Cutlerville, MI

Susie....the babies are SOOOO cute! I can't believe there are so many:) My pretties are all doing well! Everyone looks like they were spoiled this month:) WWK I was supposed to go to our Home Depot, but didn't get to go..What an awesome chair!
Have a great weekend:)

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Super busy today, but I wanted to report that I sent my partner's boxes out today and I got my awesome box of plants from FOTV. Will return later this evening to let you all know what I got from both my partner's.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY alicia zoey is here 2-3-4-5 times a day to check in on them :) Glad to hear the plants are doing well .
this heat today has made my hands swell & Hurt so bad tonight .
I've got to go soak them in dish water maybe that might help I Know my counter will look better :)

TY Joy for the Up-date

JOY-----------2-----SEND TO-- JOKENNA----CHELL --------SENT June 22
FOTV---------1------SEND TO --JOY ------SENT---------REC"D
CHELL--------1------SEND TO---DEEJAY

velma : sorry the Pic won't open up for close up so i cannot really tell but from what i see of it I would not think it was a foxglove but i have heard not all foxglove have the same type of leaves So Lets hope someone else can help you out to id it .

well ya all have a great eve back in the morning

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Velma -- the leaves sorta look like the bell flowers I have out beside my walkway....they are low lying and small.....I to can't open the files to make them bigger but if the leaves are serrated then it could be bell flower....

zoey and those babies are soooo cute!

Antioch, TN

Don't really look like bell flowers.
What do I need to do so that the pic can be open?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Joy, As you know by now, many of the Daylilies were on your wants list and am so glad I was able to share them with you. I was just admiring Purple Waters from you a few days ago which is just now starting to put on a show.

Velma, if you kept your original photos, you could use the photo editing program on your computer to resize the images to at least 500 pixels each, either height or width. If you don't have the original images or don't want to fool with editing them, just take another photo or two and upload full size. Are the stems round or square? The leaves from what I can see in the thumbnails sorta look like something in the Mint family, but then again it looks like a weed I've been ripping out.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I had forgotten just how much fun a group trade could be, it's been so long sense I've participated in one. I was so spoilt! sp?

My box from Susie was amazing.
She sent me ...
Red Peony (red is my favorite flower color)
Wild violet
German statice (I've missed growing this. Had it but lost it to an extra cold winter a few years back)
Gallardia (from my wish list) Yeah!!!!
And 5 different daylilies. For the first time in 6 years I didn't order any new ones so I'm really thrilled to see these.) :-)
They are
Milk Chocolate (been wanting this one for a long time!)
Squeeze Play (New one to me, love the pics I found online)
Rookie of the year
All Star (a fabulous Red)

Susie thank you so much. I know I'll enjoy growing all these great plants.

Susan (FOTV) sent me another amazing box of plants. Many from my wish list and many others I know I'm going to love.

She sent me...
Canna 'Red Futurity' (Susan, I lost all but one of my canna's in that same cold winter that killed my German statice. So I'm so very happy to get this one) Thank you!
And 10 daylilies
They are ...
Cabbage Flower
Oriental Ruby (from wish list)
Curly Rosy posy (from wish list)
Dark Star (from wish list)
Rainbow spangles (from wish list)
Chocolate splash (oh, pretty)
Hello Dolly (from wish list) (Love Wild's daylilies)
Victorian Ribbons (from wish list)
And a Westbourne seedling. (I love the surprise that seedlings give.

Susan, Thank you so much. Can't believe you could fit so much in that box. Glad to hear Purple waters is doing well for you.

I just love Christmas in the summertime. :-)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Has anyone chatted with chellflower is she in other swaps ? I Hope she is ok maybe computer trouble away happen when we don't exspect it my went out this weekend had to get a new air card the old one went out on me .

well nice cool morning going out side for a walk in the gardens before it gets to hot

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I have chatted with her on D mail. Had to get her address. Maybe she's just real busy?

Cutlerville, MI

WOW Joy! great boxes:) how are all the babies Susie?

Antioch, TN

I am using the picture I took with my phone maybe that is the reason for not enlarging.

Here is another try.

Thumbnail by velmansia
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Velma -- it opened fine for me idea what it is....your right - not little bell flower! Sorry I'm of no help!

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I've grown many different types of Digitalis (Foxglove) over the years. It's been awhile, but I do believe there are some with leaves similar to that. It doesn't look like a weed to me. If it is a Digitalis you probably won't get bloom on it until next year but I'd keep an eye on it, you should know for sure when it blooms.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

True It dose not look like any fox glove i have seen but as joy said see if it Blooms then you will know for sure , I Cannot tell you How many Plants I have lost thinking they were a weed. , nice this morning have to get outside to water before the Heats rolls in .
Happy gardening . back later in the day

Antioch, TN

deejay, you and I both. I am quick to uproot plants and toss them away as weeds only to "oops" later on when I see it growing somewhere else.

Thank you all for trying to help me. Guess I will hold onto it a little longer before uprooting it. Knowing me - I don't think I will wait until next year to pull it. I did try to confirm with the sender but no response.

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

I got my box of plants today from Joy! I absolutely love what you sent. She even found some on my want list.

Nile Lily 'Elaine'
Begonia 'Escargot'
Sedum 'White Diamond'
Mondo Grass 'Black'
Walking Iris
Phlox 'Katherine'
Hosta 'Black Hills'
Origanum 'Kent Beauty'

Thank you so much Joy.

I can't wait to get them planted, but not today. I opened the door at 8 this morning and got blasted with a hot humid wall, I shut the door and had my coffee at my desk near the

Thumbnail by Jokenna
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sound like a very nice box
Haven trouble with my computer or internet keep getting dropped they say they are working on the towers can hardly get connected when i want on . it is very hot here also ,well hope i can get this sent before getting booted .
back when i can finely send messages MAYBE

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

My box arrived today from Joy. She sent...

Rex begonia 'Escargot' (from my wish list)
Shasta daisy 'ice star'
black mondo grass
origanum 'kent beauty'
astilbe -pink (from wish list)
hosta 'stained glass (been wanting this one for a good while)
...and my favorite, alstroemeria 'princess matilde' (from my wish list)

Sorry, but I was so excited that I planted them without thinking to get a pic first. They are all wonderful, Joy, thank you so much for

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

I haven't forgotten you. Long days scheduled last week at work and didn't want your box to sit in a truck
all weekend, so I just packed it today and will try to get to PO before work Tuesday. sorry for the delay.

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

Can anyone please tell me the best way to ship a cutting?

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Tina, The best way, if you have them on hand would be to use the Water-Gel Crystals. If you don't have any, the next best thing would be to wrap the end of the cutting in layers of paper towels. Get them as moist as you can with out them dripping. Put that in a plastic sandwich bag and then tape the top closed around the cutting. Try to tape it good enough that no air can get in to dry out the paper towels. If you have the Water-Gel Crystals, you do it the same way, only you'd put the crystals inside the paper towels. Hope that all makes sense. ;-) I'm so glad you like what I sent and hope they do well for you.

Chell, I'm so happy you liked the plants I sent. Hope they brighten your garden.

FOTV, I failed to mention the wonderful tags you made for the plants you sent me. That was very thoughtful of you and must have taken you some time. Just want to tell you how much they were appreciated and I'm sorry for failing to acknowledge them earlier. Thank you.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I had some sudden dr's appts the last two days when I got off work ( I work 5am to 1:30 pm) so I was unable to ship my box. I am so sorry - best intentions! I will do my best to get it out tomorrow.

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SueG did you get my dmail ???

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

Joy Thank you for that info. Thought that's how you do it but was unsure.

I do love the plants you sent. Spent this morning getting most of them in the ground, I am putting some in pots for now.

I loved this swap and would do it again in a heartbeat:~)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're so welcome, Joy. I don't know how long it takes for those laminated P-Touch labels to fade, if they ever will. Many of mine are going on four years old and they still look brand new.

A whole 'nother story is how our cats like to lay or play under the leaves and have either chewed on tags or dug them up. That's what prompted me to open an interest thread tonight for a Fall swap for NOID or lost tag Daylilies. I'm sure there have to be a lot of folks in the same boat for various reasons.

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)


I mailed your box today ...sending you Dmail with conf. #

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree, this was a great swap.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Me too....great swap.....and the ptouch labels have not faded one bit in my gardens.....even after snow, sun, rain and more snow! I think I'm the biggest hazard out there to the tags...sometimes I rake them....sometimes I step on them....!!!! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Love my P-Touch also best way to go lots to get done today so will be back later today THANK YOU Chell got your dmail.
My daylilies are just starting to Bud out they grew 2ft plus in just 3 days of rain .

ya all be well stay safe back later

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I bought a p-touch libeler just before we had the new house built. Hummm wonder where it is now?

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

What? You're cutting out!

Rockford, MI

I have only just started to label using my p-touch, glad to hear the sucesses. Do you guys use the regular lables, or the fade resistant outdoor ones?
Well I am exhausted after spending the day at the hospital.My daughter had her tonsils out today, and she has had a double ear infection this week, glad it is done:)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Jen tell Her I Will eat her half of my ICE CREAM & RootBeer FLOAT TONIGHT It is so so hot in here tonight I Didn't have my AC On while i was out side most the day . came in & It is hotter in here then out side :( They say we might get a few drops of rain this evening hope so :)

Tina The P-Touch is a label maker for our plants is that what your asking ?

it sure has been a long busy day so off to lay back very soon
also has dave changed their headers or did i hit a wrong key somewhere ?

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Jen -- glad the surgery went well and she'll feel better much soon! :)

Rockford, MI

Thank you for the kind thoughts. She was nervous about having it done, and even wanted the chaplain to visit her before hand.

Cutlerville, MI

JLEE, your daughters are so sweet, which means you are doing an amazing job parenting! I am so glad to hear she is recovering well, 2 of my kids had the same surg, not fun, but they still are so much healthier than before, and it's been over 15 years & 12 years. I know I've only met them once, but trust me I know kids, and they are sweethearts:) and if she asked for a chaplain, you are doing an amazing job...So...YIPPY FOR JEN YAHOOO FOR JEN! Parents need to be celebrated when they are doing THE hardest job God asks of us well:).......

Rockford, MI

Alicia- you are too sweet! Thank you. I cannot take all the credit though;) It was an amazing thing to watch a ten year old find comfort in her faith and brought tears to my eyes. She had never had strep or an ear infection before this week, she has sleep apnea. This is why the tonsils came out. I am so glad it is done!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

afternoon everyone Just wanted to let Chell Know her box arrived today but i'm to drousy yet from the scope i had done today so going back to bed to sleep this off & Get the much needed sleep ya all have a great eve I Will take pictures of the great Box in the morning , GN All

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Sorry I Was Not myself yesterday to Post the great box from chell anyway here is what chell Shared with me


Pic 2 is of the Potted plant I need to know about I Hope i've not forgotten any I Need to go get them planted yet they are getting a drink .

so now we have one more box that should arrive by SATurday :)
wishing you all a cooler day hehe off to read other forums then off to the garden s

Oh 12 more babies born yesterday lady coming today to buy a few & hope to sell a few more tomorrow :)
Off to get my day started :)

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Cutlerville, MI

Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA, had the joy of a colonoscopy:) lol, due to family history I got to start early! Anyway....I am asking for prayers for my "adopted" grandson, he is less than two weeks old, and has some type of infection, bad enough they are doing a spinal tap this am, so please, please if you are a prayer warrior, my little ELY needs all the prayers he can get!
OK, enough heavy.....Susie, I will see you tomorrow:) My "Happy Returns" you shared with me are blooming! Also I forgot my pots, and have another surprise for your garden! Happy gardening everyone, and THANK YOU for your prayers!

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