Daily Bird Pics (and Conversation) #453

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey that IS pretty interesting and also quite amusing.

The lantern is perfectly tilted.

Nuts, I was kind of amazed by the vireo too. I never saw more than one, but i did see it regularly at the stream.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Margaret!! Amazing video and study! Thanks for sharing it.

Mrs_Ed, I thought I spotted a Japanese Maple in your pics. Very pretty. Maybe your Vireo will show up again next year...with a mate!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

OH my poor japanese maple. I fried part of it, setting up a fire pit too close. d'oh. I'm sure it will be okay. Anyway, the warblers like to come and land in that tree first, then on the little wire fence and then to the stream. The fence was only there to hold back some plants, but since I discovered that the birds perch there, giving me time to get the camera

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
PERTH, Australia

1 & 2 New Holland Honeyeaters.
Australian White (Sacred) Ibis

Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

We have the Carnaby's Cockatoos in the area. We usually see them in flocks of up to 60 birds, but this day a few weeks back there were at least 200 birds. Habitat loss is doing these gorgeous birds a great disservice.

Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK
South Hamilton, MA

We are all suffering from habitat loss unfortunately.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Resin, great Kingfisher! Love the metallic colors on the bird.
Nice contribution everyone!

The goldfinches have shown up with their youngs, and I'm getting more Chipping Sparrow. I have a lot of White-throated Sparrows, this fall. Have seen some Warbler passing through as well. I think the two RT hummer left yesterday. I have not seen them at the feeder today.

Here's a few birds from the area.
Goldfinch, Yellow Warbler, and Spotted Sandpiper.

Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007
(Zone 5a)

Usually my photos belong in the appallingly bad pix, but I actually have a decent one of a Swainson's hawk.

That is a gorgeous Kingfisher, Resin. What a pretty little spot you have, Mrs. Ed.

Our summer birds have mostly left, but I am daily begging the Mourning Doves to stay, so they're safe, but I am not sure they're listening. The woodpeckers and Blue Jays are acting like winter's around the corner with their early morning ruckus.

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Chilly. I've been noticing all the Blue Jay activity too!

SO here is some stream action. Yellow Throated Vireo (1 and 2), a lifer for me; Tennessee Warbler, and an unknown warbler. I didn't get a picture when it was not all fluffed out!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Whoa...lots of activity here in the last few days!

Mrs_Ed, that's the first pic I've seen of the actual layout of your stream...NICE!! Wow, you guys have a really close view of all those gorgeous birds. Congrats on the Yellow-throated Vireo!

Margaret, always love your beautiful and unusual birds! That's an amazing shot of the Ibis!! It's just so sad about the habitat losses of wildlife everywhere.

Burn, sounds like you're getting lots of bird activity. Wonderful pics! Nice to see you around, again!

Great shot of the Swainson's Hawk, Chilly! It's eyes look almost human.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Great pix everyone, thus far I haven't seen very many a migratory birds. Juncos, and sparrows and such.

I've seen more and more geese arrival. Here is a welcoming sight this morning for me. A newly arrival flock of geese, view from my backyard.

Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Don'w worry Lily, they haven't arrived in my yard either, though I have read some reports that the sparrows are starting to arrive in the area. I'm waiting for the Yellow-rumped warblers, they should be here soon. Im going to Mom's this weekend, that's always a good opportunity to see them.

PERTH, Australia

Cookie fest?

(Zone 5a)

How wonderful, Lily. I really enjoy all the clamour of the Canada geese when they get ready for take off. Congrats on the lifer, Mrs. Ed. We heard our first a couple of weeks ago.

We've had an amazing drop in birds at the feeders. I've not seen anything like this once we started feeding, except when an Accipiter comes by, but usually the birds are back within an hour.

Today, I had one Mourning Dove, a couple of Jays... that's it. Not even the house sparrows. Other than it being so weird, I am not too concerned as they will come back. Last year at this time, we had Savannah, Harris's, Lincoln's, Chippings and Clay-colored Sparrows all stopping by. I still need that Savannah for my year list, so it needs to get over here now! :)

Though this is not super recent, it is a favorite photo. This young Eastern Phoebe was so curious. Not only did it peak in the window like this, it would perch near me when I was outside. It would land maybe 20 feet, but then come even closer for a time.

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Central, AL(Zone 7b)


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Nope Margaret, too early for cookiefest. It's applefest… AKA Autumn Birthdays.

Cute Phoebe.

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Great pics everyone. Especially that vivid shining electric blue, Resin.


Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Long time no 'type' TheHackster. Welcome back. Mrs. Ed. Autumn Birthdays sound like nice time of getting together. Chillybean, Eastern Phoebes stay here all year round, I heard them the other day, but rarely see them. Happy birding everyone.

No new pix, this one was taken back in August from South Alabama during our family vacation. Brown Pelicans.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Lily, lovely pics of the Geese and very cool Brown Pelicans!! And of course that beautiful lake. We have Canada Geese all year. They seem to be comfortable almost anywhere so we see small flocks constantly which is really nice.

Did you say COOKIES, Margaret? Yum...I'm there!

Very sweet shot Chilly! She definitely looks curious. I'm sure your birds will show up. Bird timing this year has been unusual, starting this spring.

Mrs_Ed, birthdays, apples, leaves and anything else Autumn is what I thrive on...My absolute favorite season!

Hack, Welcome back!! Great to hear from you again.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I couldn't believe my eyes but last Monday we had a pair of orioles out here. I told them they were running very late and the jelly bar had closed!

This photo of a Ruby Throated hummer is from the *th...but we still have a pair here on Sept. 29!

Thumbnail by nanny_56 Thumbnail by nanny_56
(Zone 5a)

As far as we know, nanny, our last Hummingbirds were the 29th. One decided it was so hungry, it could not wait until I got the feeder on the branch. It even perched to drink while I was holding it.

I really like my doves and any that are here are safe. I just wish I can keep them here until hunting season is over.

The first one definitely felt secure in that it rested on the feeder. The second one is just funny with its backwards head. :) It was preening.

Thumbnail by Chillybean Thumbnail by Chillybean
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Nanny, it's amazing you're getting Orioles this late!!

I found this cool Oriole link on "Journey North's" website. Though I've visited their site lots of times, I never realized they had so many pages on Orioles. The link is to a "FACs" page, but if you click on the "Oriole Home" page, there's much more fascinating info.


Cute Hummer pics! I especially love the first one with her tiny little feet hanging down!

When migration started from up north, we suddenly got bunches of hummers...more than we've ever had before. They were everywhere, in the trees, on the feeders and constantly zipping around the yard. It was great! In the last week or two they've been leaving. We probably only have a couple left and and they've been getting really fat. I expect they'll be gone any day now.

Chilly, PLEASE keep as many Mourning Doves around as you can (I know you will). When does that awful hunting season end? Soon, I hope. Your Doves do look content.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I forgot to post my pics before I hit preview :-o

1) Just Chillin'

2-4) Splish, Splash / Gotta dry those wings / Cleared for take-off

This message was edited Oct 2, 2013 1:46 PM

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
South Hamilton, MA

We get a few M. doves hanging around all winter. No one hunts them here.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

N.A.N, that is very interesting information. Some I knew but things I did not know too. So maybe those orioles were not going as far south!

Love your Pics!

Hummers still here!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I had a hummer yesterday, but I only saw it chasing a warbler, not feeding!

Speaking of Warblers, it was a very birdy day here yesterday. Several Tennessee and Myrtle Warblers, Eastern Phoebe, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Lots of Robins eating Virginia Creeper berries then bathing in the stream.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone, lovely Robin at the stream Mrs. Ed.

1. Eastern Towhee; these birds stay here year round for me. During nesting season the female(s) are seen attacking her reflection on vehicles paring outdoor. I have to cover those mirrors to prevent them from self injury.

2. Geese are arriving here in flocks every day. This morning I saw flocks that ranging from 14 to 20 each.

3. Red-headed Woodpeckers' found themselves a home -- among the lakeshore.

4. A pair of great egrets.

Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love
South Hamilton, MA

So glad that you have the towhees. They used to be in the area & on our property, but we have not seen them for some years.

(Zone 5a)

Dove hunting season goes from 1 Sept until 9 November. So far, we have a nice group of Mourning Doves hanging around here. And our special one came back right on time yesterday afternoon to rest and feed at the hopper.

What is so disgusting about this hunting season, is it was sneaked through the legislature because they wanted to avoid all the Audubon people and the general public from creating an uproar as they have in the past.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2013 7:00 PM

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Nanny, after reading the info on Journey North I was thinking the same thing as you...that maybe your Orioles weren't migrating as far as others.

I haven't seen any Hummers for a couple days. The last ones I saw were looking really fat and were spending long periods of time sitting at the feeders alternately drinking and resting.

Lovely pics Mrs_Ed and what a great variety! Does your stream freeze in winter?

Lily, you also have an incredible variety. I imagine many of our birds up north will be with you for a while now. Enjoyed your pics!

IrisMA, interesting that your Towhees have moved elsewhere, but birds sometimes do that. Have you had a lot of construction in your area recently?

Chilly, I sure hope there are lots of folks like you that try to keep as many Doves around as they can.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Nuts, I turn the stream off sometime in November.

South Hamilton, MA

This has happened over the years. Yes there have been houses built, but there is still a lot of wooded area.

PERTH, Australia

One of my Australian Pelican shots from several years ago was the featured bird in the Bird File Pix and Kim asked if I'd re-post them here. Resin explained that the Pelican stretches its pouch over its body to help maintain the suppleness of the pouch. Amazing stuff.

Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Absolutely amazing stuff! Thank you Margaret for sharing those awesome photos. I can't wait until I show family and friends these images.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Mrs_Ed. I should have figured as much. Man-made stream = having the ability to turn it off. That really is very cool!

Iris, I suppose it happens with a lot of diffferent birds. They tend to come and go from areas, especially when searching for natural food sources. I know Goldfinches do it a lot, even within the same year.

Margaret, those are the most AMAZING pics!! Thank You for sharing them and Thank You, Kim for the suggestion to re-post them! Resin, you deserve a Thanks as well, for sharing your incredible knowledge of birds!

Those pics really motivate me to do my morning exercises. And one...and two...

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Double-Crested Cormorants. Alas, I arrived too late to get the classic wings-spread-to-dry photo.

Thumbnail by pollengarden Thumbnail by pollengarden Thumbnail by pollengarden Thumbnail by pollengarden
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Holy Moly. First Junco of the season! Pictures later!

(Zone 5a)

We just got our first Juncos, too. And saw some Butterbutts, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Turkey Vulture, and several varieties of native Sparrows!

And our Mourning Doves are still here!!

Those are the neatest photos, Margaret. I had no idea Pelicans did that.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Seem to be down to 1 hummer as of yesterday...no pics then or today yet.

We have had Song Sparrows coming to the yard and garden all summer and I finally got a couple of photos.

My Bad....guess these are Chipping Sparrows

This message was edited Oct 11, 2013 10:06 AM

Thumbnail by nanny_56 Thumbnail by nanny_56 Thumbnail by nanny_56
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice shots pollengarden!! That's a lot of Cormorants.

Mrs_Ed and Chilly, Congrats on the Juncos! Boy, that seems early. I haven't seen any yet, but that doesn't necessarily mean we don't have any, since they can really blend with the background.

Nanny, very cute pics!! I feel pretty certain our Hummers are gone. I'll keep fresh sugar water in a couple of feeders for a while, then eventually go down to one, for ease of cleaning.

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