Have your hummingbirds returned yet?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 105 votes:

Yes, hummingbirds have returned to my garden.
(57 votes, 54%)
Red dot

Not yet, but I'm looking for them any day now.
(26 votes, 24%)
Red dot

It will be some time before hummingbirds return to my garden.
(11 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Hummingbirds are not native to my area.
(3 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Other (tell us!)
(8 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Concord, CA(Zone 9b)

Hummingbirds are year-round residents in the Quingdom.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

They are here sometimes early, sometimes late. Have not seen any so far .. meaning ??

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I saw one 2 days ago checking out the unopenned Fuchsia blooms. I've planted many Fuchsia, they like the Phygelius, planted some Chilean Glory Flower (Eccremocarpus scaber) and Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit), etc so I'm hoping I'll get more than normal the number of hummingbirds.

Thumbnail by growin
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Ruby throats have returned to west KY, despite the cool and late spring.

Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

I voted "other" because hummingbirds never leave my garden so i have to scramble to make sure i have nectar plants year round because i don't use feeders. The hummers make little nests in vines and shrubs that are close to the ground. The nests that i've seen are maybe 3 - 5 feet off the ground. I don't know why. I do like the hummers but they are territorial. One day, i saw a hummer take off at full zoom speed from the far end of the garden and head straight toward a Monarch that was sitting on one of the plants. I watched the hummer, the Monarch watched the hummer. We were both stunned into stillness. The hummer hit the Monarch with its shoulder at full speed and knocked the Monarch off the plant and on to the ground. I found the Monarch who was dazed but okay and was flying around normally within a few minutes. I had to let the hummers know that this was not their territory but shared territory. Every time one of them started being too aggressive i would clap my hands and chase it away. Much to my amazement, after a few weeks of this, i have not seen much in the way of aggressive behavior from the hummingbirds which is really puzzling to me because the attack happened at least 2, maybe 3, years ago and different hbirds are visiting now but they are very well behaved (at least from what i have observed). Curiouser and curiouser, this garden.

(Zone 7a)

Sounds like fun! Ours are the same ones coming back every year. 2-3 weeks, maybe?

Harding, PA

Hi everyone...I'm new to all this. Just bought a home, moving in by the end of the week. The landscape hasn't been tended to in many years. My 1st chore on my list is to create a beautiful hummingbird garden. And then my veggies! lol But I'm in the process of deciding what to plant & where.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Welcome to DG, laydcharmel. Lots of great ideas for a Hummingbird garden & veggie Garden. There`s a Hummingbird forum if you have subscription.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Hummers have been in the area for about a month now, but I haven't seen any. I'm sure they're here and I bet they visit my carolina jasmine and cross vine, I just don't see them.
I planted a moon flower vine and a bower vine in the front yard yesterday, so hopefully they 'll visit those. My feeder is siting in the greenhouse, I rally do need to get it up and going.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

"Mine" have not yet returned. The feeder has been up for awhile and I'm waiting impatiently. They should arrive any time, but they seem to return a little later here than some areas around me. Like Barbie, I may not have seen them yet as they may be feeding on the honeysuckle and crossvine among other things. But they eventually come to the window and make their presence known.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh yeah they are back. At first light they will hit feeders waiting on the flowers to open... then disappear as the flower scents are too tempting ... Been here since 3rd week in March this year. Our afraid of everyone ruby throat has gotten quite friendly this year and comes to get you if his feeder isnt ready. We also have a larger hummer that chases him off, but I have no clue what it is cuz he's like a no see um- bam and gone again. Training a hummer. I like that , chuckl

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

They're here year round, mostly Anna's with the occassional Broad-tailed.

Scituate, MA

none here yet

San Tan Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

They never leave. I have mostly Ruby Throats at my feeder but have also seen a few others.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

First this has to go before we will be seeing them here.

Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon
Rawalpindi, Pakistan(Zone 9a)

Erythrina suberosa, Erythrina Christa galli and Erythrina ×sykesii. Two weeks more for these flowers to end and so will the hummers.

Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud
Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

Nice to see pics from far away places Arif...beautiful trees. Doesn't look so far away though...could be any number of places in California :-D

Rawalpindi, Pakistan(Zone 9a)

California is a heaven on earth compared to here :). Our winters are colder depending on which part of California you are in. We compare with Oregon. Summers at an average of 45c, I don't know which part to compare that with? Maybe some part of California touching Mexico.

Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud Thumbnail by KAMasud
Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

Nice cacti Arif...well, i was looking at the photos and it just reminded me of some parts of California and also i noted your zone as being equivalent to zone 9a. With your cold winters and super hot summers, you are probably more equivalent to a zone 8 or zone 7...those are some hot summers you have, yikes!

Dallas, WI(Zone 3b)

Glad that mother nature takes care of her own. No hummingbirds will be here for quite a while and thank goodness. We are looking at 12 inches of fresh snow this morning. Saturday it was 72 degrees and sunny. You know they say if you don't like the weather in Wisconsin, wait a day!

Lake Helen, FL

Arid, I think what you have are sunbirds, which resemble Western Hemisphere hummingbirds closely, but they're not

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Got the feeders out last night. I need to put one next to the living room window, where I'll be able to see it. Location location location!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Not seen yet, but I've heard reports of them to the north of me in Virginia, so they MUST be back around here. I'm pretty much IN Greensboro though. Urban Sprawl City, but we're in a nice old neighborhood in the middle. Lots of trees and near the arboretum, so they'll find us soon, I'm sure. We get repeaters as well, so I've had the feeders up for about 2 weeks. Welcome to the Lady from PA! I like salvias all around my back porch so we can see the hummers when they come to feast. Good luck with your new garden. :)

. . . and the pictures of snow - well I just feel for you. We've had an extended spring here in NC that most aren't used to. It does feel like spring in New England to me.

Have a great weekend!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks to a mild winter, mine have been here for a month now. the minute i saw one, i made a batch of nectar. they feed at the feeder mostly at dawn and dusk and visit the flowers during the day.

Hebron, KY

I voted other. We had one show up in the evening of April 20, but haven't seen any more since.

We would love to see them here every day!

waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Haven't seen any yet, but they are due. Hung the feeders earlier this week. We just get the little brownish ones, not the ruby throated. Feed 'em anyway, they are so funny. And territorial, sometimes there's squabbles among them.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

You bet they're territorial!! And with sharp beaks, I do not want to be around them when they get territorial!! Luciee {;^)

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I saw one today on my red pentas and then was surprised when it nectared on my blooming bromeliad!


Thumbnail by mellielong Thumbnail by mellielong
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap ... still waiting.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Too darn cold!!!

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