Winter just means we're closer to spring

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I know exactly how you feel.

Thumbnail by pirl
Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Planted Wada's Primrose this fall, I want to see it.( If I can just remember where I put it!)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, I have better news, my Clematis has peeps on it, Daniel D. has very nice size. I hope they forgive me for not covering them very good, we had a few time around 15-20 degrees which is unusual for this area. lots of the flowers are well, will see about the hostas since they are all in pots and they stayed frozen for long time. Today I discovered my Camelias are buding, and one has a bloom on it. I am glad they are ok, because I planted them in October, so they have not had time to grow healthy roots. I remember 1984 Winter when I got snowed in on Easter Sunday in Norristown Pa, so that helped to decide to move to the South and trow away my snow shovels. Now I have to have insect sprays and fire ant baits, you trade one trouble for the other. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm sure we're all anxious to see any blooms of anything at all!

Good way of thinking, Etelka. The hostas and clematises should do fine and your camellias are sweet to give you a taste of spring.

We're due for minor snowfalls this week. It's so boring by now.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I want to get out and get my hands dirty , I want to sit outside and see blooms and green leaves. I am tired of cleaning and I read and play games on my tablet .when I am not at work. I am so bored. I have been trying to cut back on how much I am eating so I dont gain more weight, but what else is there to do? I WANT HOT SUNSHINE!!!!! Boo Hoo.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We both feel the same way. Sick of cleaning, cooking, even taking cuttings of coleus.

I want to see earth or mulch, not snow.

I want to see hydrangeas with green stems, not some shade of gray or brown.

I want daffodils, the magnolia, the growing clematises, and a workbench loaded with lilies to plant and I want the coleuses growing outside, not inside.

At this point I doubt I'll ever buy a white flower again!

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

We have another round of wintry mix coming on Tuesday and Wednesday. I just keep thinking with all these cold days, that the plants that need the winter chill for good performance must be very happy.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I love your positive thinking.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Listening to Ringo Starr in one ear and the snow plows going by with the other........when is spring coming ????

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good listening!

By June!

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Etelka, I know when you moved south, you didn't expect you'd need your snow shovel again. I pray for your safety, as this ice storm takes over GA in the next 36 hours, dropping an unprecedented amount of ice over the southern portions of our state. Please stay safe, and be careful!

Spring can't get here soon enough. I don't mind the cold weather, but when forecasters are using the word "catastrophic" I'm now really concerned.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We've been hearing about the storm that's about to hit your area. Be safe! Hope you retain your electricity.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Arlene, and they're predicting that Augusta is going to get it worse than we are. I hope Etelka is ready.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's bad enough up here but it's not common to get those conditions in Georgia or much of the South so I hope it's not as bad as predicted. If people could just refrain from driving it would be easier to clean up the roads.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

one good thing, the church postponed the Wedn. dinner, so I am getting a week off. I am aware of my driving ability on ice, so I stay home. Today, I did not get milk, got some salmon in the can, tuna, canned soup and apples, so if the power goes out, I still have food. With my old fashioned gas stove without elect. parts I can cook and warm up the kitchen, bring the single bed to the kitchen and camp out.Hope the old oak tree is not to damaged from ice, otherwise I am SOL. I am dreaming of Spring, hope it's here soon. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That's a beautiful photo, Etelka.

Good idea with the foods you bought and moving your bed to the kitchen if it becomes necessary. I hope you keep your electricity and don't lose any power. It's bad enough that you'll get hit with the nasty weather. Be safe and stay in touch if possible.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Etelka, I agree with Arlene, please let us know how you're doing. Stay safe..

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I know they use the word catastrophic when they are calling for 12 inches of snow. But I remember when I grew up in MD and we would get 3 ft of snow at a time. That is catastrophic.
But then again we did not have a TV so we did not hear the forecast. It was in the morning we would say, Oh crap it
We are not use to getting any real snow anymore , so that is why everyone goes bonkers.
They rush to the store to buy food. If you shopped like me, you have enough food to last a week in the cabinets. Always keep dried milk. can goods. flour to make bread. Lots of candles in the drawer.
I wish everyone safe during the commutes to and from work. I will probably be one of them.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We always stay well stocked and aren't in the midst of the crazed shoppers buying bread, milk, beer, soda, chips and dips for a storm.

Just heard someone on radio saying Global Warming causes changes to the ice caps so we get more snow and nasty weather in the winter and hotter summers. I don't buy it. The ice caps are thicker than ever and last summer we only had one heat wave.

The dahlias in the basement aren't showing any mushiness or growth. I can only be patient - no other choice.

Hope everyone remains safe during this storm and hope Dan's golden shovel is ready for use.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I had to go to Walmart yesterday to pick up a few things and see if they still had a table on clearance.
Well I went through the garden center, and they had bulbs there. I could not help my self, I bought 4 bags, it felt good to buy I am going to keep them in a cool room so they dont start sprouting.
Give yourself an uplift in mood, go buy some bag

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Flower show starts here thurs.......can't freaking wait!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I know the feeling.

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