Indoor plants at Mid Atlantic April 2013

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That is a beautiful display love the colored cups with white bowls for pots. Beautiful plants.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I am so excited. I got my 5 strep plants from Rob yesterday and they are tiny but beautiful. I also still have my one pink baby alive and I am wondering when to transplant it to a tiny pot. I am so afraid it will die if I do not do it when the roots are big enough.

I really am trying not to get too carried away with these at this time but I am sooooooooooo interested in learning more I just can not help but buy a few here and there.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone. Remember our fallen heros. God Bless America.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I forgot to show you what is blooming here in the containers today.

This is the tiny fuchsia plant now being sold. They call it the 4" fuchsia.

The old bougainvilla is still here. I cut it back really far every year and it keeps coming back.

The star jasmine is still blooming and I have yet to take cuttings. I do not want to cut when it blooms because I adore the odor it sends off into the rest of the room. I have two big plants in the bird room and they are very dirty house plants as far as droppings are concerned but the perfume is soooo nice I can deal with the fallen flowers and leaves.

Thumbnail by JBerger Thumbnail by JBerger Thumbnail by JBerger

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