Red Buckeye Seeds

Chelsea, AL

Good afternoon, I have recently planted 20-25 red buckeye seeds in 1 gal. pots. The radicle has emerged on most since planting. Where my concern comes in is the fact that a few have already begun to sprout. I'm worried that these that have sprouted will be killed back if and when we have a hard freeze. Currently we have only gotten into the mid 20's thus far but we almost always see a few nights around 17-18 degree range. By the way, I am in central Alabama, zone 8a.

Should I bring these few inside to protect them or just leave them alone and allow nature to take its course?
Thanks for your help and advice in advance.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I've never grown Buckeye myself, but after looking at Plant Files, and seeing that they're hardy to cold zones…I would still bring any babies in, or give them some kind of protection. In my opinion, any and all babies, or very immature plants need protection until they are well established in the landscape. I'd err on the side of caution. Good luck with them! :-)

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I would bring them in to, though I also have never grown buckeye. I am assuming that these seeds normally germinate in the spring and by doing so now, they will be far too tender to survive freeezing weather. Once they are hardened up, that's when you should be able to plant them and forget them.

Richard, do buckeyes grow in central AL? They may be here in MS, but I have never knowingly seen one.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Richard, if you'd like more information on growing buckeyes, you could post your questions in the Tree and Shrub forum.

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