Anyone counting the bats?

Cumming, IA

Yes, I counted 61 bats leaving the three clustered houses in total. There was at least one more up there that I could hear making little bat noises but it was too dark to watch anymore last night.

We are having a storms tonight and it is windy and cold so I could not count bats tonight. I have thought about looking for a bat cam to spy on them.

It seems as though some are larger than others and I wonder if I have a mixture of small brown, large brown, and Indiana bats.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Have you researched them at all? Like with google? Might tell you w.have.

One time when the wind was blowing real hard I watched the bats at dusk out grabbing insects that were being blown off the trees.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

That's great that you have a good number already!

Cumming, IA

The fact that they come out so late in the evening coupled with the fact that they are flying fast after they drop from the houses and come out one after another in different directions makes it difficult to identify. I have had them swoosh within maybe six feet of my face to grab a flying bug and that is a bit startling. The easiest but most depressing way to identify them would be to happen upon a dead one or a youngster that needs to climb the face of the barn for a second attempt at flight (it has happened in the past).

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hope you know never to touch or handle one. Gloves. Are they diseased where you live? I think last year they found one with the White Nose disease in Idaho, not far from us.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

It would be great if some of them were Indiana bats, as those are endangered. I'm really concerned about how White Nose Syndrome will affect already endangered species like that. I don't know how you'd possibly be able to identify them, though, unless you had a great zoom lens and some form of lighting to get pictures!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

It's been nearly 2 years but I'm finally putting the pieces of my bat-house together.

This message was edited Feb 24, 2015 12:12 AM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Cumming, IA

Well, the bat houses are going up again. I had a contractor accidentally burn up part of my barn last summer, and he got all my bat nurseries. It was a very sad day. I ordered more bat houses immediately and they have been sitting outside since then. The next contractor will be coming in the morning and I am so excited. I hope the bats will return, no sign of them yet, but I have had my first mosquito bite and a wood tick so it should be soon for the migration!

Cumming, IA

Here is what it looked like, I hope the new wood isn't too obnoxious, but as long as fallen bumbling baby bats can climb back up for another attempt at flight, I can live with it....I guess.

Thumbnail by beckashoe
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The new wood will just make it more unique. :~)

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