Weather Watching #4 Winter 2013/14

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from sallyg :
Between hobby supplies and housekeeping there is enough to keep me busy for years if I'd do it.

LOL--there's the rub! It's amazing how certain items stay on my 'to-do' list for an entire year... ;-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

year, decade…

Well, over here, the roads are still just wet. This snow is wetter and heavier than the last. Snow is steady. the old hobbies might have to wait while I take rare pictures of snowy things in the yard. LOL
The radio guy just said the snow is tapering off out west -Frederick- and will end in a couple hours around here, no more than couple inches.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Snow coming down steady and pretty hard here (White Marsh Area).
I would not want to go out in this. Don't really have to. I am off all week--
so no worries about getting to work.

My Subaru does pretty well. Love that car! Would buy another one if needed.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Glad you don't have to go out in this Gita.

Been hearing some things in the weather report that are new to me. The first is that this snow is being termed replenishment snow. Seems we have been in a 'snow drought' for several years now.

And just now, "This is the kind of weather that will slap you around and pick ypur pockets before it's over." Yikes!

Concern is that any moisture and melting will refreeze as temps fall dramatically.

On the bright side, my house and yard actually are pretty with a little snow cover!!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Not looking forward to a refreeze, but 'replenishment' sounds good.

Gita, glad you are home safe and sound!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yehudith: southern States has a 44 pound bag of Azomite for $34.99.

You'd have to call to see if a store near you carries it.

But what do you use it for? The instructions (from the website) are a little odd: "When preparing soil, customers have reported an average of 30% improvement with AZOMITE® treatment at the rate of 1/4 cup per plant. For larger areas, we recommend two 44 lb bags per acre (based on rows approximately 18" apart with plants 12" apart). If the bed is established, sprinkle around each plant. AZOMITE® should be applied with compost, humus, manures, or other fertilizers to provide additional levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. AZOMITE® will not burn plants. For houseplants, mix 1 teaspoon per 2 inch pot diameter with potting soil before planting. Give 1 teaspoon quarterly thereafter. For roses, start with 1/4 lb. to the soil around each plant and lightly till into soil."

How can it BOTH be true that you should apply 1/4 cup per plant -- or 88 pounds per acre? At 1/4 cup per plant, I'd think I'd need many more than 2 bags for my 1/2 acre lot (and of course my house and driveway take up a good bit of that 1/2 acre). I didn't run the math, though. I don't know how much a cup of Aconite weighs, either, or the volume of a 44 pound bag. Now there's an applied math challenge for you, speedie!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am sure if you Googled it--all your questions will be answered...

I am not sure--but I think Azomite is used much the same as Perlite or Vermiculite.
Don't know any more.....G.

Well--I guess i can Google it too....

This message was edited Dec 10, 2013 1:16 PM

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Go here this is a whole thread on the stuff. I haven't used it yet, but everyone that's used it sings its praises.

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)


Yes its less expensive if you live close enough to make it worth the drive. For me with gas the price it is factored against what I make per hour I really come out better ordering it from Amazon. I find that with a lot of things. Even though the major grocery store in our area is just a mile from our house I often come out better loading my grocery list on line and having it delivered from them because I can make a lot more per hour than I can save by doing my own shopping.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Azomite is for micronutrients, the minor minerals that may be lacking. See more on that thread from yehudith.
Last time I asked my SS store, they looked at me funny.But they should be able to get it. Also used as a mineral supplement for farm animals, I believe.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We got enough snow, maybe 4-5"s before compacting to plow, With colder temps coming I wanted it out of the way so the areas may dry and have less to refreeze. It is fairly light, but Holly says, she likes snow better when I shovel it. LOL

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

yehudith: Where are you (vaguely) in Silver Spring? If I get some, maybe I can buy some for you and drop it off.

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)


Do you know where the Giant at Colesville Road and New Hampshire are where they're building the new police station? You could walk to my house from there. Yeah of course I'll share. I only got a 2lb bag to try it out first. When I get the big bag I'll let you know.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yehudith, I didn't mean to ask you to share -- I just meant that if I buy some from a Southern States store for less than Amazon is charging, I'd be happy to share some of that with you. But I still haven't asked Southern States if they really do carry it..... I don't know your Giant -- sounds as if you are at the northern tip of Silver Spring, whereas I'm close to the southern tip. But periodically I make forays into your neck of the woods.... I'll probably be heading in that direction soon because I need to pick up some pine roping from Meadows Farms.

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

You'll go right past my house I think. Good L-rd !!!! I went back and read your post again. I'm in bad shape! Yeah, if you want to split a bag or work out a pick-up that would be wonderful.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Brrrr it is cold. Even the temperature inside the house is colder than usual. I think one of the heat pumps has stopped working, and it is too cold and too dark to go out and check. Didn't keep the wood stove going since I was at work and don't feel like getting that going now either. I think I'll just stay under the covers and throw an extra blanket on for good measure.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

lol I'm wearing a hat!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, did they ever fix your furnace??

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Aren't you sweet to ask! Yes, burner chamber has been replaced and am crossing fingers that oil pump lasts thru the winter. Ordered in 100 gals of fuel oil but with these colder than average temps, not sure it will last until my finances catch up so I can get some 'replenishment' oil!

Guess this must seem strange to some reading this, but my income and outgo are on the margins and not near the average life style for this area so $300 plus expenditures are something I save for when I can and borrow for if I can't.

Wearing a hat as in "I in my kerchief and Ma in her cap" is not new bedtime attire and is an old winter camping trick. If my head is warm my feet don't get cold!

Ric, glad you got that plowing done. Quite a foray for your first 'back to driving'!!!

All the roads I have to travel on are dry. Hoping whatever this weekend storm brings stays liquid while I deliver yet another stuffed with ads newspaper.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I always cover my head at night, too--definitely works to stay warm.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well this is off topic but I'll update anyway- quote myself

where were we talking Azomite? The southern states in glen burnie has it i their inventory at 34.95 for the 44 pound bag like happy saw. But they couldn't locate a bag in the warehouse, so call first or wait till spring.

Read more:

I have read that wearing socks to bed can help you sleep better, so I think --cover both ends!

Fingers crossed for you Saturday night X X

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I took Josh to buy coal for his house today. He said at the rate he was going through wood he'd be out by the end of the month. I think he said last year he burned 9 cords. That would be a 10'x12' stack 9.6' high. That's a pile of wood. We usually only burn a little wood to start and end the season when heat needs are lower, probably 1-2 cords.

We have enough white for Christmas, it can stop anytime for me.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

The Burtonsville Southern States doesn't carry Azomite. (I just called, and they clearly thought I was nuts.) I'm heading out to Southern States for pine roping (plus a million other errands).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, every self respecting gardener has to make somebody think she is nuts sometimes.

making pea soup and watching the clouds roll in

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

> Well, every self respecting gardener has to make somebody think she is nuts sometimes.

LOL! Back when I was looking for chicken grit and Turface (have a good source for them now), I talked to quite a few people who thought I was nuts!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, I made split pea soup with ham last weekend and enjoyed it all week. Great cold weather soup! Enjoy!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I buy 44 lbs. of Azomite for $22. I pick up orders for several people, so no shipping, and I DO get all my amendments from him.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The snow has started here, fine, fast, and furious. This one will last since the temps were so low. There is very little heat left in the ground.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

great price, but shipping adds 24.40 for me. = 46.40

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

love split pea soup

it's snowing here again too... sticking to the roads now as well. glad to be in for the night

supposed to volunteer at a Camden soup kitchen early. hope the roads aren't too icy

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

It started snowing here around 2PM. beautiful, big. white snowflakes.
I almost wanted to run out and take a picture...

Then, in no time at all--it changed to small flurries.
Then--it was a;ll gone. That was it fore today. maybe some rain later.....

Amazing how different the weather is for each of us!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We probably got up to 6"s. Temps are up so we have compaction and melting already. I'll go ride my tractor to clean up the large areas, driveway and parking. Holly has already cleared most of the decks and paths. It is a winter wonderland and delightful to see, just a lot more work than I can even think about.

Our beautiful sunny morning just went to a grey overcast.

This message was edited Dec 15, 2013 10:44 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sunny, breezy, no accumulation.

Does anyone else think the caterpillars at the first post look like mustaches? That thought came to me; now I can't think otherwise.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I had a professor friend in Boone (Appalachian State Univ.) who was the wooly worm expert. Many years of study proved no veracity to the length of the markings. Fun, though!

Yep Sally, they DO look like mustaches in the first post!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm just glad my mustache doesn't look like that! LOL

Hit 38*F areas cleaned off are drying.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Me too Ric. Although maybe mustaches could be weather predictors or mood indicators?

Thumbnail by coleup
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

You mean they WEREN'T mustaches? I didn't even think about it or wonder why this post had started with that particular photo LOL. How oblivious I am sometimes.

We had quite a bit of snow here yesterday and it just added to the inches still left over from Tuesday's storm.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)


you guys are all too funny

Sally, you had to say that! now I'll always think of a mustache when I see one!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We already have somewhat of a mess out there, and it's snowing again. It's coming down pretty hard, with predicted temps of near 60 coming by weeks end anything cleared will be nearly dry.

The snow has left up to a very fine dust, the overcast however remains foreboding.

The snow has stopped and the sky has cleared, the sun is even trying to peek at us.Still below freezing.

This message was edited Dec 17, 2013 3:15 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

hi, all. Winter Solstice is tomorrow, Saturday Dec 21! I posted a topic in its honor. ;-)

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