What Are You Doing On A Cold Snowy Day

Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

We started the day with a temp of 6.
Had got around 4 inches of snow.
Temps have gone up to 15 now about 2PM.
Feel couped up when I can't get out or to cold to get out.
I could be seed shoppy in the many catalogs or embroidering.
Have been working on some pillowcases.
Just can't seem to settle myself down..
Know what I mean?
so what are you all up to today??

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

When I woke up this morning at 4:00am to get ready for work, I took one look at the early news on NBC and one look outside, then crawled back in to bed and stayed home. I've been on the computer all day downloading 2013 financial statements - I never seem to keep up with it month to month, so it is an all day job at the end of the year. Not much fun, but it needed to be done.

I did take a break and watched "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" on DVD. I must have 200 DVDs so there is always something to watch - only problem is that they have all been watched multiple times so it is harder than you would think to pick one out.

I didn't get any more wood moved around to the basement for the wood stove before the snow came. I've been using it and the rack is empty. The wood is piled over in the drainfield, but it is too cold and windy so I don't want to motivate and go get it. Drats, no cozy wood stove fire until I do. Just the thought of it makes me shiver...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We had an appointment this morning and used the trip as an excuse to look for a new-to-us cafe for lunch. We found a very nice place. The area of South Baltimore is called Locust Point, southeast of Federal Hill, and the whole area looks clean and nice these days. "Sweet Caroline's"

Fed the birds, need more seed tomorrow.

Addy went outside for a good half hour late this afternoon, 'supervising' one son cleaning snow off the cars. When she came in she was shivering. She has a good thick coat; all we can guess is her feet were very very cold.
8 ^0

When dark falls, I lose most of any antsiness and am happy that I am inside.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, when dark falls Holly loses consciousnesses, no "antsiness" to worry about here. LOL I swear once darkness falls she's ready for bed. Of coarse she's up before first light planning "our" day. Since I'm not a morning person, takes 2 cups of coffee, I'm never nearly as enthused with her plans.

Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Anne. I also feed the birds. They have been a hungary bunch so far this winter. If this continues they will eat me out of house and home. I have probably gone through over 100 lb of sunflower seeds.

another cold one tonight. Temps already 7 with going to 3 so the weather man says.
stay warm all of you..

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I did all the outside work before the snow. Took care of the bird feeders and brought in the coal and took out the ashes. Made sure everything was in good shape for the Chickies extra food and plenty of water. So yesterday morning all I had to do was shovel. It wasn't too bad but my hands got cold and I would shovel an area and then come in for a warm up then head out to do another area. We had friends over for dinner yesterday. Bluepoppy they are from up your way in Perry County and we had a great visit. Then a couple of other nearby friends stopped over to see if I needed any help with the shoveling.
Ric is right. I get up pretty early drink a couple cups of coffee and think about all the things I want to do. They usually have an element of some joint effort. So when Ric gets up I jump him with all my plans and goals for the day. Poor thing just wants to crawl back into bed when I am done telling him all my plans. LOL
Today I spent the morning organizing my picture files in the computer. Going to head down to the barn and take care of the Chickies and fill up the bird feeders. Then I have just a small amount of shoveling to finish up. Need a path to the GH and a couple of other small areas that aren't part of the main thoroughfares. Tonight we are going to Joshes house for Crab legs and cards.

BTW it is 9* outside here.

This message was edited Jan 4, 2014 9:31 AM

Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Holly..are you familiar with the Markeys from Dover area??
They have a small orchard. Asparagus in the spring and then peaches and apples.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

No I don't know them. I have a Dover address but am really much closer to Newberrytown and Lewisberry. I am right on the edge of the Dover Zipcode. My children were part of the West Shore School District not the Dover School District. We have a Lewisberry telephone # and worked and shopped up in Mechanicsburg and Camp Hill. My ties to the actual Dover area are few.

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