Fall Swap 2013 at Sallyg s Haves and Wants

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Lets each list or Haves and Wants here. Each person one post which you can edit to add plants or keep track of requests.

We can discuss our Haves and wants and make requests over on this thread

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Reserved for a list of the plants I'm parting out and will need new homes for!


Chesnok Red $1 Karen 1
Music $1 Critter 1, SS 2, Karen 2
German White $1 Karen 1
Georgian Fire $1 Critter 4, UMD Terp 5

Oregon Blue $.75
Wiiamette $.25

Elephant Garlic $2


This message was edited Aug 25, 2013 7:06 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I may not be able to make it to the swap so I may need to prevail on DG people near me to cart what I have to the swap.... I'll do pre- and post-swaps to the extent possible.... I can drive the plants over to Sally's a week early if she is ok with that....

I'm going to keep adding to this; for the moment this is what is on my mind.

Ajuga (nothing fancy) (ssgardener)
Anemone hupehensis ‘Hadspen Abundance’ (typwc)
Aster "Avondale" (ok in dry shade but can reseed aggressively so must deadhead) (SallyG and Chantell (hold Chantell's for October swap))
Begonia Grandis (I have tons) (3 pots each for SallyG, Terp, Catmint, Aspenhill; 2 plants for ssgardener)
Buddleia Nanho Blue -- I'll try to root cuttings (Sos07)
Carex grayii -- a short ornamental grass -- despite reports to the contrary, it is not invasive (though it seeds a tiny bit), and it does not require especially most soil (I know, because I haven't killed it). I have probably had it for 15 years. (typwc)
Chrysanthemum x rubellum 'Clara Curtis', http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1938/ (typwc)
Clethra Alnifolia (Chantell (hold for October swap))
Conoclinium coelestinum (perennial ageratum) (lots for Coleup)
Echinacea "Magnus" (Catmint)
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae (Catmint)
Hibiscus "Blue Satin" cuttings -- http://www.greenwoodnursery.com/page.cfm/72575 (this is a hardy hibiscus - I have no experience rooting it, but hibiscus is usually easy to root) (Catmint)
Hosta Ginko Craig (Catmint)
Kalimeris (possibly -- not sure it'll be ready to divide)
Lamium galeobdolon subsp. montanum 'Florentinum' (watch out -- it's a spreader)
Leucanthemum “Becky” (probably)
Lysimachia clethroides (gooseneck) -- supposed to be invasive, but hasn't been so for me -- it is in a partly shady spot (Sos07)
Monarda "Raspberry Wine" (very tall and flowers are plentiful but not huge; a top performer in Chicago Botanical trials) (3 each for ssgardener, Catmint, Gita)
Nepeta, provided I can root cuttings (I have various cultivars, including Walker's Low, Purple Mist, and Dropmore) (Walker's Low for typwc; Purple Mist for Sos07)
Ornamental grasses – I can cut off divisions of some of those I planted last fall and this spring on my awful front hill – let me know if you are interested and I’ll see what has grown enough to divide
Penstemon "Huskers Red" (3 for Donnerville)
Penstemon "Dark Towers" http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/plant-finder/plant-details/kc/d533/penstemon-dark-towers.aspx (3 each for typwc and Donnerville)
Plecanathrus Mona Lavender newly rooted cuttings (Donnerville?)
Rudbeckia laciniata
Salvia Black and Blue newly rooted cuttings
Saxifraga stolonifera (strawberry begonia) (hardy here) (I have tons of this) (SallyG says: "And your strawberry begonia Is a good plant if any one is debating that.") (typwc)
Sedum Autumn Joy (I have a ton already potted up)
Sedum Ternatum (my favorite sedum) (small starts) (ssgardener)
Solomon's Seal, variegated
Stylophorum diphyllum (Wood Poppy)
Sweet Woodruff
Tiarella cordifolia ‘Eco Running Tapestry’

I can root if you like:
Beefsteak Begonia
Begonia "Leaf green" (I think that is what it is called -- the leaves are a dark green, and it is a cane type, but I can't now find anything on-line -- I got it via a co-op)
Slender Deutzia
Spiraea Anthony Waterer

I also have:
Ditch lilies galore
LOTS of stretchy white net bags from Santa Rosa (used for packing plants) -- about 3" (stretch to 7") wide by 12" (stretch to 14") long -- good for storing bulbs, etc.

Tinantia pringlei (smallish starts) (Greenthumb and Terp – promised last spring)
Hakonechloa macra Aureola (typwc)
“Soda” bags (Chantell (hold for October swap))
Geranium (ssgardener)
Elderberry Black Lacy cutting (ssgardener)

Geranium (ssgardener)
Elderberry Black Lacy cutting (ssgardener)
Hypericum Brigadoon (Catmint)

Anything for dry shade
Liatris Spicata (Kobold?) (Catmint)

check short ornamental grasses for those that are division-ready for typwc

This message was edited Aug 29, 2013 9:34 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

cactus soil

hardy geraniums (besides the bigroot variety which I already have)
Baptisia false indigo
dwarf/mini conifers

LOV and H. Guac to Happy
Heuchera Encore to Judy
Heuchera Encore to Catmint
cactus soil to catmint and Judy
Small butterfly bush to sos
Bay leaf cuttings - many

ajuga Black Scallop from Typ
Sunny knockout rose and Dazzleberry from Typ
Twisted Lipstick plant from Gita
Variegated willow from Sos
pussytoes and white geranium from Sally

This message was edited Aug 31, 2013 5:22 PM

This message was edited Sep 8, 2013 10:16 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Tall Bearded Iris 'Indian Chief'

Hosta 'Sum and Substance' to Typ
Monarda 'Coral Reef' to Happy, Terp, and Sally
Ajuga Black Scallop to Donner
Iris 'Indian Chief' to Critter

Sally: Jasminum nudiflorum, cutting from PB shrub
Typ: Hosta 'Guacamole', lonicera sempervirens, liriope, Crocosmia, Sedum Dazzleberry
Donner: Agastache 'Golden Jubilee'
Gita: Hosta "Green Fountain", Pink Astilbe, Big Root Geranium, compact Mum, Liatris, Rose Campion, Coleus Inky Fingers & Mocha
Coleup: Lemon Balm

This message was edited Aug 27, 2013 5:14 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Updated 9-1


--Dug up daffodil bulbs. Lots! (1 bag to Happy)--(Lots to Paul).
Will bag up at least a dozen per bag. These bloom a bit later
than others and last longer. White with deep yellow trumpet.

--Baby African Violets--Rooted.--3 to Robin--2 to Jill (pink w/purple edge)

--Baby Thanksgiving cactus--Rooted/growing..

--Hosta divisions--potted--"Green Fountain". (10)--(2 to cat-1 to Happy)

--Beautiful Swedish Ivy starts (in 4" pots)--have 4-- (1 to Happy--1 to Karen)

--Pink Astilbes (3)--1 to Karen--1 to Cat

--Lots of dug up and potted Foxgloves. Either pink or white. (some to Happy)

--Rooted starts to"Big Root Geranium" (6)--1 to Cat.

--Very well rooted and growing starts to a pretty, compact Mum
Multi-layered white and yellow small blooms. Blooms later than others--
(1 to Cat) 2 to Karen)

--I lg. pot of Autumn Sedum--the regular pink/red one.

--<->Green Acuba--(1)-- (Taken--Happy)

--Some rooted (Olga's) Fig Tree cuttings--still small. OK on tug test!
MUST winter inside 1st year! Have 4

--Spider Plants-- rooted in pots and growing. (about 6).

--Brazilian Plume Flower--have 10-- 4" pots--2- Jill--2 to Paul.
***BTW--Most of these cuttings will gave a bloom on them by the Swap.

--Sedum--"Blue Spruce". (2)--to Karen

--Hosta--"Green Fountain"--(10 pots)--2- to Happy; 2-to Cat;

--Hosta--true Dwarf--tiny! Blue/purple blooms. (3).

--"Twister Lipstick Plant"--6 cuttings potted up--still rooting. (2 to SS--2 to Paul)

--"Coleus "Mocha"--10 pots--rooted. (1 to Robin--1 to Jill-1 to Cat.)

--Coleus-"Careless Love" (2)-- (1 to Robin.)

--Coleus "Inky Fingers" .Have 8--4 packs. If you ask--you will get a 4-pack.
1 (4-pack) to Happy--1- (4-pack) to Robin--1 (4 pack) to Karen.

--Coleus--"Fishnet Stockings"--have 8 pots..... First come....

--Purple Oxalis--about 4. Will divide my 6" pots. (1 to Karen).

__Silver Maple self-sowed start. About 10"-12" tall.

--A self-rooted, growing Holly ("American" I think"). About 12" tall.

--One division of Liatris--(Taken-Cat.)

--6 small pots of Rose Campion.-(all to Cat.)

--1--4" pot of Lily of the Valley"

Promised to:

--SS--"Twister Lipstick" plant (1)

--Happy--Inky Fingers Coleus; "Green Fountain" Hosta; Green Acuba; Daff. bulbs;
Foxgloves; Swedish Ivy;

--Karen--One Sedum "Blue Spruce"; One Astilbe; One Swdish Ivy (4"?--8"?)--
Oxalis; 2 bags of bulbs--2 Mums.

--Paul--Twisted Lipstick plant(s); Brazilian Plume-2ea.;

--Catmint--Hosta "Green Fountain"; Pink Astilbe; Bigroot Geranium; Pretty Mum;
Liatris; Rose Campion (3); 3 different Coleus....Mocha, Careless Love, Inky Fingers.
Dwarf Hosta; Wasabi Coleus; Bag of Daff. Bulbs;

--Jill--Brazilian Plume (1 or 2). 2 baby AV's (not asked for) for Joyanna.
Coleus "Mocha"; Coleus "Inky Fingers"; Dwarf Hosta;

--Happy--Monarda "Raspberry Wine"
--SS---Sweet Bay branches/leaves (?)

Reminders to self:

--Potato salad
--bring Sally the tub.
--Fly paper
----AV's to Jill
--Bring Paul all the rooting (?) azaleas.
--Table and Chair.
--"Bugs" to A. ..Butterfly too...(??)

This message was edited Sep 1, 2013 9:40 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Tiger Baby petite tiger lily from aspenhill- I just potted five bulbils that had started to grow roots right on the plants

Plumeria rooted tip cutting from this spring, manageable size as potted plant this winter

Chelidonium majus, double Floro Pleno- THis is an non native potentially invasive plant (invasive in the single flowered type)- one fully grown plant with lots of seed pods.

Delosperma- hardy ice plant with hot pink bloom

Calathea snake plant houseplant

Ruellia, tall purple flower you all noticed last fall

Maypop vine- but beware of invasiveness

Jerusalem artichoke- tubers to eat or grow

Antennaria pussytoes, creeping with silvery tiny leaves- lotspi
Hardy gereniums- bigroot pink , and 'Biokovo' white

Groundcover aggressive vines- Vinca major variegated, vinca minor green, yellow archangel, winter creeper ( actually creeping shrub)

Peanut butter shrub - two more

Carolina allspice aka bubby bush aka Calycanthus- one left

Iris, Noid Lucy, medium height purple, several clumps

White heirloom lilac that i THINK needs more cold than I have here. Couple years old, five feet.

pink bleeding hearts seedlings

Corydalis lutea seedlings

Hot Greek Oregano- three

Regular Greek oregano

my noid 'lanceleaf rudbeckia black eyed susan,' see ID thread lots

Lysimachia Firecracker

sedums, creeping, couple kinds= Angelina, Blue Spruce


In general- have lots of dry shade needs to compete with tree roots
Begonia grandis- happy is giving me to plant around Spiderwort
Typwc sedum dazzleberry

Catmint- Jasminum nudiflorum, PB shrub
happy- bottlebrush buckeye, pussytoes
greenthumb- Brown Turkey Fig nicely rooted baby if still wanted
Jen, ? PB shrub
Sos- blue phlox creeping
ssgardner- pussytoes, maybe Biokovo hardy geranium, star of bethlehem bulbs

donner- carolina allspice, Ruellia
typwc sedum dazzleberry carolina allspice

This message was edited Aug 22, 2013 4:52 PM

This message was edited Aug 25, 2013 9:56 PM

Central, MD(Zone 7a)


Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

UPDATED 9/2/13

To Happy: Acanthus spinosus, Phlox, Allium sphaerocephalon (Drumstick Allium), Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Fire King', Dazzleberry
To SSG: Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop', 1 Rosa "Radsunny", Daylily 'Nosferatu', Sedum Sunsparkler 'Dazzleberry'
To Cat: Hosta 'Guacamole', a few Liriope plants, Lonicera sempervirens, Crocosmia, dazzleberry
To Sally: Sedum Dazzleberry
To Critter: Crocosmia, dazzleberry
To Coleup: $4 for garlic, dazzleberry; coleus 'Swallowtail', Phlox and a hosta 'guacamole'
To Gita: spent ageratum flowers for seeds

From Happy: Anemone, Carex, Hakone Grass, some other random grasses maybe, Catmint cuttings, Chrysanthemum x rubellum 'Clara Curtis', Strawberry begonia
From Coleup: Garlic, Elena EE
From Donner: Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
From Sally: Carolina allspice

This message was edited Sep 2, 2013 7:55 PM

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

HAVE (Still available)

Japanese Anemone (Potted up in the spring. I think they are the pink flower variety.)
Agastache 'Golden Jubilee' (attracts bees and butterflies)
Clustered Bellflowers (http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/56332/)
Apple Mint (originally from Gita)
Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' (http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/56833/)
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' (http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/54899/)

African Violets ('Shimmering Sunshine' and 'Cool Mint' babies)

Rose of Sharon (any variety with white flowers and red centers)
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Yellow Cowslip Primrose (http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1092/)
Centaurea montana

Happy: Clustered Bellflowers, Brunneras, Anemone, Geum, L. 'Alexander'
Gita: Clustered Bellflowers
SSG: Japanese Painted Fern
Catmint: A. 'Golden Jubilee'
Pat: Acanthus Mollis
typ: Acorus

Happy: Penstemons
Cat: Ajuga Black Scallop
Sally: Ruellia, Allspice

This message was edited Aug 14, 2013 6:44 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry as I'm not going to be able to make it after all... :(

This message was edited Aug 23, 2013 10:45 PM


Happy do you have any Lysmachia clethroides left,I'd love to have some? I know about invasiveness,my neighbor now owns my autumn clematis ,and the trumpet vine( that she thinks just showed up in her yard).I have been making so many gardens this summer,that I mostly just have lilies,butterfly bushes and I could use anything that anyone has too much of!


Happy,do you still have Nepeta"purple mist'.If you don't have time to start a cutting ,I can root it.Someone asked me for a cutting of the variegated willow(I used to remember all the botanical/Latin names) ,but as the M.S.progresses it is affecting me more psychologically than physically

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sos07 -- I'll put you down for both Lysmachia clethroides and Nepeta" purple mist'. I don't know if the latter will root in time -- and I'm not going to be able to make the swap, so I'll have to cut it in advance (ssgardener (and maybe catmint too if I have too much) is taking my plants for me.) If the Nepeta doesn't make it, I can root it in the spring.

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