Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

Mostly on my Brandywines. The smaller of the 3 is an Italian heirloom and may be something different all together, but the Brandywines... YUCK!!!

Thumbnail by sweetie77 Thumbnail by sweetie77
Sierra Vista, AZ(Zone 8b)

Am I correct in assuming that this happened some time (days?) after picking and that the tomatoes were bunched together (in the positions shown in the photo) on a countertop or equivalent? If yes, for how long?

Off the top of my head, it looks fungal. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

looks like they have cracked recently, and as willy said, looks like some fungi took advantage

Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

they were scabby and getting worse while still green. I took the pic and the fungus started after I picked them. They had been on the counter for 24 hours. They were bunched together, about 6 and now the plant is nearly dead.

Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

kind of bunched together on the vine. 3 and 3. I only grouped them after picking for a picture. When I cut them, the devastation goes deep, like severely bruised.....

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Very typical catfacing mainly when pollinization occurs when temps are too cold and happens mainly with large beefsteak shaped varieties.


And Google IMAGES:


Lots of good links to read in that first link.

Hope that helps,


Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

yep, that's it! It was very cool here too! What a crappy year for my tomatoes :(
Thanks Carolyn!

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Interesting photos- what I would like to know is how do people post to those Google pages? I don't ever see where it can be done, yet there are hundreds in any catagory.

Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

I think they just take them from the web. Ya never know the net time it's searched my pic could be up there. I have searched images before and seen images from DG.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I just searched Google and found a whole tutorial I created and posted on another website!

Whatever happened to "rights protection?"

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

Quote from JoParrott :
Interesting photos- what I would like to know is how do people post to those Google pages? I don't ever see where it can be done, yet there are hundreds in any catagory.

It's just a search engine that displays the results as thumb nails. If you click on the picture you are given a bigger one and a link to the original page.

Google has software that goes from one link to the next cataloging the internet. You are talking a million computers working on the web. A recent system wide google crash dropped the Interent traffic by 40%

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

So, Doug- people don't post to it? If not, then where do the photos come from? Maybe from DG posts?

This message was edited Sep 12, 2013 1:58 PM

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

No, people, such as we individuals don't post to it.

Just look at the link I gave for the general Google search for catfacing and you'll see the origins of where the links come from

It isn't a message site.

As for me,I'd be lost if I didn't have Google in my faves b'c I don't think two days go by when I'm not looking up info for someone else,or myself.it' easier to give a link than to type out everything which is why I and many others do it.


Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

I agree totally, Carolyn- I use Google search exclusively- one could spend every waking hour there and never get finished! I was just curious where the images & info all come from. The world of "cyber" is just so fascinating and awe inspiring.

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

Quote from JoParrott :
So, Doug- people don't post to it? If not, then where do the photos come from? Maybe from DG posts?

This message was edited Sep 12, 2013 1:58 PM

They come from all over the net. On my browser if you put your mouse pointer over the picture it shows you where they come from.

This link, http://www.wisegeek.org/how-big-is-the-internet.htm shows some of the swags about the size of the internet. When you find a couple of hundred photos that relate to something it's like picking a grain of sand up at the beach.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

WOW - that is kinda gross! I didn't have a good year with mine - I had surgery in June, then got hurt after that and just couldn't take care of them like I normally would. But now there is an abundance of them out there that need homes, because we have too many, lol. Just wish we'd had them earlier like I'm used to. Carolyn - I did the black Krims, and those plants kick some butt, but yes, they are salty. I would really like to get some seed for the regular Black Russians I had years ago, but couldn't find any last winter when I was shopping for them. I really like the Rutgers - awesome sweet flavor. My dad is coming over with his tractor in October and is going to did us out some new garden space for next year.

I hope I never have a fungus problem like that..... I spray with Neem and it seems to help, but you just never know what is around, floating with the wind....... oh - and I had a packet of messenger, but never used it. Like I said, I was a slow mover this year.

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