crabapple pollination

Grand Rapids, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a fairly new crabapple, started from a whip about 4 years ago. I don't recall if it bloomed or not this spring (sorry), guess it needs a cross pollination. It has no apples now. I have two of these trees, will that suffice for cross pollination or do I need two different kinds of apple tree> They were growing right next to a plum tree until I just moved them.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

A quick check on the Internet indicates that most crabapples are self-fertile, but also that they prefer direct sunshine, so maybe the problem is that the plum as shading them too much.

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Also, often a young fruit tree doesn't set fruit the first time it blooms.
Crab-apples are such common ornamental, there is usually enough in a neighborhood to provide pollination.
Not much fruit on trees around here this year because we were all hit by a late frost.

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

Crab apples are also susceptible to apple scab. Scab can prevent fruits from forming or dropping early. With the wet spring we have had scab is bad this year. Any black spots on the leaves?

Some varieties of crabapple do not produce fruit.

Also application of products like Sevin insecticide during bloom can cause flowers to abort.

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