Astrantia info needed

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Can anyone tell me if Astrantia or Masterwort 'Ruby Wedding' does well along the NJ coast? I have relatives about to celebrate their 40th, they are both excellent gardeners and it seems like an appropriate gift for those who do not need anything else. Is it common there? I would not want to go with something they could buy on every corner.

Any input will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm not familiar with that. sorry!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Definitely not a common flower here, I received some at a RU and I have to go look at my garden map to see where I planted it, don't remember if they came back last year
Were they flooded at all from Hurricane Sandy?....all that flooding effected the soil so even if something used to do well, not saying it will do well now...there are recommended amendments for all those effected by the salt water

Don't know how widely circulated this info is....

#1 Testing for salt is recommended, not part of standard soil testing
if high sodium content in fine textured soils, gypsum is recommended, apply 1 to 2 ton per acre(that's a lot of gypsum!!!!)

Elemental sulfur is an effective alternative to gypsum in calcareous (high pH) soils/sands such as those with high shell (calcium carbonate) content. Sulfur is converted by bacteria in soil) into sulfuric acid which reacts with shells calcium carbonate to produce calcium. The calcium is then available to help displace and leach sodium from the soil, which improves soil permeability and reduces the hazards of sodium. Sulfur amendment is not as widely available as gypsum, so you may have to make a special request from a supplier should you need to treat a calcareous soil.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Jen, amazingly they were fine and experienced no flooding although the damage around them was horrendous. We found out about gypsum years ago when Hugo flooded much of the SC coast. I try to remember to add some whenever I plant something in my salty soil. Now I may try the sulfur, I do have some in the garage, I use it to dust bulbs with so they won't mold.

Information about the astrantia seems elusive but I'll just take a chance and order it, that name is too perfect.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

You're welcome

the name is perfect!

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