Just down right Bragging

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

OMG, What a wonderful day it was. DD Jen, has been training for a good 6 months for the DC Rock & Roll Marathon. It was her first full Marathon. She had good practice times and was running 20 miles. Then just weeks before the race. Jen's large hard headed dog somehow managed to crash right into her knee with that hard head. She had to stop her training and truly wasn't sure she could run at all. But with an iron will and the good conditioning she had done she made it the whole way. 26.2 miles in 5 hours slower than her practice times but just what she needed to finish the run.
Josh's love Courtney, Also a runner but not currently in training thought she would join Jen for a few miles to encourage her along the way and ended up running close to 1/2 the Marathon. After hiking all over the city to cheer Jen on at several spots along the course she jumped in about 15 miles out thinking she would run along for about 5 miles or so. But didn't turn off before they crossed the bridge and from then on there was no real place for her to jump back out. She jumped out about a mile or two before the finish line so Jen could take it home on her own.
Josh and I did a pretty good hike all over the city ourselves. I actually broke off from Josh and Courtney after the start of the marathon when it became pretty oblivious that I couldn't keep up. They headed off to intersect Jen at the 7 mile mark and I headed off to intersect her at the 10 mile mark then we all met again at the 15 mile mark where Courtney jumped in and Josh and I went to meet Jen's DH and children at the Space Museum for a quick lunch. Matt to the rescue, noway were the kids 5 & 6 going to make the 3 miles to the finish line so we jumped the Metro and were all there to cheer Jen over the finish line.
The weather held up well for us a bit chilly, overcast and damp with some bright spots when the sun came out a good day for a run and a hike. With St.Patty's Day close at hand there were quite a few interesting costumes among the runners and while trekking around the city I got some interesting pics of the homes. I kept Ric, Jen's sister and Grandparents informed on her progress along the way.
I only had about 2 hours sleep in the car on the way down so by the time I got home it was give Ric a blow by blow of the day and crash and burn. Think I was in bed about 6:00pm.
Dad's doing very well. He had been sick for about 4 days with one of these nasty flue bugs and was getting better. Then started getting sick again. Didn't want him to slide down hill again so over to the local Hosp for some IV fluids and anti-nausea meds. We got to the Hosp about 8:00pm and I got home about 2:30am just in time to shower, change, pack a few things before Josh & Courtney picked me up at 4:00am.

Not sure there are enough words to tell you how truly proud I am of my daughter and her support team as well.
Jen, Josh & Jen waiting for the start, Courtney, Josh & Jen doing her stretching , Jen waiting for the start wearing Mom's jacket.


Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here are a few of those interesting costumes. There was a whole group in pink tutus, both men and women.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Start of Jen's group, they had the field of runners divided up into staring blocks about 25-30 starting blocks.
The 15 mile mark when Courtney jumped in. She took extra water for Jen and some kind of energy food called goo that comes in a tube.
Jen at the finishing line coming in strong.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2013 4:11 AM

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen's admirers,
Coming back with her hard earned medal, Jen & DH look how proud he is, the whole very excited family, Courtney & Jen, Lucas with Mom's medal.

Thanks guys for letting me Brag. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for sharing all the pride and excitement with us!! Sounds like your marathon was a success also, Holly. Great to have Ric always there with loving support. I have an old guy like that here and know how valuable these guys are.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

No Ric on this trip, He was planning on going but then on Friday evening he started to feel a bit queasy and decided not to get up at 3:00am. He never did get real sick but I think he was pretty glad that he didn't go in the end. Maybe a bit more hiking than he would have been up too. It was a bit more hiking than I was up too. I think I might have done 8 miles myself.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I meant that he was ready to take care of you when you got home.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

What an accomplishment!
Don't you get sort of a feeling of awe, that you created this girl?

That Courtney, she's a prize too!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Roses, You are right he really does take good care of me.
Yes, I am quite often in awe of my children and Courtney is such a wonderful girl.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly, the story and the pics are great. What a beautiful family you have.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone. I just wanted to share my joy.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

How fun! You should be proud

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Great accomplishment!! Wonderful day!! You have a right to brag

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Looks like a great event. Thank you for sharing the pics. You have a beautiful family.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

WOW!!! That is amazing....and certainly can see how you could beam over that accomplishment!!! High five!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone. I saw Jen yesterday and I think she is still beaming.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Congratulations to Jen! Thanks for sharing a proud Mommy moment. We love to see beaming!

I get lost almost every time I'm in DC so I am amazed that you all found your way at all. A different sort of marathon to be sure.

As I read your account of Jen just 'going on on her own' I couldn't help but think of when Dumbo learns he can fly without the feather! So great when those we love soar. Hope we all get to do a little flying this year.

Crozet, VA

Thanks for sharing this Holly....now I don't feel too badly about showing pictures of my grand children as often as I do. Runners truly amaze me. Knowing that back in the day when I tried to walk daily and hitting a mile mark and thinking I had really done something is nothing in comparison to running the twenty something miles these marathon runners do.

Oh yeah, that your trek all over creation was quite an accomplishment too. I too would be right out there rooting had this been one of my boys or my grand children too.

Again, thanks for sharing the fun.


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