Fragrant Vines and Climbers

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

If this is a duplicate thread, I apologize, I went back a few years and found nothing, so I would like to start this one. We can merge if there is another without any problem.

I am a jasmine lover for many years. Propagating Jasminum Sambac 'Maid of Orleans' was the first one I really had good luck with. I then moved on to Star or Confederate Jasmine as some call it. I am doing o.k. with propagating that but I do have some concerns I would like to discuss. Now I have added Madagascar and Azares to my collection to see what I can do with them. Is there anyone on this Forum that could talk to me about any of these plants?

Thumbnail by JBerger
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Sorry JP no experience with those types. I have 350 feet of chain link fence out front and it is loaded with confederate and Carolina jasmine and it is just beautiful. Confederate is blooming now and smells heavenly.

Will try to remember to check back and see what feedback you get on those 2 types. Should be interesting.


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

That must be wonderful to live where the jasmine grows outside. Jealousy is a bad thing, but in this case I mean it with love and friendship. LOL. Maybe I should move.

Mulberry, FL

Hi I have varigated Madagascar and the regular I have had them not quite a year and they are just starting to get crawling good no bloom yet. If you are a collector the best of the best is Dukes of Tuscany I do have it and it and it blooms all summer long the flowers look like tight little white roses.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I had the Duke and it was a georgeous plant. I lost it one year and never replaced it. It is a wonderful plant and so enjoyable too. I never had much luck propagating the Duke either so I guess I just gave up and replaced it with something else.

Thumbnail by JBerger

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