Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm confused I think. If I offer plants or seeds for postage at a specified amount, I do not expect anything extra. If I ask for more $$$ than the package actually costs to ship once I get it to the post, I don't offer to return the balance. I think if I packaged every trade into a flat rate priority box the costs would be uniform, but sometimes a smaller box costs less. Sometimes my estimate is low, and I end up losing money. My bad.

When selling on Ebay, one can ask for shipping and handling costs. In fact, many people make their money this way, years ago Ebay instituted policy against excessive shipping costs.

If I am the one offering the plant/seed for postage and/or shipping costs at a fair market value a person will be willing to pay X amount to obtain the plant/seed.

I realize the thread started as a rant Kim. ;)

But up there did someone say they'd cross me off their list if I didn't send more money than she had asked for in postage? Have not been party to a discussion like this on DG, and I had not realized that some may expect more $$$ than requested in shipping/postage costs.

On a related note - I owe a few people trades from last year because I hurt my wrist and could not follow thru. (You know who you are!) I am working on trades this week as the weather will be perfect for shipping. Though I think being communicative about our limitations is the difference between a deadbeat and someone who means well.

Thanks for taking my $0.02.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

I must say, I learned a lot from all the do's and don'ts n regards to trade's and for postage. There will always be dishonest people out there trying to take advantage of others kindness and generosity. I did a trade with a lady who waited to receive my trade before she sent hers. Hers was suppose to be a doubling daylily that didn't double last year (received same year). Waiting to see what happens this year. This is without question a good medium to obtain quality plants for trade or postage and make new like minded friends to boot.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Y'all remember that graphic in text books where it looks like a vase and if you keep looking at it, you see two heads facing each other? Well, I read this whole thread wondering why anyone would call themselves, "perennial lyme" and then when I saw it in a different font, I saw "perennially me." Thot everyone could use a good laugh.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL, SC3!!!

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Amanda, I can't find the post where someone wants extra money or else no deal. That person would be a seller. I offer a lot of plants for postage here and elsewhere and do not want any extra money outside of postage. I agree with Kim, however, that having it considered a trade or as I have had it termed before, a purchase, is incorrect and insulting. It is neither a trade, which indicates that I would have received something in exchange, nor a purchase, which makes it sound like I am somehow enriched by the postage money. It is merely an offer to share without having to pay to do so.

It's sort of like me inviting you to come over and get some plants but you have to buy your own gas for the trip. :)

Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Quote from pirl :
I agree100% Kim. Then there are those who conveniently forget to send the postage money and I had to hound one guy for months until he finally sent it.

I cross people off my list if I send a package and it's $7.50 and they send $7.50. My gas, packaging, tape, labels, and time are worth something.

Alana, I think maybe Amanda was referring to this post???


This message was edited Jul 1, 2013 10:03 AM

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh. My bad. I missed that.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yeah, thanks Connie. That's the one.

Of COURSE I agree with Kim I understand the difference between a trade and an offer for postage. And I agree with pirl with respect to the fact that, "[m]y gas, packaging, tape, labels, and time are worth something." But I won't cross someone off my list. I've never heard such a thing. Maybe she misspoke.

I'm feeling it's really a peeve that people call it a trade when it isn't. Is it insulting? Or just irritating. And probably inexperienced traders/swappers on the other end. I'll admit to my share of ignorance when I started shipping plants and seeds. There is a learning curve.

I'm just hoping to stay on everyone's good side! Though I've got some outstanding trades, I do maintain communication and let folks know that the usual chaos ensues here, with some weeks/months/years crazier than others.

I recognize a lot of well seasoned gardeners here, many with whom I've traded or swapped or exchanged something or other. I don't think my time or effort is worth any more than anyone else's, but I'll bet it takes me twice as long to pack and ship as say, Kim. Kim - you are such a pro - you must have all these things lined up somewhere and a magic place where it all happens. My ships are so haphazard, trying to find newspaper, plastic baggies, the right size box, etc. Sometimes it is really an effort.

On the other hand, I had a member ship me a Strelitzia from Texas. The poor dear man sent it priority - a giant plant - and it cost him almost $50. I was mortified. It was a trade, but so heavily lopsided. He refused my offers to send money. Someday when I have an extra $50 to spare I will buy him a gift certificate to a butterfly plant farm. I guess I shouldn't put his name here to protect his privacy and not embarrass him with the glowing warm happy feeling I get for knowing someone so generous. He hangs out in the butterfly forums. :D

Have a happy day. I'm off to ship some plants!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

But that's just it. The good members so outweigh the bad ones. When vandals got in and destroyed or stole many of my special plants, and just drove me crazy by switching or removing tags. It broke my heart, but in one of the swaps a special angel ordered specific Japanese irises to replace some that were stolen. It just made my day, week, month, and I am still overwhelmed by how generous some members are.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just wanted to add that--when i send some seeds, and they are small enough
to fit in a regular envelope, and go with one stamp--i DO NOT ask to be refunded
the ONE stamp.
To me it seems silly to send someone 45 cents and have to put another 45 cents
on the envelope to do so.

I always tell them it is a gift and no reimbursement is needed.
spending 45 cents will not impact my life.

Same goes for expecting a Self-addressed bubble envelope (.90 cents postage) first
that I will put the seeds in and send it back to them. This just prolongs the exchange.
I will send it to you--and you can send me back the postage in a regular envelope.


Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

Quote from mittsy :
But that's just it. The good members so outweigh the bad ones. I am still overwhelmed by how generous some members are.

I can't stress this with enough agreement.... My yard looks so much better this year in no small part due to the generousity of the folks on this forum. I have tried this year ( that I actually have something to contribute) to repay that on some small scale and hope to continue this for many years to come.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I remember the first trade I made on DG. I sent firespike cuttings to someone in a regular business size envelope, no padding, nothing to keep them from drying out. She let me know where to look on DG to find out how to ship things. That was about 9-10 years ago. Ive learned a lot since then and not just about shipping!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Steadycam, I really didn't mean my DG name to be a pun. And I'd much rather be thought of as perennially me than perennial lyme, though I suppose I can be caustic at times.

Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL!!! SC3, it doesn't matter if you are new or not (laughing but at MY stupidity!!!) I have packed lots of boxes and packed them well, but I sent a box to Alana thinking Hubby helped secure the contents and he thought I did....OOPS!!! I felt really bad and still do but thank goodness it survived!! From then on...I pack the boxes lol. Won't happen again Alana (wink)


(Zone 7a)

This is some good reading..LOL!! I just caught up on all the new post :-)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Connie, My black raspberries have big white blossoms. Thank you so much!

Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Kim, this actually feels like a family get together (grin)

YAY MITTSY)))) Won't be long until you see the berries. Those blackberries are huge and sweet. We have baby raspberries from yours that you sent so we will both be in Heaven together (wink) You are so welcome Sweetie and I thank YOU as well )))


South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Kim ~ I would have "traded" plants with you rather then just do postage.

If you are still interested in a trade, please do let me know.
Later on today will be receiving:

= Convallari Majalis Rosea (Pink Lily of the Valley) "pips"
- Showboat Hosta rhizomes 3/5 eyes
- Dicentra Spectabili Alba - white bleeding Hearts rhizomes 3/5 eyes
- Papaver Orientale "Curlilocks" rhizomes
- Papaver Orientale " Turenlouis" rhizomes

Received 2 weeks ago and growing:
- Big Daddy Hosta large rhizomes 3/5
- Aurora fern leaf Bleeding Heart rhizomes
- Dicentra Spectabili "Old Fashioned" - Pink bleeding Hearts rhizomes 3/5 eyes

plus more perennials which you can see on my other Plant trading list looking for wisteria plants or established offshots

let me know,

(Zone 7a)

I am happy to do plants for Postage...especially if I offer them as so. When I'm offering plants that I don't need, want, or going to compost then I never trade them. I only trade plants that I want but am willing to let go for something else I would like to have, or if I have nurtured them exceptionally well and taken time to grow from seed.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

This grabbed my attention.

Whenever someone offered plants for postage, I always include extra.. after all fertilizers aren't free!
Like Synda here, I've waited over a year for the promised red hot pokers, and yes for once, unfortunately, I had to leave a negative feedback. With her too, I gave extra for her labor.

Yes,I know of other kind DGers who will give extra cash gladly in appreciation of the efforts put into that plants for postage offer.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I didn't misspeak. If the postage due is $6.95 and someone sends that amount and can't manage to send $7.00 then they can find someone else who wants to spend their time and energy packaging and sending them plants, not me. I don't get free packaging tape or my own "pirl" labels for free. Neither is the ink or paper for outgoing labels free and gas isn't free. I'd love to hear comments of how unreasonable anyone might find those facts.

The vast majority of actual trades have been great and some that weren't great were so ravaged by insects or so wimpy that it was almost laughable.

Some traders are too generous. One guy always sends way too much postage (like $10.00 or $20.00 extra) and he sends gifts as well. Can't beat that! Attached is a photo of his most recent gift and the second photo shows our garden gate and the iron piece at the top was also a gift from him. He's a gem!

Another sent many boxes of Coral Charm peonies and other peonies and I would trade with her until I can't hold a trowel anymore! She even sent a play bone for our Smitty - third photo.

Another person and I traded so many plants that we could have argued over who sent the best or the most. I treasure every plant.

One special person sent an original work of art that I had admired before I ever sent her daylilies for postage!

ButterflyChaser sent such great packages, filled with goodies that were aside from our actual trades. Her belief was that everyone has something to trade and I feel she's right.

Another sent a beautiful handmade silk purse and a lovely lavender atomizer for plants. Others have sent note paper, pretty pens, their own photos made into cards, surprise seeds, hand crocheted pieces, craft items, photo frames, calenders, etc. It's the thought that counts and those thoughtless enough to not send any postage are also off my trading list forever.

You said it yourself, Amanda: Sometimes it is really an effort.

At 72 any digging for trades is a job but digging for postage is double the job. Add heat, humidity and long hours caring for my own 30 gardens and it's a major effort.

I have been on DG for 8 years now to encourage people to garden. I just didn't want to end up behind in postage (as I am) by $100.00 or more. I can't imagine anyone wants to be in that spot.

Here's my feedback page in case anyone doubts my love of gardening and sharing:
Thanks huneybunch for the latest entry!

Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hiya pirl:

I don't have to look at your feedback page, sounds like you've traded with a bunch of great people. I guess it just sounded a little harsh when you said you would cross me off your list if I didn't send more than you asked for.

Part of my difficulty in sending things I offer for postage is that I do have a hard time shipping and it is very frustrating, but I feel great responsibility to finish once I've engaged someone on the other end. It is always my bad for not being better equipped/prepared.

Seeds are easier for me to ship (beaming). :)

I think we all agree that shipping plants is a labor of love. Speaking of which, I have some plants to ship....


Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Steadycam, I really didn't mean my DG name to be a pun. And I'd much rather be thought of as perennially me than perennial lyme, though I suppose I can be caustic at times.

Not on here but when I was sick over the last few years it has been said I can have an acid tongue. :) Not proud of it but also don't take a bad attitude tongue lashing anymore without them knowing I don't appreciate it. (not on here) Of course they are no longer aloud around as life is too short. :)

I have traded and received plants for postage with a few of you. I have been on here 11 yrs this year and love this place and the people so much. I do agree the good so far outweighs the bad.

I could never see myself no a member. I have become very careful offering for postage as it is a whole lot of work. I have back surgery in 2000 that failed and can not do what I once could. I just recently removed special trades only due to being disabled from each plant I have to trade as I have a great man in my life now that helps out in the garden. I so appreciate the work that goes into packing plants for postage. It is hard work and hot. I have had good trades and bad. Sent plants for postage and received no postage. Now I ask for the other end first and being here so long should speak for being good for my end. I have great feedback and am embarrassed to say I haven't always been faithful to leave feedback. I have done 100's of trades and postage combined but I have a folded of hundreds I should leave feedback for. I do understand the 6.95 and not send the other nickel...Really? What are they thinking? Well sometimes I shouldn't have traded when I didn't have the other nickel and I was so excited at first I wanted everthing I saw *blushing* Yep I have the addiction bad :) But I learned to slow way down as I couldn't make all survive. Now I only add what I know will live and not buy more than 4 or 5 plants a yr. Too many plant swaps here to have to buy. This spring I loaded up a over 100 individual plants (common) I was embarrassed as they are so common and grow so well. But I ended up bringing home any of them. 99% of the people (not a DG RU) didn't have anything to swap. I mad it easy on myself. I had dug all them thinning out my plants. I chopped all the canna's down to just the rhizome and placed them in a paper lunch sack. They were all so happy to get them they didn't care. I always over think everything and thought who would want these. I had rainlilies in lunch sacks no dirt (didn't wash them either)
I can hear all of what each one is saying here. When it became work to me I had to step back and rethink. If your tape and gas and things are an issue just ask and I am sure they won't mind adding some money if they have it. I will be honest and say alot of times I didn't think about adding more as I didn't want to offend anyone and I really maybe never thought when they ask for 6.00 postage that they wanted money for the tape and things as maybe naive I trusted them to tell me. I know it isn't free but I also can not assume that 6.00 postage they quote is really 7.00.

Also Pirl I love you to death and you are one of the most generous DGers I know. Not just with plants but with you sweet loving ways. I didn't realize you were 72. Wow I pray I am still gardening (hard to think of at 58 that it could be possible as I creak and hurt and can't get up off the ground very easy now :) ) May I suggest just saying please send me a dmail on the details of the trade I am offering for postage. Then you could say I love gardening and really love to share but along with postage I also must use gas to get to the post office and tape and packaging. Could you please add 1.00 or 2.00 whatever you would like to recoop to the cost. If they won't they aren't worth trading with to start with. If they can't I hope they will say I really don't have the extra but would love to check with you when I do.

I have also suffered from depression for many years and for 3 yrs was in an outpatient program 5 days a week. I really learned that even I fly by the seat of my pants and take people at what they are saying and they don't mean to but hope the other person is on the same page with them. It is not so cut and dry. Some don't know not to call it a trade as most of the time they are offered for postage on the plant trading forum. I know I have made alot of mistakes on here like I ask for many years for Brugs for postage. I wanted so bad to grow them. (didn't matter whether single double or what color) I really wanted to grow them. Others in Texas do. I really thought no one would answer if they didn't want to do it. Well I couldn't make a cutting live and finally no one answered with any. (hey they cut them back anyway if they agreed ok and if not ok But I really really really wanted to grow them *innocent shrug* But guess what I still don't have but 2 and bought them in the last yr from a nursery and hope they live. But one day I will finally resign myself to I just have to admire them in someone elses yard :( Hope that will be sooner than later :)

I really do love coming here. And just passed a problem to my brother today and wow he had the simplest solution but I didn't see it until he said it. We like flowers are all different and think different. Hugs to all

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, iloveJesus. I appreciate the kind words. I'll be 72 later this month and hope to garden as long as the real PIRL did. She was my former neighbor who taught me to garden and she died at 102 but had to quit gardening at 95 due to severe arthritis in her back.

I've sent many cuttings and many packages of seeds - both are a breeze to ship compared to digging daylilies in the heat! There is absolutely no comparison. I sent an entire box of seeds packed to the brim, to arejay, for her seed trading at no cost to her but just to share the joy.

It just strikes me as so selfish when a person can't round up to the next dollar. It also screams how ungrateful they are. When I dig and pack 30 daylilies with a value of $200. or more and the person gets them for free (just the postage) and they can't add a dollar, then I doubt my own judgement for thinking the person was ever nice.

Indeed, if I sent you a package that you asked for, Amanda, and you didn't round up (even if it's just a nickel), I would cross you off my list in a "New York Minute". Do you give all your legal clients totally free service? I doubt it. It would make staying in the legal profession a losing deal. My son-in-law is the head of his law firm and they do some pro bono work but they also get fruit baskets, gift certificates, home made cookies and breads, etc. It's a basic thank you that is always appreciated. Good manners never go out of style.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hopefully, this will enlighten those who take advantage of kind offers, from folks like you Arlene to include... Gordon too. Not only are you both generous with your knowledge, but your plants too.
Gee.. I didn't know you're 72!! You always sound so youthful, guess you still are!! Happy early Birthday!

Sandy, may the Lord watch over you, always, and hope you get to enjoy some gardening.
I did sent you some brug cuttings years ago, and you wanted to pay me for them. Dmailed you back that I don't need any repayment, but to pay it forward.
Sad to read that they all didn't make it.
I have a few noids here, most of my named ones are gone!!! If you still have the same addy, I'll send you some in the fall.
Same deal, Sandy.. no postage. Glad to help out a friend.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2013 11:53 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sandy--Well--if no one else has any--
I have 3 Brugs. Getting pretty big this year.

Have: Dr. Seuss--Maya--and a NOID pink.

The Dr. S. is going to be BIG this year. i can tell....massive trunk. (3rd year from a cutting)
The Maya is growing big as well. Maya has variegated leaves.
The pink NOID grows tall--and is a goods bloomer. Flowers start cream-white
and by morning are deep pink.

I have to bring them in for the winter--and they sit in my dark shop in an 80% dormant state.
Bring them out in end of April--and they go "POOF"!

I will be cutting them back in mid-late October. Always from above the "Y".

Remind me if you want some cuttings.
BTW--I don't know why your cuttings did not grow--but i can tall you this.

--take only wooden stem cuttings (about 6"-7" long) and stick them right into a 5" or 6" pot in fresh mix.
Thickness does not matter. You could root the main trunk, if you wanted to. Stay above the "Y".
--Do not go through the mess of trying to root them in water. Never has worked for me.
--Do not take the soft top growth to root. Not gonna work! At least--never has for me.

I have been growing brugs for almost 10 years. No one around here really knows what they are..
I have sent cuttings to FL--which seems like an oxymoron.

They root so easily in soil--in a couple weeks, they will be totally rooted.

Write me in October, please. I also mail ONLY for postage....
Here are some pictures.....FYI Gita

--Dr. Seuss--yesterday
--Maya--last year--still a very small brug.
--Maya--in 2009. had to give it away to an Arboretum. it had grown to 7'-8'
can you believe this?????
--NOID pink--July 2009
--Dr. Seuss last has a habit of growing like an umbrella--wide!

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Sandy, I live right here and I have Dr Seuss and a noid pink. I did not know you craved brugs. Also, If you ask I will come and look at your planting situation and see if I can help you be sucessful.

(Zone 7a)

Those Brugs are Lovely! I'm gonna grow more some day. I have grown many from seed too :-)

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gitagal, this may be your noid pink. I got it from Jung 3-20-2010, as Cherub. Note the date stamp on the pics. Mike

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I will note it down...BUT--I think on mine--the pink is a bit more intense and the
'trumpet part" above the "skirt" is whiter. A definite separation.
Wonder if the color change is unique to only THIS particular brug??
Is JUNG an expert on named Brugs? I don't know who he is.

I once read that it is almost impossible to ID a pink Brug--as there are so many.
People keep crossing and hybridizing them ad infinitum...

A few years ago, I noted that on the Maya Brug--the blooms also go through
3 stages of colors--but more subtly...
from yellow (bud) to cream-white--to soft peach. This pic. is from 2006.
Tried to show all 3 colors here...


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Jung is the mail order company as "jungseed". i wouldn't consider them experts on brugs at this point.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Well I suppose I must be crazy because, yes, I have given and continue to and probably will continue to provide free legal services, pro bono. If I could collect what I am owed I'd be a rock star.

I assure you I have excellent manners, whether or not I round up. If you crossed me off your list it would be your loss.

How we got here I have no idea, but I suppose I am finished on this thread. Every exchange with a member is different, and I may not even be qualified to add my $0.02.


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Giving free service for those who need it is admirable. However, I love sharing plants and if someone is telling me that I must dig/wash/rinse/drain/package using my own supplies that I pay for, then drive to the post office, wait in line and mail the package but you can't afford to send an extra nickel...I have trouble believing it.

How could it possibly be my loss in not sending you a package and wasting my time on someone who can't show a nickel's worth of gratitude? It's would be my financial loss and my loss in believing people will be fair and honest if given a chance. Sorry but it's your loss!

There is great joy in showing appreciation. I hope you get to experience it sometime.

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

It's really just about being appreciated for your hard work taking care of your plants to the point that they flourish and you can share them. I know we are generous folks here at Dave's however there are some, not all, but some that try to take advantage of us by always using the same "I have nothing to trade" line. I believe it insults the trader to ask them to give away their plants as if they have no value when the trader is clearly wanting to trade. If someone wants to ship stuff out for postage they will say so. I remember when I first joined Dave's all I had to trade was sago palms and ditch canna. Most people that had cool plants either already had these or didn't want them. If I saw someone trading something I wanted, I would look at the persons trade list to see what they were looking for. I would actually go to my local nursery and buy the plant (s) they wanted in trade making sure to find one that I could divide. I would divide the purchased plant and ship a division off to my trade partner and plunk the rest in my yard. It was a win win for me. I gained a new plant, shared it with some one and rec'd a really cool plant from a Dave's member. Long story short....I have a full time job and spend many hours on my plants and do not have the time to dig up something, pack and ship it for nothing. Plants are a responsibility, they require water, fertilizers, proper containers, etc., these also are a cost. Gas prices are outrageous and its way too hot outside to be generous. LOL! Don't get me wrong...if I have something I simply want to give away...I do so and may find myself posting stuff for postage in the FALL. But prefer to add it as extras in a trade or give it to someone that will come dig it out. I have been know to send packages to people who have traded with me where I pay the postage and don't ask for anything in return. I really believe that if people want plants they will make the effort. Another theory I have is that if they really have nothing to trade it may be because they do not take care of their plants. So that makes me think that they will not appreciate all the hard work I put into sending them nice healthy plants if all it cost them is postage? When I was a child my father made me work for everything I wanted because he said I would appreciate it more. He was right!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you for your thoughtful post, flowerjunkie. You echo my thoughts and feelings.

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

I wish this forum had a "Thank you" button like some other forums I belong to. flowerjunkie, your post sums up my beliefs and how I try to conduct myself on this forum as well as life in general.

I have been truly blessed and impressed with the majority of folks on this site. I have also seen it go in the opposite direction with some of the seed trades I've been involved with where folks ask for a seed I may have available at the time. They may not have something I'm looking for at the time but say they'll put me on their "ship in the fall" list and when that time comes around I have found that some have forgotten or dropped off the DG all together.

If I have the seed I ship it on "good faith". Not sure how far I should allow that to continue but I figure if I can help someone out then why now. Postage for seed isn't going to kill me but the principle behind it still chaps my butt sometimes.

My plant trading experiences have been excellent and I hope the folks with whom I've traded feel the same way with what they have received from me.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I think it is difficult to ensure that every trade or offer will be handled exactly the same when we are all different people with different means, situationz, abilities & expectations. Also, thingz happen; I've been stiffed & probably have forgotten my end at least once. Sometimes I've sent only a dollar extra because thingz were tight, other times people have gotten huge bonus additions. Once I sent 3 "Lynda Windsor" sedums that I had planned to plant myself to a gardener who seemed to need them more. And I charged her no postage.

For myself, an offer for postage, whether I'm giving or receiving, is a "trade" because, looking at the big picture, I have been & will be on the other end so ... it's a process. In the end, it all evens out. And my time+labor, that is a gift for the pleasure of interaction with another human being.

One thing -- we cannot read each others' mindz. If you tell me you need $6.95 for postage, I don't know whether that means your envelope & bubble wrap too or what. But from now on, I will ASK each donor how much they really want. Remember, most of us don't make tradez or offerz that often, and perhaps we don't spend a ton of time perusing postal rates. I do not WANT extra; it would embarrass me. I have tons of envelopes & bubble wrap lying around.

Maybe if a person feels taken advantage of, he or she is taking on more than is comfortable at the moment.

But this has been a great thread. I've really enjoyed reading it & definitely will err on the side of generosity in the future.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

This looks like a reunion!!! Good morning everyone, so many old familiar faces!! I think half of you at least have helped me grow my garden and grow the newbie seed stash. You are all wonderful and much appreciated here!! I can still stroll through my gardens many years later and remember who gave me which plant I often call them by the gifters name rather than the name of the plant. Hugs to you all...Great thread.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Arejay!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Maybe this will help some of you "not to forget'...

I keep a note book and as soon as someone asks for anything--
I write their real name, their DG name, their address, and what they asked for,
and the date in the book.
I also leave a small area for the amount of postage I paid and, then, check it off
when I have been re-reimbursed.

I can go back years and remember whom I sent what to.
I am 95% a giver--not an asker for plants or seeds--as I have so many myself--
and my garden is fairly established and small. Not much room for new things.

Besides, here in the Mid Atlantic, we hold 3 Swaps a year. One for seeds--and two for plants.

I would NEVER trust just my memory to remember who owes me what! Gotta keep notes....


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