Different Big Beefs?

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Is there a difference in the meatiness of Hybrid & OP Big Beef? Last year the ones I grew were nearly seedless and very meaty. This year they have lots of seeds and gel. I am so disappointed.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

What is the difference from last year and this year , are you growing the same ? Did you buy the plants or grow them from seed ?
Hybrid seeds won't always be constant , that I do know from experience ..

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

I thought hybrid seeds would always result in the same plants- last year I don't know if I had OP or hybrid seeds, this yesr was hybrid-

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

Hybrid seeds do NOT produce the very same plants, their seed will result in an entirely different tomato plant, probably one of the types used to make the hybrid. OP are the ones that keep the variety true from seed, as long as there arent other different types too nearby that they would swap pollen--then you would end up with a cross anyways

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I was going to say and still am saying . grow the original hybrid seed (if it was not) and grow the OP one of each ,
The result will tell you the one you want to keep .. or in the case of the hybrid, the one you want to purchase and grow..

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

jmc, I did not sow seeds from a hybrid plant- I bought a pack of seeds that were labled Hybrid Big Beef. I know seeds from hybrids will not be true.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

In past experience and why I am still on here ?
The Hybrid seeds are anywhere from 90 or 95% true as to what Hybrid they are . Companies and Hybridizers are good , only not perfect ..
When that all became common (hybrids) decades ago , it was not uncommon for only 50% of the hybrid seeds to be the they were being sold as ..

Anyway the one you got this time obviously was not what you wanted , '
Back to the OP ?

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

ah, i was thinking you were trying to save seeds from a hybrid plant that you had already grown, those are the ones that will not be guaranteed. Its quite something then that the seed packs you actually buy in stores will usually provide the plants advertised huh?

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

All I want is a tomato that tastes good, has few seeds and NO dark gel-(can't take that!) and is very meaty, and of course produces well and is big enough for one slice on a burger !!! That's not too much to ask, is it? LOL. That's what the Big Beef did for me last year, but certainly not this year. My Bush Beefsteak and others are not ready yet, so possibly one of them will make me happy. This year is SO late for tomatoes & peppers-at least for me.

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