when will new Boston Ivy transplants grow? Are they dead?

Muscoy, CA

We just recently received some 6 inch (or so) Boston Ivy cuttings with roots and planted them here in southern CA early spring. They had no leaves when we got them (dormant?) in from Tennessee and they haven't changed since we planted them a month ago. They look dead as a doornail. They had decent little roots when we planted them and we followed all of the instructions. Am I just being impatient or should I wait a certain amount of time to see if they will grow? I would appreciate any help - this is the first time we have put forth any real effort in gardening, buying our first home has resulted in being bitten by the gardening bug! I hope we don't end up with bad luck the first time around.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I think you are being impatient. The plant must establish a good root system before it can grow - give it time.

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