Best Plants for a Cool Greenhouse

Great Falls, VA(Zone 6b)

Where can I find a list of plants for growing and/or starting in various seasons in the cool greenhouse? I've got a small greenhouse and am finally beginning to enjoy it but would love some guidance as to what will grow at what temperatures by season or day length. Any one have any links or books they can recommend? I'm not a beginning gardener, but I don't know much when it comes to the greenhouse! There are so many plants I have never tried and I'm constantly discovering new ones.

I'm growing some cold season vegies (swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower) in it, and overwintering Boston Ferns and New Guinea Impatiens. The Boston ferns are doing great. Impatiens are hanging in there. and the Parsley loves it. I brought the window boxes in and the marigolds and Mexican sage are still blooming which is a treat. Some marigolds even self-sowed in the fall and are budded and ready to bloom. Petunias are hanging on, with a few blooms. (It gets down to 36 some nights, but I'd like to keep it in the 40s-50s, but I need a better heater.)

I'd like to start some flowers and herbs this spring. Does anyone force bulbs in their greenhouse? I'm in Zone 6 here and wondering what else I can be grow in a chilly greenhouse.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

You can start literally any flower or herbs in your greenhouse in the spring. IF you heat it, you can start them in the winter months, and they will be much further along when you are ready to put them outside. Also heating it will allow you to grow tropical plants through the winter months. I don't know anything about bulbs.


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