Can Viburnum plicatum Mary Milton live in Zone 7B?

Tega Cay, SC(Zone 7b)

It is necessary to read the spec's on a plant before buying it. I know this and yet somehow missed it when I ordered this Mary Milton. I was in the process of ordering a number of shrubs for a major "re-do" of the yard this spring. I did all the research on planting requirements, sun, water, growth habit, size and zone. At the last minute I ran across this picture of Mary Milton and tacked it onto my order.
Received the order yesterday and starting making final decisions on placement and realized MM is Zone 5 and I'm in zone 7B (SC just south of Charlotte NC). For zone 5 she wants full sun to part shade.
I would appreciate any advice on where to plant it and what are the chances of it flourishing in zone 7B.
Should I look for a space that is east facing with morning sun, or a total shade spot or what? Would it be better to keep her in a container on the porch? I have a few choices here and could provide different light requirements in different spots. Last question, is my worry the summer heat and hot sun, or the winter temperatures or something else completely?
For now, she's getting potted up and will live on the screen patio until I figure out what to do.
Thanks so much for any advise. I really appreciate your help.

Thumbnail by JudAnn
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

In plantfiles it is listed as zone 5a-9b
It'll be fine. The lower the zone, the more cold-hardy. Your zone 7b is well within the range for this plant. Actually it'll probably do quite well.
I've found Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum to be quite tolerant of different conditions. Then again I'm in a cool summer area. Your thoughts of morning sun to prevent mid-late summer burn is probably a good idea and the plants in my area that I'm familiar with seem to enjoy a semi-shaded location. I've noticed the width of the plant as it matures needs the space. Their nice cake-plate layering and dome shape - just keep that in mind when you look around for placing it. Hopefully member, Viburnumvalley, will be along shortly for additional information.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I believe (though I don't have the documentation in front of me, while on a short trip to WI) that 'Mary Milton' was selected in a zone 7 climate in Tennessee. It should do fine in SC, provided some of the conditions as mentioned above.

I think at least partial shade during the hottest periods is requisite, since this species will "dog-ear" at the blink of an eye when hot/dry. Be able to provide moisture if you get into any kind of extended dry period - the plant will certainly indicate its thirst.

I would appreciate you reporting back after having a growing/flowering season under your belt with this plant. There are more than a few selections of Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum (Japanese Snowball Viburnum) with pink flowers.....that don't always reliably bloom pink. I think climatic conditions have a bit to do with it, as does nutrient/mineral levels and soil pH.

You may want to give it that first season in a container, and make up your mind for its permanent spot after that.

Tega Cay, SC(Zone 7b)

Thank you both for your guidance. Glad to hear Mary Milton is workable in zone 7. Not sure how I came up with a flat out zone 5, but Google does lead you to some strange places. I'm new to DG and didn't think to start my research here, so thank you Growin for the link to the PlantFiles. Also the interactive map is a great tool.

You make a good point Growin about the shape and space needed. So I think I'll take your advice ViburnumValley and keep it in a container this year. Otherwise, I'll be "fitting her in" rather than finding the perfect spot.

I'm replanting all my beds from scratch and plan to put in several shrubs and small trees in the next few weeks. I'm not sure I am making the right choices but will keep track of how it goes. I'll keep you posted on Mary Milton once it blooms.

Thanks again, Jud

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Feel free to post some of the plants you want or are thinking about and we can help with suggestions and stuff. I find it fun.

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