
Gold Canyon, AZ

I have three vigorously growing Milkweed plants. I have never pruned them back because I wasn't sure about when or how to do it. There were no blooms over the summer. They are now all about 40 inches high and looking rather scraggly. I want them to draw butterflies and wish I knew how to take better card of them. Any advice? Thanks.

Mesa, AZ

I have 6 milkweed plants- 3 doing great, 3 looking really scraggly. I stepped up the water on the scraggly ones (they get very little!) and they are starting to look better. The 3 good ones were getting more water than the others, so I felt this was as good a place to start...


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Milkweed is native around here. They are known to grow mostly around marshland, bogs, and swamps. In other words, somewhat wet areas. I'm not sure how they would do in the southwest, but if they are hot and dry that might be the answer to your problem.

They are quite beautiful in the spring when in bloom, and a real attractant for butterflies. Right now they are in the podding stage, producing little "parachute" type seeds that spread everywhere. Otherwise, they are pretty much considered weeds.


Thumbnail by lycodad
Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

We have numerous species of milkweed in AZ, including 7-9 that do well in the low desert regions of the state.

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