1st tomato try

Belleair, FL(Zone 10a)

I planted my 1st (ever) garden this year. My tomato plant grew great & started growing 2 tomatoes. Then it just stopped. The plant stopped growing & the tomatoes aren't growing or changing color. They've been stalled for about 2-3 weeks. I've attached pics of how they looked 2 months ago, then 1 month & now. The latest pic is the sunny 1 that's not a super close shot & that's the point where they've stalled. All my other plants are doing well so I don't think its my soil or watering schedule. Any help would be appreciated

Thumbnail by brownthumb78 Thumbnail by brownthumb78 Thumbnail by brownthumb78
Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

Tomatoes tend to "turn off" once the heat gets around 90 or so, at that point they are more focused on survival than on producing fruits, im thinking perhaps that may be whats going on here for you.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

yours are certainly further ahead than mine are, one of mine is just starting to show tiny marbles coming out of the flower buds, and most of the others arent even mature enough yet, lol.

Belleair, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I live in central Florida so the temp. Is easily above 90 most days. If its shut down cuz its too hot should I cover it during the hottest point of the day? Will it grow more if I do? What are my options to save them?

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

well you wont necessarily lose them, they just wont progress the fruits any further until it is back to a temperature that they like. couldnt hurt to give it a tad bit of shade during the hottest hours and then let them have sun again once the hottest part of the day is done, also if they get good ventilation / air movement in the area they are planted, that will also help

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