How do you like your iced tea?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 109 votes:

Plain tea with nothing in it for me.
(22 votes, 20%)
Red dot

Sweet tea is the only way to go.
(18 votes, 16%)
Red dot

Lemon in my tea please. (sweet or unsweet)
(14 votes, 12%)
Red dot

Fresh mint or other herbals please.
(9 votes, 8%)
Red dot

Some, or all of the above.
(22 votes, 20%)
Red dot

We don't drink tea at our house.
(8 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Other? (tell us!)
(16 votes, 14%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Other. i had to switch from coffee for my arthritis, so I now drink hot tea, I love lemons, but the meds dont like citrus and I am fond of my lliver! Mint is my favorite, with a half teaspoon sugar, but there are other flavors I like such as the orange spice, and the vanilla chai, ice tea just doesnt work the same way either...

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Sun tea steeped with fresh mint of some type is my favorite.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

For me, its sweet iced tea during the day, at night hot chamomile tea left plain

Lexington, KY(Zone 6b)

Other=unsweet tea w/lemon

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

With lemon, if it's sweet tea. My favorite is plain unsweetened, which hubby calls "yankee", or Northern tea! lol…That's what I get for marrying a Southerner!
Really enjoy adding pineapple sage to it …Nice fruitiness!

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

1/2 unsweet tea and 1/2 lemonade! It's so good!

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I 'love' sweet iced tea, but I also like hot tea with a spot of cream.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I will drink almost any type of tea as long as it isn't too strong. I had to cut out almost all sugar so I like a tea with mint or lemon or orange. Not picky at all.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Sweet tea!!! I can drink it plain but rather not. lol.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I enjoy them all , voted herbal , fresh mint though ,, I drink nettle tea all the time . Pick it myself from the weed bed ... good stuff , !!!

OH and nettle and peppermint together are twice as nice , bitter herb tea that is not so bitter !!! lol

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

has to be 'regular' tea... not that fruity stuff and NOT instant (hate that stuff!)

Hebron, KY

I love unsweetened brewed iced tea! I drink it 365 days of the year! Morning to night. Nothing added to it except ice cubes.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Ever tried Decaf Tea. It is wonderful. None of the bitterness but all the tea flavor. I went defac for a few yrs. many yrs ago and started drinking it. Family got reg tea. One day they ran out and drank mine and said it was better. They all wanted the decaf after that. Not sure how it would be for hot tea. Not much of a hot tea drink.

Sweet Iced Tea for me please.

Instant with lemon for spice tea mix in winter when have bad cold

Pretoria, South Africa

Peppermint tea, sweetened or unsweetened, and rooibos...

Forgot to add - hot or cold.

This message was edited Aug 6, 2013 11:19 AM

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Rooibos is very good. :)

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

I only drink green or white tea with a drop of stevia

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Heavily or lightly sweetened, I love tea hot or cold, green or black. Lemon is good, especially when I have a cold -- lemon and honey please, but in the summer, a nice way to get a lemony taste without adding actual lemon (this tip is for you, Kittriana!): a sprig of Lemongrass! It adds a lovely lemony taste without the actual citrus in it. Check with your Dr. first to make sure that it would be safe for you!!
I keep decaf teabags on hand too, for the evening. Gotta get my 42 hours' beauty sleep! ;)

Lake Helen, FL

In a restaurant, I'm pretty sure to order Arnold Palmer. At home, I brew it with ginger and black pepper. Lemon and sugar don't show up until the hot tea of wintertime, when my lemon tree is in bearing.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Decaf sun tea, unsweet as I'm diabetic, usually with mint from the garden or some lemon or orange slices while it brews. Sometimes mint and lemon when I want to live on the edge.

This message was edited Aug 6, 2013 6:42 AM

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

sweet tea (brown sugar)....

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

No tea for me, iced or otherwise. I do enjoy an icey cold bottled Budweiser after working in the garden, nothing beats that first swig! Ahhh.

Charlotte, VT

I just like plain old water. No staining and no calories. However, maybe I should try to like tea because it's supposed to have many health benefits.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I drink my ice tea (brewed only; no instant for me!) with Splenda. I would rather drink it without any sweetener than with sugar.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I came down on the side of herbal. I like it cold in summer, hot in cooler weather.

For a sweetener, I prefer locally harvested honey which seems to help allergies also.

My two youngest granddaughters just discovered peppermint tea for breakfast. Depending on their mood, hot or iced.

And my sweet young daughter (their Mom) gifted me with this tea mug/brewer. I love it and use it daily.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oooh that's nice, Pod!!

Our son is really "into" tea, however he really likes traditional Japanese tea, with all the ceremony to go along with it, so one year for Christmas DH and I got him a really nice cast iron tea set at Teavana with loads of teas to go with it. He's hooked!

Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean
Kensington, NY

I like herbal infusions, mint, lemon, OR _lime_ in my black tea, with just a little sweetening. Sweet tea is something I will drink on occasion if I need a sugar rush!

I like most herbal teas, just not chamomile - something about the smell is just nauseating!

I like cake and other sweets as much as anyone, but cake with something like coffee or tea - a little on the bitter side - for contrast and palate cleansing.

Seriously, sweet food and drink will not cut the bad taste of asthma and allergy medicine inhalers, but astringent food and drink will. Think bitters - your taste buds and your waistline will thank you.

Heather Y

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Very good "food" for thought, thank you Heather!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Freshly brewed decaf tea with just the slightest bit of Splenda to cut the bitterness. Seems to please just about everyone except those with a terrible sweet tooth (hubby) and he is welcome to add in whatever disgusting sweetener appeals to his taste.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't drink a lot of iced tea. I actually read somewhere somewhere recently that it was bad for you! Will have to find that again.

When I do drink iced tea, I have become fond of green tea with honey.

Otherwise my preference would be a (hot) mint tea with just a bit of sugar to make the flavor pop.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I voted other because I don't care for iced tea. I prefer hot tea. When I gave up sugar in 2005, I also gave up drinking tea.

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9a)

How do you like your iced tea?

In someone else's cup.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

My favorite is sun tea made with 2 tea bags of a plain orange pekoe (like Lipton or Luzianne) and one tea bag of Constant Comment Green Tea. Love the hint of orange and cinnamon, without being overwhelming, and the green tea adds a certain fresh taste to it. Every time we serve this to friends or family, they comment on how wonderful it is, and ask what kind of tea it is! Constant Comment Green Tea is getting hard to find, though. I buy 5-6 boxes every time I stumble upon it.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

booker, amazon has it...and a lot cheaper than the stores.
CC has always been my favorite tea and still is.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I never thought to look for a grocery product on Amazon. Thanks!

Lake Helen, FL

If you have a citrus tree, adding a leaf to the tea you are brewing can give it an enticing flavor. Since the oils, especially of Seville orange or lime, are solar accelerants, however, either drink it late in the afternoon, or apply sunscreen to your mouth and lips right after.

Hebron, KY

I brew Lipton decaf tea at home, drink the Lipton Pure Leaf brand bottles and drink brewed ice tea in restaurants.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

amazon is loaded with grocery products! i do half my shopping there.

(Zone 5b)

If I were completely honest, I would say home brewed, cane sugar sweet tea. Alas, I am a good girl most of the time and drink sun-brewed unsweetened iced tea.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from trackinsand :
amazon is loaded with grocery products! i do half my shopping there.

Ditto. I can find many things there that I can't source locally, even organic. :)

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