What am I doing wrong ? ... Honeysuckle !

Success, MO

Hi all,

I've been trying to root honeysuckle from cuttings.Have had no luck to date.

How do YOU do it ? And what about those berrys I find on some of them,Seed pods ? Better to start them this way ?

Thank you,

Hi NoWeedSZ' What I do is take some of the vine and put it on the ground with soil over it'
Honeysuckle seeds will work,quickly germinate and plant'We're getting close to a freeze so maybe you should wait 'til spring unless ya have a greenhouse to grow the seeds' I've never started from seeds' Good Luck' HTH,Sis'

Success, MO

Thank you,I'll give it a try.Only trouble is ,these shrubs/vines aren't in my yard.They are cuttings sent by others.

Think I will see how I do with Seeds.

Thanks again !

I just figured it was a plant that you took cuttings from,lol'

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

I started 6 cuttings I got in Colorado in Aug...thought it was too late for them to root, but used rooting hormone and put in soiless potting mix, stuck in a baggie to keep it humid. 2 rotted and 4 made it. Remove rotted parts right away and keep moist. Good luck.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

take an empty 3 liter empty plastic bottle. cut in half. the bottom part, punch holes to allow excess water out. place some foam peanuts on the bottom part- barely enough to prevent soil from scaping. set aside.

mix i part of sand, 1 part peatmoss, 1/2 part perlite. wet the mixture with water. place some of this mixture in the bottom of the plastic bottle. dip cuttings in root tone. get a pencil, create a hole on the soil. place the cutting. if u need to add more soil, add some but make sure u pat down the soil to keep cuttings snug. place the top of plastic to cover, besure the screw top is on too.

believe it or not u just created ur own portable green house. place under the kitchen sink, where it dark. occassionally check the cutting has enough moisture, but NOT saggy wet. in 3-4 weeks u should have a new plant.

check this url http://www.botany.com/lonicera.html for further info. hope that help u... ma vie

Success, MO


COOL ... I'm trying these RIGHT NOW !!


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