Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage Sat 4/20 Annapolis

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Any interest in a meet up for this tour?

I believe Holly and Ric and Gita will be coming down and Jan23 will be in town. I live within walking distance of the tour.

Sallyg are you working this Sat?

Tour hours are 10 - 5 and tour probably takes a good hour. So, we could tour am or pm and meet for lunch...Would also be possible to tour Paca House and Garden same day. Same hours 10 -5

Times and meetup and lunch tba.

Hope to see some of you this Saturday!

This message was edited Apr 16, 2013 1:10 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Judy, The Paca tour looks interesting and would be nice to see time permiting.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita is NOT coming to the Tour. Can't do all that walking....

My name may have been involved in this because Holly and Ric
wanted to stop by my place--either coming or going.

Looks like it will be on their way home--Looking forward to their visit.
They have never been to my place.... Gita

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I may be able to do the tour with you, but would bow out for lunch. Since we are only there for Friday night and will need to spend time with the grandies on Saturday. Especially since one just had a birthday.

Let me know when. I will do my best.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I will be in Richmond so I won't be able to do it either. Of course I've lived in this area my entire life and haven't ever done the tour yet so why should this year be any different?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I am not working- no plans so far...will get back to you...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

We'd love to, but just have too much darn stuff to do to spare the time.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

well, at $30 a pop, I think I'd skip that, but we should be free for lunch, Annapolis Paca House etc. if that can be coordinated.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Coleup, What time do you want us to be there and where should we meet? Thought I sent a D-mail asking.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

How does meeting at my house around 11, and then doing Paca Gardens and lunch downtown Annapolis? We could go in one vehicle . park in parking garage downtown, walk to Paca (3 blocks) and eat at Chic and Ruths a deli with lots of atmosphere and less expensive menu. Then return to my Garden of Disarray for a brief look at the permanent exhibit of "Invasives I've Learned to Live With". say our goodbyes (Between 1-2?) and and have a good part of the afternoon for touring the Homes and Gardens of Wardour.

This should leave plenty of daylight for Ric and Holly's private showing at Gita's Garden!

If we would like to get an early start to the day, I'd be up for a side trip to Riva Gardens where I have found a number of 'new to me' plants I've begun to list over on the Spring Plant shopping thread. What is anyones preference beyond a get together while we are all in town? Sally, do you want a visit, too? I know you are missing our Big Spring Swap! It would be fun to sip some coffee under your 50 year old crabapple. scoop up some blue spruce sedum and watch for blue birds!

Ric and Holly, you are traveling the furthest so basically your call when all this starts!

Oh, dress is casual old Hippy! Or come as you are!

Yep, Sally $30. I was going to be a tour guide volunteer for $15! It's a good way to see how my neighbors live!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That sounds like a really nice day Coleup, Just pop over to our D-mail and take a look at your address I think the front of it is missing something. Want to make sure I have it right. Oh did you send my your Phone # in case we have any issues on the way down? Thanks.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Private showing????? Of what?

I will, most likely, point to a bare spot and say: "And this is where such and such is---not up yet."
"See that bunch of little leaves? That will be the tall Cardinal Flower..."

Or--"Here is a dying clump of Daffs--They WERE yellow with a pink throat.....
And--See those dead, dry stems sticking up in my front lawn bed? That will be my KK Hibiscus!"

Or---"See all these minute seedlings coming up? They will be Bleeding Hearts....I think????"

And for sure---"See that empty, round bed? That is where my Wintersweet Shrub was..
If you want to see what it looked like--you have to go visit Paul....:o)"

My place is far from being a Showplace. Now--end of May--beg. of June--is a different story.

However--having Holly and Ric swing by will be a wonderful experience in itself....


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly, how early do you want to start out?

I'll call you all later with # and address.

Here is a link to Riva Gardens

Maybe we'd have more fun there than Paca Gardens???

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Coleup we' be up for your plan. I need your address if we'll meet there. I have the minivan can carry 7 total for parking garage. Chic and Ruths is classic and i have never been.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I'm in for the morning, but I will bow out for lunch. I will drive myself. .

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jan! Can I bring you any plants? Anything you remember from before, anything on last September's list...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nice Jan hope to see you. Ric and I are trying to be there for about 10:30-11:00. What's tomorrows weather looking like?

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I just looked at the forecast for tomorrow in Annapolis. High of 59 and sunny with a 20% chance of precipitation. It is raining now.

Hahaha, Sallyg, I can't remember from yesterday you expect me to remember from September? That's funny!!! No, you don't need to bring me anything, but thank you for thinking of me.

I just put the 20month old to bed and the other two are watching The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything with Jeff. I hear him laughing down in the basement.

See you tomorrow.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Calling for no rain in am and sun shoyld pop out sometime.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Power went out last night. back on now...branches down but rain has ended. Finished my route. Home to sleep or more likely, array the disarray!

Jan will you come to my house between 10:30 and 11?

I did a big OOPS and locked your Crepe Myrtle in my van so it wouldn't be all soaked for transport, but cannot locate the key or the back up spare key so you may go home empty trunked.

Holly and Ric, your JMs are soaked, but glorious with their emerging new leaves. Glad you will get to see them leaf out this first year with you.

Sally, sadly I haven't planted the trees I have but I'd be glad to take them to the swap for any takers there. Thanks for volunteering to drive us all to where ever we decide to tour and do lunch.

See you all soon. Travel safe and enjoy the sights and sounds of Spring in Annapolis

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Coleup, Ric and I aren't going to make it. I was waiting till a decent hour to call. I was up sick all night long and still not finished. So sorry to bow out at the last minute. Really going to miss seeing you all and we were looking forward to the day.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh Holly, so sad that you are feeling ill. Do take care of yourself today. There are other tours and times to meet. Will take some pics of your baby trees and keep them in good shape til I hand them off to you.
Good thoughts coming your way. Check in when and if you can. Judy

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Judy, Sent Gita and Sally D-mails. Going back to bed.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Update...Sally, Jan and I are going to ditch all the tours (except Riva Gardens) and just hang out for a little little while this morning.

Going out side now to hang my "Closed for the Day" sign on "My Yarden of Disarray" and find my "This vehicle stops for plants" portable bumper sticker in case Sally doesn't have one!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, Holly, I am so sorry you have the ickies. Feel bettter soon!!!

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