Catclaw acacia (acacia gregii)

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

Since this is my first year here I don't know when the catclaws leaf out, but they are the only plant in the area that hasn't responded to spring yet. Is it possible that the severe freeze this year could do serious damage? Or are they always late bloomers?

Maricopa, AZ(Zone 9b)


What has your rainfall been like ?

A. Greggii is known to be drought deciduous ;

Dolan Springs is well within it's normal range ;

If you just have a few trees try a little extra water , most of Aridzona is still in drought status so far as normal rainfall goes . I recieved some 25% of normal for Dec- Jan. - Feb. .

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

I think we got your rain and snow his winter. I am so happy with all the wild flowers that are coming up everywhere. I had never heard of a mariposa lily before, but I hope to see them e dry spring now.
I guess I'll just be patient and see when these catclaws start leafing out. Maybe they know something about future freezes and it's not safe yet.

Maricopa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Snow ? ! ?

Rain ! ? !

Both are fabled mythical creatures so far as I am concerned . On the upside I had some years back in ancient history where I would have to spend virtually all of March and half of April clearing weeds from my property . Now no weeds BUT this also leaves the rabbits with little to eat but things that I have planted . Never a happy medium . I have some greggii's and have noticed that they seem to come out later then others . I would'nt worry about them too much . Some other trees here lost some of thier upper younger growth but are coming back from older more mature growth . Nature is pretty good about repairing itself .

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

I learned, or rather, my poor trees did, that these are not your cute little Thumper variety of bunnys out here! If my palo verde and desert willow grow anything this year it will be a wonder. NOW I have them wrapped in chicken wire.
I know you love the wild things, so I thought I'd share that there is at least one pair of hawks out here. Don't ask me what kind... Maybe red tailed? And the neighbor has had some huge owls come to the water she puts out for the quail. I surprised a fox one night, too. The only critter I need lots less of (besides the field mice) are the rattlers. I've tried really hard to get bit twice, and both times they just rattled and warned me. I'm learning though, and keeping stuff up off the ground better.

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