North Creek Group Buy Part 2

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

OK to post here now.

This message was edited Jan 19, 2014 3:19 PM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Reserved #2

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Completed Order by variety and


Amsonia 'Blue Ice' / 72 / Happy (3/4) + Critter(1/4)
Asarum canadense / 32 / happy (full flat)
Asclepias currasavica (tropical milkweed) / 72 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Carex pensylvania / 32 / Happy (full flat)
Dryopteris 'Brilliance' (Autumn fern)/ 32/ Happy (full flat)
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /Happy(3/4) + aspen (1/4)
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /Sequoiadendron (full flat)
Geranium 'Expresso'/ 32 / Happy (3/4) + SSG (1/4)
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Happy (2/3) + SSG (1/3)
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Yehudith (2/3)+Sequoia(1/3)
Hellebores"Candy Love'/18/ Happy(1/3)+ Yehudith (1/3) + Critter (1/3)
Heuchera 'Dales strain' / 32 / Happy (full flat)
Matteuciata s. (Ostrich fern) /32 / Happy (full flat)
Meehania cordata/ 50 / Happy (full flat)
Meehania cordata/ 50/ Sequoiadendron (full flat)
Onethera 'Fire works/50/ Catmint(1/4)+SSG(1/4)+Happy(1/4)+Catbird(1/4)
Polystichum acr. (Christmas fern)/ 32/ Happy (full flat)
Polystichum acr. (Christmas fern)/ 32/ Happy (full flat)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / happy (1/2) + Aspen (1/ 2)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / happy (1/2) + Critter(1/ 4) + Catmint (1/4)

This message was edited Jan 20, 2014 9:15 AM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Reserved #4

Here is the summary of varieties that have been spoken for with the one fourth flat or more minimum. Each asterisk indicates # of shares needed to complete a flat and ppp means price per plant and ppf means price per entire flat

Partial Flats Spoken For in order of closeness to completion

Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star' / 50 / happy (1/2)** ppp $ .88
Baptisia australis (false blue indigo) / LP50 / catmint (1/4) + happy (1/4)** ppp $1.15
Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' / 32 / catmint (1/4) + happy (1/4)** ppp$1.18
Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' / LP50 / catmint (1/4)+Happy(1/4)** ppp $1.08
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' / LP50 / catmint (1/4) + happy (1/4)** ppp $1.08
Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star' / 50 / happy (1/2)** ppp $ .88

Aster ericoides 'Snow Flurry' / 32 / happy (1/4)*** ppp $1,13
Aster laevis 'Bluebird' (smooth aster) / LP50 / catmint (1/4)*** ppp $.62
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' / LP50 / catmint (1/4)*** ppp $1.15
Phlox 'Triple Play' / 72 / happy (1/4)***ppp $.99
Pycnanthemum flexuosum / LP50 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp $1.08
Pycnanthemum multicum / LP50 / catmint (1/4) *** ppp $1.08
Vernonia "Iron Butterfly' /50/ Happy (1/4)*** ppp $1.25

This message was edited Jan 19, 2014 12:53 PM

This message was edited Jan 20, 2014 8:59 AM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)


This message was edited Jan 19, 2014 4:28 PM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Well maybe just a little longer!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

First thread should be considered CLOSED as I do not want to moniter more threads than nesessary. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Please review the posts at the top of this thread and if there are no changes to what is curently posted please post your OK for these,

If there are modifications or adjustments to be made please point them out or propose them. I will revise all lists above between midnite and 9am tomorrow. morning.

On Split Flat orders I will need one person to be the primary for each flat The Primary will be 'responsible' for payment and distribution amongst the splitters and will be listed first behind each flat, We do not intend to invoice beyond the full flat level.

We started over here

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Coleup. Can you explain more about what you'd like us to do with the info, "Plants talked about in Discussions for keeping track of interested individuals who have not yet committed to a specific qty"?

In addition to the Pycnanthemum flexuosum, I am also interested in the Pycnanthemum muticum. I see Holly is down for a flat of both, plus there is a partial flat in progress for P. flexuosum. Should we also start a flat of P. muticum, or is that the one we're trying to get from Greenthumb?

All else looks okay for me!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Catmint Thanks for your swift reply. Plants listed as Discussed is only a summary of plants memtioned and Holly's name does not have a quantity in parenthises behind it so that means she ha said she is interest only, not in for a whole flat., I have not yet heard back from Greenthumb as to the kinds of mints he grows, He and Pat will be at the Seed Swap so maybe you could meet and ask him then?

I think I will eliminate the Discussed category very soon, but will wait a few days just in case we want to refer to the info when we get to filling the last 1/4 of a 3/4 spoken for flat!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Coleup. Can we add the P. muticum to the partial flats, then? I'll put down 1/4 flat for it. Just in case.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm happy to be the primary for all flats in which I'm participating, unless someone else actually wants to do it.

On the second flat of viola walteri 'Silver Gem', I'll pick up the final quarter (and I'll share with Catmint (2) and Holly/Ric (3) as requested).

On Amsonia Blue Ice, I'll pick up the remainder of the flat that Critter is listed on above.

On Aster Snow Flurry, I'd like the 32 flat size.

On Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet': Coleup, did you want the whole flat or can I get in on that?

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I have eliminated the Discussed summary from the top of this thread. If need be, it can be accessed here

Happy , Milkweeds are and will be the plants I will be sharing at the Spring Swap and elsewhere. I prefer to be the sole source on the Asclepias and will place orders in sufficient numbers to meet needs/wants of others as well as my self. See my post under spring swap Haves here

I am placing a second full flat order for A ' Ice Ballet" on our Completed list when I update after midnight and that should cover so far. lol" Trust me to procure as much of any kind of milk wed in any quantity at the best prices for all who want but especially for the Monarchs!"!!!

Also had already decided to add another flat of Viola "siiver Gem 'to Completed list and will put your name instead of my own.

On the Amsonia, do you mean you want more? Look at Completed list above because I think I have already done what you are asking for you and Critter, but just haven't taken it off the Partials yet.

Thanks for all your help and I say, may every plant you plant this year establish itself and bring much pleasure to you and yours.!

Off to eat some din din BBL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy, I'd misread on the Carex -- no variegated ones available til June

Splitting the flat of blue ice sounds good to me, and 1/4 is all I need. ditto on doing the hellebore flat 3 ways. and I'll take 1/4 to 1/2 flat of silver gem viola... happy has 1/2 of the first flat (don't know which size), so she could take 1/2 of a 32 size second flat and I'd take the other half (or just 1/4 if somebody else wants to get in on it).

So that's still just the 1 flat of blue ice between us.

2 flats now of Viola Silver Gem 32 (1 for Happy, 1/2 for me, 1/2 for Aspen)

1 flat of Hellebore Candy Love (thx Coleup!), split 1/3 each between Yehudith, Critter, & Happy

and Happy & I should both be down for 1/4 flat of A. incarnata Ice Ballet... 1/2 flat to go! Good idea to go ahead & order it; I don't think we'll have any trouble selling off the rest.


I'm confused about the new approach to invoicing... what happened to working with quarter-flat units? Just seems easier to me to pay Terri what I owe rather than giving or getting several different payments.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm easy on whatever the approach is, but I thought originally we were going to pay for our quarter/half/full flats, and then work out privately any smaller deals. I thought that was how AspenHill's spreadsheet was set up. I don't mind being the banker for this and using my credit card to pay for the full order and then collect from all participants (other than the "mini's"). I can also be the one to transfer the finished orders to AspenHill's spreadsheet (or I can easily start a new one since AspenHill may not have time to give me access to hers).

I don't mind the approach Coleup has suggested, but I agree it will be more confusing, since each of us will have to pay for the flats we are responsible for, and then collect from the participants in our flats. I'd prefer to make a single payment (other than the mini's). Some individuals will making many payments to many different people. Coleup, you aren't splitting any flats so you probably haven't focused on this. Again, I'm happy to be the spreadsheet organizer and banker for this co-op.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I'll go ahead and be the primary payer for:
Onethera 'Fire works/50/ Catmint(1/4)+SSG(1/4)+Happy(1/4)+Catbird(1/4)

Also, I'll go ahead and sign up for the last 1/4 flat for:
viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32/ Happy (1/4)+ Critter(1/4)+Critter(1/4) * ppp $1.30

Happy, I appreciate your kindness in offering to pick up, store, and deliver so many flats of plants. However, wasn't the original plan that all the flats would travel from NC directly to Aspen's for distribution there at the spring swap--unless someone was available to pick up *directly* from Aspen at NC nursery? To be honest, I think I would be more comfortable with that--either going up to NC on the day of pick up and getting my plants directly from Aspen, or having them travel directly from the nursery to Aspen's, and my picking them up there a week later at the spring swap. I'm just concerned that it would begin to feel too chaotic and confusing to me to have my plants in too many different places. I'd personally like to stick with picking mine up directly from Aspen. But thanks so much for your kind offer!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for review and thoughts all!

The night crew should be here soon and clean up the place so we can start fresh in the morming.

Enjoy your day holiday or no from usual routine.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, when you have a chance, could you copy/paste Terri's info from the top of the first thread? I''m glad you've reserved enough posts on top to be able to do a running list of flats ordered, flats completed, and partial flats, just as Aspen & then you have been doing. Even when Terri's running her spreadsheet again, it's really helpful to have 2 people checking the counts. :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint -- In my post from earlier today I was just offering to handle the financial side of it, to update Aspen's spreadsheet and to be the one to put the plants on my credit card and to collect the money, and only if it helped.

This message was edited Jan 20, 2014 12:49 AM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, look what the night crew left on the desk. Makes my Spring is on its way mouth water! Now let's all hope they are available in the sizes we specify and they will grown strong and healthy until they arrive safely in our hands and yardens.

Proposed INITIAL ORDER By variety

Amsonia 'Blue Ice' / 72 / Happy (3/4) + Critter(1/4)
Asarum canadense / 32 / happy (full flat)
Asclepias currasavica (tropical milkweed) / 72 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias inc (Swamp Milkweed) 'Ice Ballet /50 /Coleup (full flat)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) / LP50 / coleup (full flat)
Carex pensylvania / 32 / Happy (full flat)
Dryopteris 'Brilliance' (Autumn fern)/ 32/ Happy (full flat)
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /Happy(3/4) + aspen (1/4)
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' / 50 /Sequoiadendron (full flat)
Geranium 'Expresso'/ 32 / Happy (3/4) + SSG (1/4)
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Happy (2/3) + SSG (1/3)
Helleborus "Brandywine' / 18 / Yehudith (2/3)+Sequoia(1/3)
Hellebores"Candy Love'/18/ Happy(1/3)+ Yehudith (1/3) + Critter (1/3)
Heuchera 'Dales strain' / 32 / Happy (full flat)
Matteuciata s. (Ostrich fern) /32 / Happy (full flat)
Meehania cordata/ 50 / Happy (full flat)
Meehania cordata/ 50/ Sequoiadendron (full flat)
Onethera 'Fire works/50/ Catmint(1/4)+SSG(1/4)+Happy(1/4)+Catbird(1/4)
Polystichum acr. (Christmas fern)/ 32/ Happy (full flat)
Polystichum acr. (Christmas fern)/ 32/ Happy (full flat)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / happy (1/2) + Aspen (1/ 2)
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / happy (1/2) + Critter(1/ 4) + Catmint (1/4)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

We can stop generating interest and orders now or continue to see if we can complete a few more FULL FLAT orders a quarter flat minimum at a time.

We haven't heard from UMD Terp, Speedie, Wind, Roses, Donner, Buttoneer, Greenthumb and others who may just need a small nudge and are likely to be at the Swap or nearby.

Happy, Critter and Catmint look for a dmail later adressing some points you have raised. Let's leave most of this thread for ordering and revisions and updates. Thanks to all of us for having each others backs in this (and many other things!!).

I will post on another one or two of our MAF threads a kind of 'last call' on our partial list availables but first I'm going to do breakfast!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup -- If Aspen has given you the authority to place orders, my vote is to place orders for all the currently completed flats ASAP (other than those Aspen has already ordered, of course), because North Creek seems to be selling out of some of its offerings. We can continue taking new order for the co-op -- Aspen indicated that North Creek is very flexible about allowing buyers to add on to standing orders.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, could Happy and I have 1/4 flat each of that second flat of Ice Ballet, please?

Unless she & Coleup have worked out some other arrangement, I'm guessing Terri wants to be the one to place the initial order (possibly tomorrow morning bec. of the holiday today). She felt pretty strongly about being the person to handle communications with NC.

Speaking of placing orders... we're about at the "speak now or forever hold your peace" time for caladiums... so if you've been on the fence, get over to that thread!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks for the reminder, Critter! :-)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Good News

Aspen gave me the authority to place the order of completed flats with North Creek.
Order was placed this morning.
Afternoon email from North Creek says it all looks good and that final confirmation email should arrive tomorrow am.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

that's great, Coleup! Thanks so much!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

aaaand we're off!


Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I didn't realize there was a new post....I was wondering why I wasn't getting new post notifications...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Glad you're back with us!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone! Coleup has this well in hand - thank you, thank you, thank you :) I'll continue to pop in and see what is going on, but she has the con.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya, Terri! Lots of thoughts & prayers heading your way for you & your family, as I'm sure you know.

I'm unclear how this is being handled going forward. Aspen-Terri, will you still be placing the order(s) and handling plant pick-up? Or is Coleup now our liason with North Creek?

Will this group buy continue under the original guidelines, or are there changes with regard to ordering/invoicing? (In particular, can we still order 1/4 flats and pay Terri directly?)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Coleup is placing the order(s) and handling plant pick-up directly with North Creek. For the most part, the original guidelines about making up full flats for ordering still apply, but I think she is willing to look at more options than the single pick-up/delivery that I was planning to do at the end of May - a lot of people were wanting to start their plugs earlier in the season. We're still working out the details about who to pay, but we'll figure that out shortly.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, thanks for explaining that!

Coleup, when you have the new guidelines figured out, maybe you could post them at the top of this thread, please. I'm fine with plants being delivered earlier or at the swap; it'll just be a bit harder to orchestrate splitting flats if people need either an early or late date/place for pickup.

Now I'm envisioning another reason to gather together earlier in the season... Maybe a plant pick-up party in March or early April? I'm thinking we could meet at Yehudith's -- on a Sunday! :-) Any of the tall LS50 plugs or 32-plug flat sized plants could probably be held all right until the spring swap. We'll just have to figure out a couple of who/when/where for picking up plants...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, I was thinking the same thing.

We're going to have a *lot* of flats at the spring swap. It would be great if we could arrange some sort of an early pre-swap.

But some of the flats we ordered aren't even ready until mid May, so it would depend on availability dates.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

ssg makes a good point about availability.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I'd be down with an earlier meet for the flats. If you all are down that is.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Changes I'll be incorporating from what Aspenhill laid out,

This 'group buy' will be independent of our Spring Swap being hosted by Aspenhill. Only as a last resort should North Creek plants be distributed then or there.

Unlike Terri, I am not at this time extending the invitation for anyone to meet me at North Creek to pick up their plants. I appreciate knowing that there are several willing to assist if that becomes to route I choose to go.

Currently there are too many variables to plan any parties around interim deliveries. If and when this is a real possibility I will let you know.We can have our plants when and where we individually prefer if we factor in shipping costs. I'll be getting an estimate of same for perusal and consideration.

This is a no profit transaction so I believe no one should be 'out of pocket' even though some of us are quite generous in this regard, Final amount due may include a 'handling charge' as minimal as possible.

I also do not intend to wait for payments as Terri was willing to do for 4+ months!

Those of you who have orders can consider this a Last Call for changes by noon this Friday.



Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Coleup, I would like to respectfully inquire as to the reason we cannot meet you at NC to pick up our plants. Wouldn't that be better (than having to pay shipping) and safer (for the plants) to offer that to those who have the ability to meet you there?

Also, in regards to payment, how will this be accepted by you? Do you have Paypal?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup: As you know, these arrangements are different from the terms AspenHill laid out and that we agreed to when we signed up. I'd also like to meet you at North Creek. Can you explain why this is not possible?

This message was edited Jan 22, 2014 9:41 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Adding in shipping costs and the complications of splitting flats with several different people, I'm really reluctant to go forward. Coleup, I know you were anxious to secure the plants we wanted, but I would have liked to know the new logistics (still unsure how they'll be accomplished) before the order was placed.

With apologies to those who were splitting flats with me, I have to back out. I don't want to pay shipping costs and then try to figure out how to get the split flats to where they need to go. As far as I know, NC won't split up flats for us or ship partial flats to individual destinations... as a wholesale place, that's just not what they do.

Coleup, I know you've put a lot of time & effort into this, and I appreciate it! I'm not trying to be difficult. This just doesn't work for me. You know some of my thoughts from our long conversation when you called last Saturday. Last week Monday I Dmailed to let you know I might need to drop out of the swap if there were changes in the logistics, so I did try to let you know asap.

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