transplanting shrubs

Warrenton, VA

Yeah, well Milpil, that ASSUMES that you have an outside electricity source...which, with my 1950's cottage, it does NOT. LOL! I'm really just easing you, Milpil, as I (used to) know what frozen ground is all about...! I do believe that it takes a good, hard Winter to kill off lots of stuff, and this is part of my interest in the wacky weather pattern we are receiving these years in the Winter...
I have a brand new bird bath heater - got it in the hopes that I could USE it, and when I got home, Hubby looked at it dubiously and I realized that it was in vain. But, as our house has a 64th birthday coming up, I'm putting outside electricity on the birthday list, along with a paved driveway (or at least gravel) and then there's the leaky kitchen plumbing and on and on...but I LOVE my cottage!
I'm looking forward to my OWN transplanting opportunities!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Life is a constant give and take, unless you're rich enough to have it all (I don't know anyone who is). I can imagine your 1950's cottage is very quaint, character has a unique way of overriding convenience for me. It sounds like something right up my alley, I love renovating, modifying and fixing household issues. My DH doesn't get 'honey do lists', if he did, a house birthday wish list is a creative way to go.

You're right though, there are benefits to a lengthy winter freeze!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pseudo, I actually meant to say Sparky, for the spiky sparky limbs.

Why yes, VV if you ply me with beer, chocolate and an unnamed Viburnum I will believe your awesome "fir dans la neige" identification powers. Nice of you to offer!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! I'm in slightly warmer South Carolina for a family gathering and am enjoying a break from all that togetherness and A chance to read your posts! There are lots of live oaks draped in Spanish moss, with a few balls of mistletoe here and there. I learned some mistletoe trivia-- male and female mistletoe can't grow on the same tree. I'm interested in knowing how that happens-- squatter's rights? First one there "offs" the other?
It's surprising to see flowering plants; it's not that much warmer here...generally 10 degrees warmer than my area year-round.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I've always loved the Live Oaks draped in Spanish Moss. From a trip to Florida I came home with a whack of SM and lined all my outside pots with it. Turns out the birds loved it too and cleaned my supply out. Thanks for the Mistletoe trivia...enjoy your family Muddy.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Muddy I never thought of SC being only 10 degrees warmer than where you live... funny as when we go down to SC from Alexandria my parents would always comment on how much warmer it was than Alexandria. Guess the global warming has started warming the north....

Robin so funny you talk of the Spanish moss, as tonight on my way home from walking Gracie I grabbed a few handfuls to bring back to line a few hanging planters. I'll see if I can get a picture to show my handywork. The only bad thing for me with the moss, is allergies....


This message was edited Dec 28, 2013 11:41 PM

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Jan, I've been waiting 10 years for global warming to hit Michigan...(is it here yet?) No such luck.

Northern birds may not have seen that cool nesting material before. Jan, hopefully those allergies will change. Apparently your body goes through changes every 7 years. I'm only allergic to shopping, laundry, doing dishes, vacuuming...

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

When I had all the collies (6) in OH in the spring when they would be loosing their undercoats, and while I was brushing them out on the grooming table in the yards, the birds would fly down and pick up any that missed the bag....LOL Funniest thing to watch. So after the first few times of that, I got to were I would put a ton their old undercoats in a box up in the trees and there would be a field day with the birds.... such noise, I'm sure they were saying, get away I want the best of the best from those collies....LOL


allergies I've had all my life, they are some better now that I'm back in FL.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yeah, collie undercoat would certainly make a cozy nest. Moving back to FL was a relief in many ways...good, I'm happy for you.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

No undercoat to take care of now, as Gracie is shaved so she can survive the FL heat...

Thumbnail by meadowyck
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Aww, she looks like a totally different dog! She can survive the FL heat by shipping her to my house...

...just saying.

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