Something is wrong with my apple tree

Pleasant Hill, CA(Zone 9b)

All- I have a new apple (1 year old), and just noticed the leaves have a weird pattern on them. It is just a few leaves, but the number is increased. Any suggestions?

Thumbnail by happygirl345 Thumbnail by happygirl345
SW, AR(Zone 8a)

Be aware of Fire Blight.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

What variety of apple is this and how often do you water? I'm in a similar climate to yours and have both an Anna and an Ein Shemer and both of them will show some browning of leaves when it gets really hot and they're thirsty.

Pleasant Hill, CA(Zone 9b)

This is a fuji. It gets water about every three days (10 minutes)

Fire blight... I will look it up. What do I do about it?

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't think this looks like fire blight,but is most likely sunburn. Water deeply at least once a week and watch the tree to see how it responds. Being a young tree that may be experiencing it's first hot summer, it may be somewhat stressed.

Pleasant Hill, CA(Zone 9b)

Okaaaaaay. Whew. THAT is totally fixable.

(and I agree... when I went to google images, it's clear this isn't fire blight)


Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

My Ein Shemer is around 2 years old and bore some apples, but they started so late the sun did them in before they could ripen, but my Anna, which is a dwarf and is 7-8 years old produced 2-3 bushels this year.

Pleasant Hill, CA(Zone 9b)

Can't wait!!! I have espaliered two fuji, a honeycrisp, a barlett and a bosc into a pattern called Belgian Fence... will add pictures when I take them!

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm going to try espalier with my next apple tree; either a Hollywood, Fuji or Golden Dorsett.

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

the picture on the right also looks like necrotic leaf blotch.

Pleasant Hill, CA(Zone 9b)

wow it has been awhile since I've been here... Drobarr, what is necrotic leaf blotch? (I'm afraid to ask!)

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