How do you fertilize your perennial garden?

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Yeah, and the deer would like them even better...!!! ^_^

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Don't they bother the tulips, lilies and daylilies too? At my late mother's house on LI, all that is decimated!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

In one bed, they ate the daylilies down to the the other, they are left alone (so far!)

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I still have the vole and mole problem. some of my hostas are gone. I fight them each year and just hope something comes back the following year.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Oh, I have those, too....LOL!!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Finally got a picture of the area I want to redo. You can see a few roses trying to bloom to the right. But mixed with the Hosta to the left and right are roses that bloom only once now. So from the Lime Light( on the left) to the side walk to the left, is the area that needs redone. In this area now are a few iris , roses, Clems, Hosta, scotch broom that needs a hard trimming in the spring, day lilies and astible's that have gotten over shadowed. I think I have a few baby peonies in there also and a couple of azaleas that did not do well after a tree fell on them. I want to try and incorporate it into the one to the far left and create a path between them.
I bought 1 very large azalea, 5 small, 2 box wood, and 2 small holly bush's. Each say they need at least 3ft of growing space.
I guess I need to measure the depth I am going to do and the full length and draw that up, and then place everything on that drawing in its growing place.

Thumbnail by marie_kap

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