Moon Gardening Calendar May 2013

Warrenton, VA

Hey Cristina, here's an old hippie question for you to ponder:
Does the horoscope sign of the Gardener factor into the scheme of things?
Ha! Good one, huh! I send WARM (finally! after two days of frost!) greetings your way!

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Hi Gracie, you would not believe it but I did ponder.... and no, I don't think that a personal horoscope has nothing to do with biodynamic gardening.

Gardeners, we just love gardening, see plants (any) grow and the beauty of nature whatever our Zodiac sign is.

Thank for the WARM wishes, here we are starting to feel the COLD .... last night -4degree Centigrade = 24.8 degrees Fahrenheit .....Hmmmm Hot chocolate, please!

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes. I was wondering the same question Grayce posed.

Think you for the answer Cristina, and I can believe Gracye's question Would make you ponder......................

How does being a Virgo now (for instance) play into knowing your signs on the "Know your Sign" entry?

Does that mean I would expect to wait till the season of Virgo this year for my roots to be strong?

You're 9B zone is clearly different from our 9B zone! 25 degrees Fahrenheit in Chile today! Now THATS an education in Earth realities! I would have never known until you shared. Thank You!

Sea level clearly plays in...

Happy Gardening!


Now I understand how many root vegetable seedlings and greens are good in you clime to start now... They love the cool!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Cristina ~ When the moon is in Cancer, can you start any type of seed, not just "leaf" seeds?

Warrenton, VA

Well, all I can say is that NOW I am proud of my sign - "Taurus." Can't hurt that I am an earth sign...LOL! Do you live in the hills, Cristina? And now, tah dah, it was doggone 81 degrees here today! After two days of FROST...ah! Mother Nature!

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Evelyn now we are going to cheat a bit. I should say that Cancer is a Leaf sign if following strict biodynamic lore but I have tried what i am posting now and not only above ground vegetables but also root have done excellent for me when the moon is in Cancer, also roses, herbs, wheat,and deciduous trees.

Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign ruled by the Moon, fruitful, moist, watery and feminine.

The most productive sign. #1 sign for planting, transplanting budding, grafting, dividing, starting cuttings, all forms of propagation. Good for watering and irrigation.
Seeds planted in Cancer germinate quickly.
Plants propagated in cancer are the hardiest, best growing, and withstand drought.

Note: It is also a good sign to set eggs for hatching and animals born or hatched in Cancer make good breeding stock.
Good sign for cooking and fishing.
Cut hair in cancer to stimulate growth.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Gracie I'd like to live in the country but I do live in the clty. One day I hope to be a "hillbilly" ha,ha,ha!

David when I became a member I was told that I did have to put a Zone, I did explaines or tey to but I was councl to put Zone 9b because I did not live in an area that got snow in winter ..... I am a good girl so I just pu Zone 9b.

My weather is much more the temperate zones one, rain a lot in winter and is just cold, never got colde than -4C.

I agree the Zones are good for the USA but not for elsewhere.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

May 21 - 22
Root day
Sign Virgo
Moon Waxing gibbous

Sow vegetables with seed bearing fruits: Tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, chillis, pumpkins, courgettes.

Moon in Virgo: Earth sign. Sow Root plants: Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives, Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes,Radish, Salsify, Scorzonera, Spring Onions, Swedes, Turnips. Do not sow Flower plants Broccoli, Cauliflower, Globe Artichokes.

Moon in Virgo: Dry and barren. Garden maintenance.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Zones are not all the same in any 2 areas, IMHO. I live in zone 8. It does snow in winter and we usually get late frosts or late snowfall, then frost. Some zone 8 areas, like in Texas will be finishing tomatoes before I even set mine out.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Wow, Evelyn with the weather there is not much we can do, just work around it!

More about beneficial plants around the garden:

Borage attracts bees, which increases pollination of nearby plants, enhance the growth of tomatoes (by confusing and repelling tomato hornworm); brassicas (by repelling and confusing cabbage worms); and  strawberries . Also beneficial for cucumbers, beans (including climbing and bush beans), grapes, zucchini/squash, and peas

Borage is also useful as a mulch and good for the compost pile. It contain calcium and potassium which may account for another reason why tomatoes do well near borage. Blossom end rot, not only in tomatoes but also with Zukes, is caused by lack of calcium. Potassium helps plants to bloom and set fruit, which may increase production in tomatoes and strawberries.

Borage deters hornworms and cabbage worms and can help all plants increase their disease resistance.

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

That was really valuable information Cristina. Thank you!

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

thanks David, I will try to send more tidbit as I go, is so good to have some feedback.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Cristina, I'm guilty of not giving feedback either, even though I really appreciate your dedication to posting details for us.

I get over 250 hits a day on my blog, yet almost no one posts any comments. At least there, I have a daily counter that tells me it's being read.

Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

So now Cristina. I have about 3 bushel of dahlias to get in the ground.
What would be the best day this month to do that?? Was going to start today..

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

bluepoppy today is the last day for fruit plant, so you are lucky because tomorrow start the Root days for May 21 y 22.

Look the post in this thread for the 5/17 and go ahead planting your bulbs.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Darius. thanks so much, do not worry, I do appreciate what your are saying.

Some years back I was able to exchange seeds with other members, I did receive many "goodies" and I was able to send Chilean native flowers and trees to members all over the world... with the changes in the Chilean Custom Services I was forced to stop and I couldn't do much about it.

All the same is good to know that what I am posting is making sense and I feel happy that I am active in DG's, given back a little bit.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

May 23 - 24

Flower day
Sign Libra
Moon Full Moon

Sow root vegetables, berries, bulbs, onions, biennials, and perennials.

Moon in Libra: Air sign. Sow Flower plants Broccoli, Cauliflower, Globe Artichokes. Do not sow Root plants: Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives ...
Moon in Virgo: Dry and barren. Garden maintenance.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

May 25 - 26

Leaf day
Sign Scorpio
Moon Full Moon

Now is a good time to sow root vegetables, berries, bulbs, onions, biennials, and perennials. 

Moon in Scorpio: Water sign. Sow Leaf plants: Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celery, Dill, Florence Fennel, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard. Do not sow Fruit plants: Aubergines, Cucumber, French Beans, Marrow, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Runner Beans,Squash,Sweetcorn,Tomatoes.

Moon in Scorpio: An excellent time for planting, germination and strong sturdy growth will result.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

May 27 - 28

Fruit day
Sign Sagittarius
Moon Waning gibbous

Sow root vegetables, berries, bulbs, onions, biennials, and perennials.

Moon in Sagittarius: Fire sign. Sow Fruit plants Aubergines, Cucumber, French Beans, Marrow, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Runner Beans,Squash,Sweetcorn,Tomatoes. Do not sow Leaf plants: Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celery, Dill, Florence Fennel, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard.

Moon in Sagittarius: Dry and barren. Plant onion sets and bulbs.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Hint, Hint:
This may be a little late but you still have tomorrow another Leaf day , try to sow some lettuce.

Lettuce planted on Leaf day under a Waning moon theoretically should not bolt if planted in a semi shade place, the same with coriander also planted under the shade of fruit trees.

Otherwise try on the next Leaf day

Good luck!

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Thank you Cristina.

I have been surprised at how well some little lettuces have been doing in shadier locations here to this year. With almost 100% humidity and temps approaching the 90 degree fahrenheit mark.

I'm growing Amaranthus again this year for a die-hard Summer greens crop.

Happy Gardening!


Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

David , yes with the humidity you have you lettuce are doing well!

The last Quarter Moon is the best moon (waning) for root vegetables, also caprocorn is favourable for Beets and Radishes:

May 29 - 30

Root day
Sign Capricorn
Moon Waning gibbous

Sow root vegetables, berries, bulbs, onions, biennials, and perennials.

Moon in Capricorn: Earth sign. Sow Root plants Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives, Kohl Rabi, Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radish, Salsify, Scorzonera, Spring Onions, Swedes, Turnips. Do not sow Flower plants: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Globe Artichokes.

Moon in Capricorn: Potatoes and tubers planted now will have a strong growth.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi Cristina,
I also refer to your posts on a regular basis but don't leave feedback very often - thank you for helping us be successful gardeners!

"People with food allergies sometimes find malanga is a great hypoallergenic flour alternative, because the proteins are less allergenic." (From your May 9th posting.)

Could you please give more information about malanga? I am looking for other types of flour (to avoid wheat flour.)
I have a bread machine and like to make bread a couple of times a week. Spelt flour works okay, but I would still like to know more about flours that other cultures use. Thank you,

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Sonna I can see that you may have some gluten intolerance. I do not know if you are aware that other than a gardener , I am a dietitian now retired. In the time I was working in a public hospital in NSW, Australia I became aware of very many gluten free carbohydrates and malanga flour is among them. I have not use it or taste it but migrant from Central America use it in many ways. I feel that you should go to some of their market / stores and find out where you can buy it.

In any case, I am sending a couple of links:

Good luck!

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank you Cristina - lots of helpful information! Now I need some new cookbooks to learn how to use those flours! : ) I think we have the malanga at a Mexican grocery store in the city near here so I will buy some and try it first.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Sonna perhaps you could find recipes if you Google ..

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

May 31

Flower day
Sign Aquarius
Moon Last quarter

Dry and barren. Garden maintenance only.

Moon in Aquarius: Air sign. Sow Flower plants: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Globe Artichokes.
Do not sow Root plants: Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives, Kohl Rabi, Onions ….

Moon in Aquarius: Dry and barren. Garden maintenance only.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Yeah, I will be doing some searches online to find recipes when I get more time. Right now there's just too much that has to be done. Thank you again for your help.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Sonna, that is OK, glad to help

Good wishes and Happy Gardening


Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

And Happy Gardening to you also! (Do you grow lettuce and other greens during the winter down there?)

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Yes, I do. I have coriander, parsley. cabbage, celery, 3 types of lettuce, broccoli and few others....
They grow well here.
At the moment we are having a storm with heavy rain, few thunder and strong winds, this will finish Sunday afternoon, that is what they say, but you never know, the weather now is unpredictable IMHO.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

So glad to hear you are getting rain and your plants are growing well. We have been in a drought for over two years and need rain badly. It was no use planting anything in the main garden - so I just planted a few things near the kitchen door (porch) (that makes it easy to use rinse water from washing dishes to water my flower beds.) Yes the weather is weird lately. South of us in San Antonio they recently had 10 inches of rain which led to flooding. But we have been very dry in this part of Texas - big clouds come here but then they blow away with out leaving anything.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Ladypearl we were on a bit of drought but with this rain, Thanks God, not any more!

By the way, the rain continues ....

Lest's see what June will send us, for you at the north and for me down south.......

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

We grow most of all of our greens through the late Fall to Spring monthe here in Central Florida. They have proven to be succesful even through harde Winter freezes. We have still got giant Kohlrabi's growing from early Winter that are taking the heat and need to be harvested.

The rains we have been recently getting along with the high humidity are just starting to create a little spotty powdery fungus on some of the Cucerbits here. I will be using a milk and baking soda spray tommorrow. Every season and weather condition has its own batch of problems for certain plants that we older gardeners know to watch out for through the seasons, since we've gardened so many seasons. Ha!

Too much rain,....too little rain,...and on we go.

Happy gardening Cristina, Ladypearl, and all everywhere on every corner of our green Planet.


Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

I have never use milk with baking soda, which proportion David?

Have you ever use cinnamon, good for any kind of fungus. It may be expensive for larger area, I use it with orchids, in the powder form and I have them in pots so is always very little powder the amount I use.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Most years June begins the really HOT and dry summer time. But like you, I remain hopeful that we will get some good heavy rains to help the trees and bushes make it through the summer. If these clouds would stick around and shield us from the harsh sun, that would be welcomed!

David, you are so blessed to have such a long growing season for greens! Mustard or turnip greens, or collards would be my breakfast every day. (That's what I eat for breakfast during times they are growing in my garden.) They like rain to grow well, though. What do you do for flea beetles, David?

I'm going to try the milk and baking soda next time there's a fungus problem. Thanks!

Does anybody grow the large type aloe that companies use (the juice) to put in drinks?

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

I use a 50/50 Milk water mix per gallon and a half cup of baking soda with few drops of dish detergent to help it stick longer Cristina. I'll have to experiment with cinnamon!

Lady pearl,
I really haven't had any problems with flea beetles here, so I really can't help. My yard is a lizard Mecca and we also hace a lot of beneficial insects so (knock on wood) my bug problems have been light on the whole. I know the feeling of wishing for a cloud to pass in front of the Sun a lot. Wishing you some rain. We are now entering our rainy season. Too much can be a disaster to in the gardens, especially on the cucurbits. (squash, melons and such)

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

We don't have many lizards here, perhaps because this was once farm land. Too bad there isn't a place to get native animals to reintroduce to an area where they've been eradicated. We have the big harvester ants that the horned toad lizards eat, but no lizards to eat them.

Well it is hard to say which is worse, too much rain or not enough. We have been going without substantial rain for so long, we are ready for too much for a change. The clouds come but then blow away so fast that we don't get any.

Is it windy where you are Cristina?

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Ladypearl, no is not very windy, only when we have bad weather or storms then we get strong gust of wind.

We do have rain, it is a temperate region, agriculture and forest all around, nice area .....

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

We got rain this morning! Yeeeaaaah!! And it filled up the rain barrels ! The weather forecast shows it turning very HOT and will stay that way for the summer. Oh well, at least we got some much needed rain.

It sounds like you live in a wonderful place Cristina; you are very blessed.

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