Wildlife and Weather prediction

Agawam, MA

Does anyone have any good weather predictors? I know that there are some about the wooley caterpillars, the bushiness of squirrels' tails, the sighting of certain birds, etc., but I don't know the details if anyone can help. My best weather predictor is my foot which I broke 3 years ago - I'm about 95% accurate on the prediction of rain or snow!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Something in common Cindy - I can get the same forecast with my knee!

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Inside the seeds of the persimmon the kernal has different shapes. The only one I have heard the meaning of is the spoon shape and that is supposed to mean shoveling a lot of snow.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

Just before we're fixin' to get a storm the birds come to the feeders in droves. The squirrels have very bushy tails this year...although I hate the thought of running the furnace,we sure could use a hard winter to kill off some of the fire ants.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Back home we used to say that if the birds built their nests high in the trees it was going to be a mild winter - but don't know whether it was true or not!! Know what you mean about the knees Candee!!

In the fall, if the wooly bears(caterpillars)are very big and wooly,means a rough and cold winter' Didn't see any this fall,so don't know what that means,lol'

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I noticed that the birds were building their nests quite low in the trees. We used to say this was a sign for severe weather. Don't know if there is any truth in it or not.

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

I don't think this would apply to anyone up north. two years ago i discovered we had hummers, and when they leave seems to coincide with the cold here.

two falls ago and this one they left around 10/7-9th, first bad frost was the week of Christmas two years ago and we seem to have that kind of cold coming this week, whereas last year we had killing from in november and the hummers left well before 9/30.

my grandparents saying was blooming dogfennels meant six weeks to frost.

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