Friday.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2014 7:15 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, thanks for your clarifying note! I am still 'in' for the Onethera 'Fireworks' and the Viola 'Silver Gem'. I also am really looking forward to the variety of Asclepias you are acquiring for the purpose of sharing with all of us! :-) I can already see the butterflies fluttering around happily, the hummers humming, and the caterpillars munching contentedly.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup: Thanks for clarifying. Running a co-op is a huge task, and of course you can set the arrangements in whatever way works for you. My problem was of my own making: I had ordered a lot of flats because I have a new project this year of planting the far back area of my yard (last year's project was my awful front hill, this year it is what we affectionately call the "back 40" which is currently a small, treed, dry, barren, ignored and ugly spot). AspenHill had been very precise about her terms and I was fine with those. But I wanted a little more certainty that you can provide yet, which is understandable on both our parts. Anyway, your co-op will work great -- you are the best plant procurer out there!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I have only known you since last summer, but I trust you to handle this. I'm not in a hurry to get my plants right away, so I'm okay waiting for the details to emerge. Heck, last summer I joined a group bulb buy without knowing a soul or anything about how things would work, and now here my back yard is happily bulging with bulbs! :-D So, I'm confident I'll get my Asclepias, Onithera, and violas in plenty of time for spring planting, and at far less than the retail cost! :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Judy, you knew some of my concerns when we talked on Saturday... and when I Dmailed you on Monday, I said I might need to drop out and explained why. When you didn't respond, I didn't think it needed public debate... You have a different way of going forward with this effort, and it wasn't a good fit for me.

I think it'll all work out, and I really don't want this to turn into a big conflict.. that's one of the reasons I thought it was better to quietly drop out than to try to create a big debate.

The flats that were dropped from your group buy were either full flats or being split between just a couple of people, so I don't think it have an effect other than simplifying the logistics of this buy -- fewer total flats, and now you can concentrate on the native plants and butterfly plants that you were most interested in including in this purchase.

It's not a question of trust or lack of appreciation... You know you're one of my favorite people, and I love your passion for sharing special plants with fellow plant lovers... Thank you for all you've done and continue to do to get lots of marvelous plants (and even trees!) into our gardens.

You're one of the best "enablers" around!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Critter. I still haven't found the dmail you are referring to so could you pretty please resend it ? Thanks

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm so sorry... I double checked, and it was a reply to an Dmail you'd sent out... I could have sworn I sent it as a new one! At least now you know I didn't intentionally blindside you. My apologies! *hugs*

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy, is May 23 the only date that works for you to receive your plants? Is your order contingent on your personally being present at North Creek?

It also occurs to me that you may have been counting on all of the flats you have ordered being available to distribute along the way from NC to Aspen Hill (Critter? ) . selecting several flats according to your car capacity for distributing on your way home to split amongst those near to you (SSG? Yehudith? Catmint? ) ? And further counting on sometime within the week before the Spring Swap returning for more of your flats and and splitting up others at Aspen Hill so you didn't have to transport any NC plants from Aspen Hill and then back again?

I can also see that the bottom line logistic of if nothing else, the plants any of us ordered will be available at the Spring Swap at Aspen Hill on 5/31 works fine for most It is my desire but leaves you with the dual challenges of transporting and dividing multiple flats into quarter or lesser shares with a limited capacity vehicle! Hey, I have much the same set of probs to solve for our entire order and I have a large capacity vehicle! I, too do not want to pick up from NC and deliver to Swap 23 flats of plants but I have to be prepared to do so if every thing falls through.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

It has always been my desire to have as many flats and lesser quantities comprising a flat distributed to their final taker before the Spring Swap as possible and as simply as possible . I cannot assume Aspenhills involvement beyond her willingness to have NC plants distributed at her Swap on the day of the Swap and leave her further involvement in this group buy she has launched up to her as she wants and is ready to do and I'm sure we would all welcome.


Of the 23 flats currently ordered and on hold with NC
9 (Happy)
4 (coleup)
2 (Sequoia)
8 Split flats
According to my notes, Happy is getting majority of 4 flats as follows
Amsonia with Critter (1/4)
Geranium 'Expresso' with SSG (1/4)
Geranium 'Bevans' with Aspen Hill (1/4)
Hellebore Brandywine with SSG (1/3)
Leaving 4 flats to work out distribution for
Hellebore Brandy Wine(Yehudith 2/3 Sequoia 1/3)
Hellebore CandyLove 1/3 each Yehudith, Happy, Critter
Onethera 1/4 each Catmint, Catbird, SSG, Happy
viola Silver Gem

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)



Of the 23 flats currently ordered and on hold with North creek
11 are available now
7 are available after 4/21 and
5 are only available after 5/12

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Please remember that availability dates are a projection by North Creek and can vary by variety from expected availablity/ship date and be put on back order or if crop failure 'cancelled'

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup: I really really appreciate your trying to work this out, but for me it just got too complicated. And my order is so large that it probably doesn't make sense having it be part of a group buy anyway.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I had also been keeping running $ totals per person per original Initial Order and can post if that is helpful in seeing what we are talking about .

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy, I agree that your order is large and complex all on its own! Perhaps group buy s should consider limiting amount ordered ahead of time , I also feel that a large order or small order being cancelled or withdrawn introduces complexities beyond each individual participating, the group as a whole as well as the company being ordered from ., especially when it is not presented to the group for resolution before hand when possible and in this instance where a cancellation leaves individuals confused and scrambling and the entire process of completeing what we began as a group and was launched as a group is in jeopardy of non finishing what we started.

At this point I am not so much focused on getting plants from North Creek as I am concerned to leave this group journey as a group better and wiser than when we began so any future journies will be from a neutral basis and no unclaimed baggage left behind.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup -- I understand, and I'll try to work things out with the individuals with whom I had agreed to split trays. I canceled because of the change of terms from what AspenHill originally set out - I relied on those conditions in placing my initial order. I think it is very helpful in co-ops to set out the terms in advance and not change them where possible. Of course, here that wasn't possible. North Creek's site makes it clear it is ok to cancel orders until 5 days in advance of distribution, so there shouldn't be a problem in canceling flats with North Creek.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Just received this dmail from Gardadore
I am currently in and out of the country but back in Fort Lauderdale for the day. I am trying to catch up on all the goings on since I left Jan 16. Roses and I are planning to come to the Swap together. If it is too much trouble to bring the few Asclepias to the Swap for me to pick up I fully understand. I would like between 3-5 of each of the ones I specified. If you get more interest in them I am willing to give up my order so you can distribute them earlier if need be. I am also perfectly happy to pay pro rated shipping rates. You are undertaking a huge task here and I will cooperate with you in any way that is useful. At the moment I have the impression you are planning on bringing the plants I am interested in to the Swap - is that correct? Since it will be late in the season and there may be concerns about their welfare in having to wait to be planted you should decide what is best once you get them. Thank you for all you are doing!
If you need a check to cover the costs before the Swap let me know. I cannot send anything to you until after March 2 since I am away and don't have the check book on me!"

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think we're not so much "completing what we began as a group," Coleup, since you're going forward in a manner quite different to what Aspen/Terri initially set up.

I think you are going forward from the point where you took over on placing the order, and you're doing "Coleup's NC group buy," not "Coleup helping with Aspen's group buy." That's fine.

Please don't be critical of those who needed to drop out when it became your group buy. Terri didn't have problems with what or how much Happy was ordering, and now that you are running the group buy and Happy & I have dropped out, it shouldn't be of concern to you either.

Let's not backtrack; let's just go forward from where we are right now.

How about starting a NEW thread for "Coleup's North Creek group buy." You can details whatever arrangements and guidelines YOU want for this effort, so there won't be confusion between how you're running it and how Terri was originally setting it up.

You can post the flats you've purchased so far, along with names/numbers for those splitting the flats, just as you have done.

Then you'll be ready to continue with what has become your group purchase. I think that will work out fine!

Happy, Aspen, Sequoia, and I will order the flats we're getting as a SEPARATE effort from your group buy, and that will work out fine also. (SSG, Yehudith, Catmint -- you each had wanted a few plants from flats that have been dropped from Coleup's group buy. As per my Dmail, that still works fine too.)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be off line here until I deliver my newspaper route and will address any questions and review any comments this evening

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from aspenhill :
Coleup is placing the order(s) and handling plant pick-up directly with North Creek. For the most part, the original guidelines about making up full flats for ordering still apply, but I think she is willing to look at more options than the single pick-up/delivery that I was planning to do at the end of May - a lot of people were wanting to start their plugs earlier in the season. We're still working out the details about who to pay, but we'll figure that out shortly.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, you have gone way away from that, IMO, in the week since Terri posted that. This is no longer Aspenhill's group buy; IT IS YOURS. You're making the purchase on your NC account, people are paying you directly, you're picking up plants, you're making the rules and arrangements for distributing them.

By taking over it entirely, you've freed Aspen to concentrate on her mom and her family between now and the spring swap. This is a good thing!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Coleup: I noticed that you had my name and flats as still being on order in an above post. I believe I have cancelled these with you. I just wanted to double check.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi all,
I've been pre-occupied over the last two weeks with my mother's health issues, but things have now settled into a routine where my time isn't so constrained. Coleup and I have had a chance to talk about this group buy and believe we have a good way forward plan:

The group buy will continue with a focus on native and butterfly habitat plants. Most of the participants are more interested in obtaining a sampling of plants vs an entire flat of a single plant. To facilitate this, as in the original guidelines, participants will commit to partial flat quantities for plants that they are interested in, and flats will be added to the order as the partial quantities total up to full flats.

There are a few individuals (happy and sequoiadendron) who are looking for full flats to acquire volume plants for their own projects. We are making separate arrangements for these flats, and they are being removed from the group buy. Happy and Sequoia (plus minor odds/ends for critter, yehudith, and ssg), I'll be sending dmails to finalize those details.

I think the idea to have an earlier pick-up/delivery option was a good one. The group buy order will be split into two pick-ups/deliveries - week of 04/21 (new concept) and week of 05/19 (original concept). So far, all participants are local to the Montgomery or Anne Arundel County area and it will be fairly easy to coordinate a distribution with all of you somewhere in that Maryland area after the 04/21 pick-up. We will stick to the original plan of anything from the 05/19 pick-up being distributed at the Spring Swap.

Coleup will continue on with the organization of the group buy in the context of keeping track of what everyone is interested in, tallying up the full flats, and placing the order with North Creek. As in the original guidelines, I will make full payment to North Creek and you can re-imburse me directly when your plants are delivered. I'm keeping track of payment information in a google spreadsheet that you can access online anytime, and will send individual dmails prior to plant pick-up.

Coleup will be starting a new thread repeating the baseline order that we have at this point for the group buy (shown at the bottom of this post), and to pick up discussions about anything else that you are interested in adding. Please let me know if this clears things up, and/or if you have any additional questions or concerns that I haven't addressed.

Google Spreadsheet location:

Group Buy Baseline Order at this point:
04/21 Week Pick-Up:
Asclepias currasavica (tropical milkweed) / 72 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Onethera 'Fire works/50/ Catmint(1/4)+SSG(1/4)+Coleup(1/4)+Catbird(1/4)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / Aspen (1/2) + coleup (1/4) + Catmint (1/4)
Baptisia australis / LP50 / Aspen (3/4) + Catmint (1/4)
Tradescantia 'Concord Grape' / 50 / Aspen (full flat)
Tricyrtis 'Sinonome' / 32 / Aspen (full flat)

05/19 Week Pick-Up
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Yehudith (2/3)+SSG(1/3)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much, Aspen. That sounds terrific! Glad things are working out well.

I just wanted to clarify, in case of any misunderstanding on anyone's part, that I never viewed myself as placing an order for individual plants. I've always been fine with 1/4 flat being the smallest order unit, and was never advocating for anything else. Instead, I was just trying to explain why I didn't feel I could volunteer to take responsibility for many 1/4 flats; I *wish* I could help the group effort by taking on more than that, but I can't, so I was letting people know that I may contact them privately if I am interested in a plant or two from a given flat.

So, when I'm interested in a flat that a person or group is ordering, I'll contact one of those people privately to see if she'd be willing to cash-swap a plant or two with me. :-)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Catmint,
Sounds exactly right :) The intention of the group buy is to facilitate individuals being able to obtain a sampling of plants vs an entire flat of a single plant. To facilitate this, as in the original guidelines, participants will commit to partial flat quantities in 1/4 flat increments for plants that they are interested in, and flats will be added to the order as the 1/4 increments add up to a full flat. That seemed to be the easiest for a group buy coordinator from a tallying and ordering perspective. If an individual wants only 2 or 3 plants vs a whole 1/4 flat (which ends up being 8, 12, or 18 plants depending on flat plug size), that private lower level coordination can and should be done. North Creek has a lot of natives to offer - will be great to get some of these into our gardens!

By the way, I saw you had an interest in Baptisia australis - I do too, so it is on Coleup's initial order. I had you down for 1/4 and me down for 3/4, but I would be willing to take the whole flat if the 1/4 flat is more than you want. Let me know in dmail if otherwise (i.e. only interested in 2 or 3 vs the whole 1/4 flat) and we'll coordinate the smaller qty off line.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Let's move on to a new thread here:

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