2014 yearlists

South Hamilton, MA

14 Broad winged hawk I had to work on the ID of this one as I saw it fly from a distance & we zipped past it sitting on a branch (we in the car). they should have migrated by now? Warmer zones now could it have stayed further north. Exact color (brown head--grey) back as one of the photos. It had the correct shape--not harrier shape.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from irisMA :
14 Broad winged hawk I had to work on the ID of this one as I saw it fly from a distance & we zipped past it sitting on a branch (we in the car). they should have migrated by now? Warmer zones now could it have stayed further north. Exact color (brown head--grey) back as one of the photos. It had the correct shape--not harrier shape.

Sorry, but highly improbable - they are in South America at the moment (apart from a few that winter as far north as southern Florida). My guess would be immature Red-shouldered (if it looked fairly small), or immature Red-tailed, see if either of them matches.


Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

129 Mediterranean Gull


Narracan, Australia

From last week.
89. Rufous Fantail
90. Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo
91. Brown Gerygone
92. Powerful Owl
93. Satin Flycatcher
94. Tree Martin
95. Golden Whistler
96. White-throated Treecreeper
97. Bassian Thrush
98. Grey Currawong
99. Superb Lyrebird
100. Gang-gang Cockatoo
101. Lewin's Honeyeater
102. Little Corella
103. Southern Boobook

Thumbnail by davidmules
PERTH, Australia

Fantastic list, David. Where did you see the Superb Lyrebird?

South Hamilton, MA

Resin certainly not a red shoulder with all the white markings. I could see white bars on the tail (underneath) as I saw it from a distance. Brown head with grey back as it was perched in a tree.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

30. Gadwall
31. Brown Thrasher

Slow going ... Need a birding trip to boost my morale and my list count. ^_^

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

32. Hooded Merganser (2 pair on neighbor's pond)

Thumbnail by P_Edens
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

21-Common Flicker (yellow-shafted male)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

130 Northern Gannet


Narracan, Australia

Been away with local Field Naturalists club. A few to add. Margaret, the Lyrebird was at Morwell National Park, a small reserve nearby where it is reasonably common.
104. Black-fronted Dotterel
105. Wedge-tailed Eagle
106. Australian Reedwarbler
107. Yellow-rumped Thornbill
108. Pied Cormorant
109. White-bellied Sea-eagle
110. Striated Fieldwren
111. Jacky Winter
112. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
113. Rufous Songlark
114. White-winged Chough
115. Common Bronzewing
116. Spotted Quail-thrush
117. Flame Robin
118. Nankeen Kestrel
119. Satin Bowerbird
120. Brush Cuckoo
121. Scarlet Robin
122. Sacred Kingfisher
123. Brown Falcon
124. White-throated Needletail
125. Australian Owlet-nightjar (heard only)
126. Bell Miner
127. Black-faced Monarch
128. Leaden Flycatcher
129. Striated Pardalote
130. Little Black Cormorant
131. Australasian Darter
132. Brown-headed Honeyeater

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

33 Bald Eagle

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Gotta regain that top spot!! ;-))

131 Woodcock
132 Stonechat
133 Tundra Bean Goose
134 Little Owl


South Hamilton, MA

We have heard owls at night--the barred owl, but of course that doesn't count. Will NOT go looking outside at a a.m.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from irisMA :
We have heard owls at night--the barred owl, but of course that doesn't count. Will NOT go looking outside at a a.m.

If you're certain you heard a Barred Owl, you identified it, therefore you can count it ;-)

The only reason not to is if you have any reason to suspect it might not have been one, e.g. someone imitating one or playing a recording of one.


South Hamilton, MA


15 Barred Owl (heard). It has been quite cold here, but the juncos & woodpeckers have been eating at & under the feeder on the ground.

Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

I think owls are best ID'd by their calls, so I would count it too. I haven't posted in a while and took several birding trips, so sorry for the long list.

64. Great Blue Heron
65. Neotropic Cormorant
66. Double-crested Cormorant
67. Brown Pelican
68. Killdeer
69. Herring Gull
70. Caspian Tern
71. Royal Tern
72. White-winged Dove
73. Eastern Phoebe
74 Loggerhead Shrike
75. Savannah Sparrow
76. Reddish Egret
77. Common Gallinule
78. Sandhill Crane
79. American Avocet
80. Willet
81. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
82. Merlin
83. Carolina Chickadee
84. Northern Mockingbird
85. Painted Redstart
86. Red-winged Blackbird
87. Eastern Meadowlark
88. Common Grackle
89. Brown-headed Cowbird
90. Inca Dove
91. Northern Pintail
92. Common Loon
93. Snowy Egret
94. Little Blue Heron
95. Tricolored Heron
96. White Ibis
97. Northern Harrier
98. White-tailed Hawk
99. American Oystercatcher
100. Black-bellied Plover
101. Spotted Sandpiper
102. Greater Yellowlegs
103. Long-billed Curlew
104. Marbled Godwit
105. Sanderling
106. Dunlin
107. Long-billed Dowitcher
108. Forster's Tern
109. Crested Caracara
110. Peregrine Falcon
111. Black-bellied Whistling Duck
112. Sora
113. White-eyed Vireo
114. House Wren
115. Marsh Wren
116. Carolina Wren
117. Common Yellowthroat
118. Red-shouldered Hawk
119. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
120. Pine Warbler
121. Golden-fronted Woodpecker
122. Ladder-backed Woodpecker
123. Great Kiskadee (Picture 5)
124. Black-crested Titmouse
125. Eastern Bluebird
126. Chipping Sparrow
127. Black Skimmer
128. Belted Kingfisher
129. Ruddy Turnstone
130. Bonaparte's Gull
131. Western Sandpiper
132. American Widgeon
133. Mottled Duck
134. Hermit Thrush
135. Blue-winged Teal
136. Green-winged Teal
137. Ruddy Duck
138. Least Grebe
139. Glossy Ibis
140. White-faced Ibis
141. Black-necked Stilt
142. Wilson's Snipe
143. Anhinga
144. White-tailed Kite
145. Lesser Yellowlegs
146. Vermillion Flycatcher
147. Cinnamon Teal
148. Red-breasted Merganser
149. Black-crowned Night Heron
150. Least Sandpiper
151. Tree Swallow
152. Snowy Plover
153. Semipalmated Plover
154. Piping Plover
155. Short-billed Dowitcher
156. Harris' Hawk
157. Greater White-fronted Goose
158. Couch's Kingbird
159. Orange-crowned Warbler
160. Swamp Sparrow
161. Plain Chachalaca
162. White-tipped Dove
163. Ringed Kingfisher
164. Green Jay
165. Long-billed Thrasher
166. Olive Sparrow
167. Lincoln's Sparrow
168. Hooded Oriole (Picture 3)
169. Altamira Oriole (Picture 4)
170. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
171. Sharp-shinnedHawk
172. Stilt Sandpiper
173. Common Ground Dove
174. Eastern Screech Owl
175. Common Pauraque (Picture 2)
176. Buff-bellied Hummingbird
177. Green Kingfisher
178. Lesser Goldfinch
179. Red-crowned Parrot
180. Tropical Kingbird
181. Great Horned Owl
182. Red-headed Woodpecker
183. Horned Grebe
184. Burrowing Owl (Picture 1)
185. American Pipit
186. Sprague's Pipit

Thumbnail by Elphaba Thumbnail by Elphaba Thumbnail by Elphaba Thumbnail by Elphaba Thumbnail by Elphaba
South Hamilton, MA

Wow I can only count 15 here, although that is mainly from the safety of the house. ☺

Mesquite, TX

Ok, I'm very poor at bird ID's but have identified what I can so far or left them off the list. It'll be hard to compete with you "pro" birdwatchers but I'm going to try.
All of the following have been seen or photographed by myself since 1.01.14.
1. Black Vulture
2. Turkey Vulture
3. Carolina Chickadee
4. Dark-eyed junco
5. House Sparrow
6. White-throated Sparrow
7. Downy Woodpecker
8. Eastern Bluebird
9. American Robin
10. Red Tailed Hawk
11. Coopers Hawk
12. Mallard duck
13. Bufflehead duck
14. Ruddy duck
15. American Widgeon
16. Ring-necked Duck
17. Lesser Scaup
18. American White Pelican
19. Canvasback duck
20. Pied-bill Grebe
21. American Coot
22. Graylag Goose
23. Northern Pintail duck
24. Snowy Egret
25. Great Egret
26. Great Blue Heron
27. Black Crowned Night Heron
28. European Starling
29. American Kestral
30. Rock Dove (common pigeon)
31. Northern Cardinal
32. American Goldfinch
33. Song Sparrow
34. Northern Mockingbird
35. Yellow-rumped Warbler
36. Northern Shoveler duck
37. Ring-billed Gull
38. Double Crested Cormorant
39. Wood Duck
40. Northern Flicker
41. Common Grackle
42. American Crow
43. Mourning Dove
44. White-winged Dove
45. Eurasian Collared Dove
46. House Finch
47. Mute Swan
48. Muscovy duck

This message was edited Feb 1, 2014 12:11 PM

South Hamilton, MA

We have not seen House sparrows around the garden for some years I am happy to say.

(Zone 5a)

That's a good start TXSkeeter, though I would change the first two birds to "Vultures". :)

From All About Birds:
"Although buzzard is a colloquial term for vulture in the U.S., the same word applies to several hawks in Europe. In fact, the Rough-legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus) of Europe is the same species as the Rough-legged Hawk of North America. "


IrisMA, That is amazing. We thought our population dropped seeing only a couple males in the fall, but BOOM! They're back. A Northern Shrike helped us out the other day by getting a female.

South Hamilton, MA

I am sure the HOS are in the area. Just not here.

16 American robin Almost missed it. In a tree where we were grocery shopping. Should be in our yard. We have enough berries on the viburnum.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

135 Green-winged Teal
136 Grey [Red] Phalarope ▬▬ pic
137 Little Gull
138 Black-throated Diver
139 Red-necked Grebe
140 Marsh Tit


Thumbnail by Resin
Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

I guess I will wrap up January - I am still missing a few obvious common ones.
16 Cackling Goose
17 American Widgeon
18 Common Goldeneye
19 Common Merganser
20 Ring-billed Gull
21 Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon) (in Denver - my area must not be urban enough for them)
22 Blue Jay
23 Black-billed Magpie (in Colorado Springs - I haven't seen one around here in years)
24 American Crow
25 American Robin (back this week after an absence of several months)
26 Red-winged Blackbird (lots of females but only 1 male)

(Zone 5a)

We rarely see Rock Doves at our place, either. We did have one come here in the summer of 2011 and it had plastic bands around its ankles. It was the hottest part of the year, if I remember, and it came over for food and water.

Our list is missing some too, but we hope to get them later. Some of the finches may not come down here since I read they have plenty of food up north this year.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

34 Common Raven
35 Verdin

Mesquite, TX

49. Blue Jay
50. Cedar Waxwing
51. Tufted Titmouse
52. Red-winged Blackbird

Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Nice lists everyone. Great pic of the phalarope Resin. Patti, nice one getting that Verdin.

Went to see the Hook-billed Kites reported in Mission Park. They were amazing!!! Flew low right over the path. Gorgeous -- killed me that I wasn't fast enough to get a good photo. The young woman behind me got a stellar photo. Great to see one though and actually, we saw 4, so even better. It was a lifer for me.

187 - Hook-billed Kite
188 - Black Phoebe
189 - Bewick's Wren
190 - Clay-colored Thrush
191 - Curve-billed Thrasher (pictured)

Thumbnail by Elphaba
Narracan, Australia

133. Blue-billed Duck
134. Australian Raven
135. Spotted Pardalote
136. Mistletoebird
137. Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
138. White-necked Heron
139. Blue-winged Parrot
140. Royal Spoonbill
141. Crested Tern
142. Hooded Plover
143. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
144. Common Sandpiper
145. Little Grassbird
146. Yellow-billed Spoonbill
147. Olive-backed oriole
148. Tawny Frogmouth

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Been forgetting to update . . .

141 Spotted Redshank (6 Feb)
142 Snow Bunting (6 Feb)
143 MYRTLE WARBLER (9 Feb) - first one I've seen in Britain (where mega-rare!)
144 Sky Lark (9 Feb)


(edit - remove a double-count)

This message was edited Feb 19, 2014 7:14 PM

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

22 Snowy Owl
23 American Robin

Mesquite, TX

55. Red-winged Blackbird
56. Purple Finch

(Zone 5a)

That's amazing, Resin. We haven't seen on yet this year, but this is near the time as we saw them last year. :)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Apparently, it's been there since late last year, but was not recognised by the owner of the garden it visited; they got photos of it at the end of January and sent them in for ident., and all hell broke loose ;-)

Pic nicked off one of the local birder blogs (no, I'm not in it!)


Thumbnail by Resin
(Zone 5a)

That poor bird! I hope it is not getting overly stressed.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It doesn't seem bothered, fortunately - and it has been supplied with a whole new lot of feeders put up in the surrounding area


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow. that's a lot of birders and photographers!

24 Purple Finch (yahoo, here comes spring)
25 White-Winged Scoter
26 Greater Scaup
27 Lesser Scaup
28 Red-Tailed Hawk
29 Brown Creeper

This message was edited Feb 13, 2014 8:31 AM

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

145 Red Grouse 16 Feb
146 Black Grouse 16 Feb
147 Glossy Ibis 19 Feb ▬▬ pic


Thumbnail by Resin
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Very cool Resin! I was just reading about that Myrtle Warbler! Awesome!

Snowy Owl Mrs. Ed! That's awesome too! I can't look at the photos on the GBBC this year. It tries to load them all and locks up my computer. I'm disappointed because I love looking at people's owl shots!

Tawny Frogmouth? Love that name. I have to look up that bird.

I haven't updated in a white either. I went down to Laredo for the Slaty-backed Gull and got some other goodies. Then I went northeast for hummers and the White-winged Scoters and got some woodpeckers and a Virginia Rail while I was at it.

192 - Pyrrhuloxia
193 - Fulvous Whistling Duck
194 - Solitary Sandpiper
195 - Eared Grebe
196 - Slaty-backed Gull - (Picture 1)
197 - Chahuahuan Raven
198 - Black-throated Sparrow
199 - Ruby-throated Hummingbird
200 - Rufous Hummingbird
201 - Calliope Hummingbird
202 - Red-bellied Woodpecker
203 - Pileated Woodpecker
204 - Tufted Titmouse
205 - Le Conte's Sparrow
206 - Allen's Hummingbird
207 - Brown Thrasher
208 - Cedar Waxwing
209 - White-winged Scoter (Picture 2 - headless White-winged Scoter)
210 - Virginia Rail (Picture 3)
211 - Bronzed Cowbird

Thumbnail by Elphaba Thumbnail by Elphaba Thumbnail by Elphaba
Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow, just looked up Tawny Frogmouth -- what a FABULOUS bird! So cool. Hope I'll have the chance to see one one day.

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