Can taller than wide vines be trained to be wider than tall?

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

So many vines grow very, very, tall . . . and what I want is for them to cover a fence that isn't so tall, but much longer than their reported width. So, I am wondering if it is possible to train their normally vertical growth to go out to the side, instead. Rather than having to lop their tops off every year, and planting more of them closer together, which would also require more water.

(One of the vines I am considering using is the Violet/Lavander trumpetvine. Some sites say that it grows 10'W x 20'T, but this one says it grows 20' long (which could mean both in width & tallness) :

Violet Trumpet Vine (Clytostoma callistegioides)

Also, I need to know how close --and how far-- from each other to plant them (in clay soil),
to avoid overcrowding of their roots, as well as to avoid gaps between plants. Exactly as recommended, farther apart, or closer?

Thank You! (:

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well if you keep redirecting them you can cause them to grow anywhere... Between the constant bending to a lower form. And clipping the tips... Most things can become low hedges.. Working on. A few here at mothers this year... A 1 1/2 foot tall cypress vine hedge. And a 2 1/2 foot tall hedge of Temptation. A passion vine... I've given it a few long shoots also... I'm going to give it one 50 foot line to grow across the front of the greenhouse and up about 20 feet into a tree at the end...just to see what one very exposed shoot might accomplish.. Pictures when I get up and out this morning

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

We'll give it a try
The folly with the cypress vine...too many volunteers trained to a too small fence...just awaiting a few weeks of un attention to engulf the world near by...inside and out of the garden it surrounds

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk

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