Cosmic Cactus?

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

So . . . I'm standing in line at Lowe's just now having saved one of these red succulent beauties from a certain death by overwatering in the shade: It was on the distressed rack for $3!

Back to the check out line. There was a display of "Cosmic Cactus." They are short, round leaved things with neon colored spines. The display was a mess, they were dropping everywhere; so I helped them clean it up a little and I guess a few fallen leaves stuck to my hand (see photo). What do you think? Cool or disturbingly unnatural?
How long before I should try to stick them in cactus mix?

Thumbnail by 2ndChance
Monte Vista, CO(Zone 4a)

Awww. Babies. How cute. Not sure about the cactus mix. I'm not growing cacti yet, but with this dry climate, that's a future possibility. They're so beautiful, especially when they bloom.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

They use dye or food coloring to make them colored, similar to the blue orchid.

Gilbert, AZ

I can't decide if that's really disgusting or really cool. Huh.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

The ones I saw look like they had been sprayed with coloring of some sort. I dislike them about as much as the pinned-on strawflowers that try to pretend they're cactus flowers. Luckily they'll outgrow the coloring.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

WHAT! IT ISN'T REAL? IT'S A TRICK? : ) Lord, what is this world coming to?

Seriously, how do they get only the spines to absorb the colorant and not the flesh, skin?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I think it's just lightly sprayed. So sorry we had to disillusion you. ;-)

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

I refuse to believe it! They wouldn't lie to people like that. This is America. I'm going to plant them and prove you all wrong.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

It's just another in a series of conspiracies and cover ups.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Rene, you have to plant them in the correctly colored soil, you know. Planting red in blue soil just won't work.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Don't forget to dye your fingers the correct colors prior to planting them - they won't have the bright colors and grow well if they aren't planted by the appropriately permanently and brightly colored digits...

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

They are just spray painted Mammillaria fragilis. See

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

There is a market for the most surprising things.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Real nice, pick on the cripple!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Why not? They're the easiest target. Some of us just don't have our disabilities apparent. ;-)

Phoenix, AZ

Nice "relocation"

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Well, they are planted. I look forward to y'all kissing my cosmic colored bum.

Mesa, AZ

You were supposed to color your fingers the appropriate color prior to planting, not your bum!!!

Just like those poor little fish you can buy that are all bright colors inside. You can see that it is their innards that are colored, not their scales or skin. Poor little things.

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