Vote for your favorite County Fair Recipe

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 40 votes:

Hazel's Cheesecake
(20 votes, 50%)
Red dot

HOT! Sweet and Sour Marinated Pickles
(1 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Oatmeal Bread
(9 votes, 22%)
Red dot

Quick Bean and Sausage Stew
(10 votes, 25%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh man oh man oh man lbarden547, that Oatmeal Bread looks soooooooooo good!!!! I've saved the recipe (I hope you don't mind!) and the ingredients will be going on next week's shopping list! I can't wait to make it!! < =D

A couple questions, if you please?

1: What is the "equivalent amount" of dry yeast as compared to a cake of compressed yeast?
2: I do all my bread kneading by hand. How long should I knead the dough by hand, please?

Thank you again! =)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I'm confused. Where ARE these recipes? I went to the County Fair page & even voted in all categories, but I did not see any recipes, & the items in the food categories did not appear to correspond to those listed here. Clearly, I seem to have missed something. Can someone please explain or point me in the direction of the recipes listed in this poll?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The recipes are in the Cooking Forum at this link:

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thank you!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Ok, I voted, but it was a very tough decision, because ALL of the recipes look delicious. Sure would be nice if I could tag them for future reference. :-)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Use "screen capture" until we get the return of tags.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

can't eat cheese or oatmeal.....make my own pickles......... so that leaves the bean and sausage stew which is super healthy and right up my alley!
thanks for the recipe.
i'll be making this one soon.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I'll do a Saturday article to announce all of the winners so you can have everything at your fingertips shortly.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, pirl.

I actually did that. I've begun to 'grow' my own, crude 'database' of recipe files on the laptop that way. Tags would be much simpler, but jpegs work, too. Thank you for responding to my problem.

Edited to add:

Thanks, Melody, pulling them all together in an article that way will make them very easy to find again.

This message was edited Sep 24, 2013 2:49 PM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The tags will be back...they're going to give us a way to tag individual posts (a huge help for those really long threads)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I've been tagging individual posts all along since the tag feature was 1st introduced. If you clicked on the Post# on the left of a specific post, you would see just that individual post in a box on the screen. Then by clicking on the little, yellow folder icon at top right you could tag that specific post. Almost all of my prior tags were done this way.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Good to know...many folks wouldn't know to open the post...great tip!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I did it the same way because reading some of those long posts, or using CTRL F (for "find") would be too exhausting compared to just getting the precise post I wanted.

Thanks, Melody!

Lake Helen, FL

I never found the recipes either, but...cheesecake! Any cheesecake!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


The link Melody posted above will take you directly to the thread which contains the recipes. (Thanks. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one.)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Dream, thank you for that tip on tagging, I'll remember that one! :)

Trackin, you can't eat oatmeal? Aawwww, why not? Allergies? Gosh, I would be so sad if I couldn't eat oatmeal, I practically live on the stuff from Oct - April. (it's nice and easy on the braces, too!) =)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

can't eat oatmeal but i can and do eat quinoa every day...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

You are welcome, speediebean, although my guess is when tags are restored the interface may be somewhat different.

On the issue of oatmeal and other hot, breakfast cereals, I would like to offer up another idea, one which will no-doubt sound odd to some. Brown rice. It is actually quite unexpectedly delicious as a hot, breakfast cereal topped with milk & sugar (or honey, Spenda, stevia, etc). It's even more awesome with other grains such as red quinoa, red rice, pearled barley, rye berries, etc mixed in - such mixtures are available in the market rice aisle. Whether using brown rice alone or mixed with other grains, cook according to the normal directions for brown rice.

To ameliorate the problem of the long cooking time (30-45min for brown rice), I cook 6-8 servings, store them in individual, 1-2c containers stacked in the fridge, and microwave for 1-2min when ready to eat. Inexpensive. Healthy. Convenient. And unexpectedly delicious.

Edited to add: Actually, brown rice is often an ingredient in expensive, multi-grain, hot cereal blends, which is where I got the idea.

This message was edited Sep 25, 2013 2:59 PM

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh yummy!! I do love rices of any sort for breakfast, including savory ones, so I'll look forward to trying that! Currently, I've cut down on my rice consumption only because the little things are hard to chew with my weird braces situation (the orthodontist built up a spot on one of my lower molars to prevent me from biting down on the braces with my over-bite... which means NONE of my molars come together for properly grinding food).. errr... where was I? Oh yeah, so for now, I can't chew rice properly, and the little guys get stuck in the braces something awful! LOL!! Oh well, just a few more months to go, then I'll be ready for wonderful rices for breakfast again!! Knowing me, were I to do the plain brown rice, it would probably be just that; plain. Just like I like my oatmeal! (borrrrrring!) < =D

Trackin, I hear a lot about quinoa, I'm really going to have to try that one day! Any favourite ways you like it?

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i make a batch once a week. it's a very bland food and lends itself well to other dishes. i use it in place of rice for sure, since it has more protein and fiber. i put it in soups, over salads cold, as a base for beans, etc.
it's kind of like eating birdseed. LOL
i have a fourth cup every morning with an egg over easy on top of it and a couple of chicken breakfast sausages. what a great breakfast!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh man, that sounds really yummy. Yup, definitely gonna be adding birdseed ... errrrr, quinoa to next week's shopping list, it's a Must Try. Thank you! =)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

Al Fresco all natural country style chicken sausage is the one i buy. very few ingredients and it is SO yummy. fully cooked too. quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) cooks in 12 minutes. i hope you do try it. 340 calories for that breakfast and keeps you feeling full.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

My typical breakfasts usually have about that many calories, give or take a few (1/2 cup apple sauce and a yogurt), but it sure isn't very filling. Will be nice to have something more substantial and still not have to worry about not fitting into my truck anymore! :)
(Psssst! Thank you for the help on the pronunciation, I was saying it wrong!) =)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

glad to help!!! :-)

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I cook beans and sausage for dinner about once a month and sometimes serve kale on the side with buttermilk corn bread. I never thought to add the kale to beans! Also, I just noticed that the kale was ready for harvest yesterday. I can't wait to try this bean and sausage stew recipe!

By the way, all the recipes sound yummy! Thanks to all who took the time to submit a recipe. I agree that there should have been more pointing a finger at myself. I'll try to do better next year.

Kingsville, TX(Zone 9b)

Speediebean, I am very happy that you are saving the recipe and will try it!
My apologies for not responding sooner, but for some reason I often find DG a bit hard to find my way around in. Seems like it's not real user friendly, but then maybe I don't examine things closely enough. I didn't find this thread until now. :>(

To answer your questions:
1. 2 1/4 tsp dry yeast = 1 envelope dry yeast = 1 cake compressed yeast.
(How I wish I could still find compressed yeast!)

2. A little harder to answer. I've never timed it. I go by appearance and 'feel', just as you would with hand kneading. Knead until it has that smooth, glossy, elastic texture. Granted, it won't be as smooth as 'regular' yeast dough because of the oatmeal in it. But you say you do all your kneading by hand, which leads me to believe you are an experienced bread baker, so you will know when it has been worked enough.

Hope you enjoy this bread as much as we do!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oooh, God Bless your fuzzy heart, THANK YOU!!! Yes Ma'am, I am quite familiar with the feel of many different sorts of doughs, so I will have fun with this one! =) Even though I use a bowl, I mix all my doughs by hand from the start like my Grandma did: Make a 'well' in the center of the flour/dry ingredients, dump the liquids into that, then start working from the outside inward to incorporate it all together. It's just FUNNER that way! =)

May I D-mail you after I've made it, to give you an update?

I'm sorry you're having difficulties getting around in here. I can help you with that; if you come across anything you have questions about, please feel free to D-mail me any time and I'll help you all I can! :)

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I made beans and sausage yesterday and added fresh kale from the garden. Even my picky husband loved it!

Kingsville, TX(Zone 9b)

I would love an update! It's always nice, I think, to know how others do with recipes one shares. I'd even like to know if the results are awful! Which I am sure they won't be in this case. :>)

I used to do my breads like you do, but for a number of years now, Arthritis has dictated how I mix things. Thank the Good Lord for a heavy duty Kitchen Aid stand mixer! Plus, as kids and Grandkids have grown up & moved out on their own, there just isn't much need to bake anymore. I do miss that!

Thank you for the offer to help me navigate this site, I appreciate it. Basically, I think I just need to slow down & look closer. For example, it took me forever to find the Voting Booth. I didn't even know there was such a thing, because I had never scrolled down past the list of forums that are on my 'Home' page!
Live and learn!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm with you, I'm absolutely certain the bread will NOT turn out awful! =) I have.. well, I guess just a bit of arthritis in my hands and wrists, but it's mostly awful in my neck and right shoulder.. I find that "working it out" makes it feel better -- the more I do, the better it feels, so I just keep pluggin' away. There's just the 2 of us at home now (son's been moved out and no grandies yet), but that doesn't stop us from eating, LOL!! I love to cook and bake (and eat!) too much to stop that. ;)

Greenbrain, this has been pretty good Kale weather, from what I hear... though I've not grown it myself. What sort(s) of beans did you use? The dish sounds really yummy!!

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