August perennial blooms

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

A relative is getting married in early August on LI just outside Queens.
It will be outdoor ceremony in sunny backyard. Some partial shade borders also.
They'd like plantings along borders blooming in early August.
Robust plants which don't require much fussing.
She likes yellow, but anything is OK. A mix of tall/short is OK. Big yard, so lots of room.
They know I'm a gardener and have foolishly placed confidence in me
that I'll have suggestions to create the perfect wedding backdrop.
I have a sun-challenged yard, so sunny gardening isn't my specialty.
All I can think of is rudbeckias everywhere.
Who can help me out (and probably save their marriage, of course)?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Let me do some research , but right off hand you can also include: (will you be growing these from seed or buying plants?) If growing:
Coreopsis Sunray
Any of the tall sunflowers, many colors available, and many are branching
Zinnias, whole array of colors and many can be bought as seperate colors, yellow, gold, red, orange, pink and purple
Cosmos (light fragrance in quantity and will fill the air), great as a cut flower also, have plenty of seed of mixed colors (pink, white, & deep pink)
Antirrihinum (snaps), I'm growing some from seed this season called 'The Bride', white fragrant and 36"
Ammi visagna or majus, great as a cut flower also, (have seed if needed on visagna)
Daisies, probably better to start with these as plants if wanting a decent show by then
Centaureas, (bachelor buttons (cyans), many colors), mochatas, imperials
Alyssum lobulara very fragrant ground cover if enmass, easy from seed
some hollyhocks (Alcea rosea)
Osteospurmum, I have plenty of seed from both a yellow and an orange one that I could share, 10-14", reseeding annual.

So here's a few to get you started. If buying seed to start take a look or better yet get a catalog from They have many old fashion type flowers and most are annuals. Also get one from T&

Ammi visagna

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All of her suggestions are excellent. Coneflowers are also a good one. There are many cultivar colors to choose from including yellow and white. A good white one is White Swan or Fragrant Angel.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow, great list. I'll try to make a pic file for the bride to make selections. Thx for your help!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Only problems with perenns. is they might not give that great of a show without spending a scad of $$$$$$$$. That is why I suggested mostly annuals...would cost lees in the long run and fill the garden to the brim (along with vases too!!!!)

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm sure she'll be filling in w/ tons of annuals.
But they travel too much to deal w/ seeds,
so I presume they'll fork out money for plants.
Thanks for your help.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I looked through my August photo album and the following were blooming..
Hardy Hibiscus - Old Yella
Oriental Lilies
4 o'clocks
Liatris (Button Type)
Purple Coneflowers
Cardinal Flower
Joe Pye Weed
Some Daylilies
Some Roses
Silene regia
Agastache, rupestris. cana & foeniculum
Annual silene
Candy Lilies
Butterfly Bush

Here's a link

This message was edited Apr 20, 2013 10:03 AM

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow, quite a list! Thanks!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

No problem! I should have said the Allium type but one I'm not sure of, the other is a wild type nut not the nodding onion, the type that stays straight. I think Allim stellatum.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I agree that even if they fork over a lot of money, they are not likely to get much of a show from perennials this year.... But if it is their own house, they'll have wonderful memories of their wedding in years to come. My mom died when the Bradford pears were blooming, and the redbuds, and I think of her when I see them bloom each year....

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

True! If I were you I would plant annuals in between all the perennials. I did that the first year in one of my large gardens. Now when I look back at pictures I almost wish I could have it look like it did back that year with mostly annuals. You'd be surprised how large some will get! Especially in August. :O)

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