
Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

what is the best way to root them and when?????

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Sooo easy! I just take a low hanging branch, scratch the bark a little and bury the part that is closet to the "Mother" plant. Put a rock on it and in a month or so you can cut it off and have a brand new plant. I think spring is the best season to do this when they start to put out new growth. I have done this many times. Also works well with Rhodies, Jasmine, etc. most any woody plant. Try it. I'm sure you can root cuttings in peat or potting soil, but then you have to remember to keep the moisture just right which I am not good at. Good luck.

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

thanks so much for the info.

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

jcf, right after they bloom in the spring, when you are pruning them. I have better luck with soft newish growth - didn't seem to matter if I used a rooting hormone or not.
Just keep them moist - I have what I call my nursery area close to the water hose. Brenda

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Be sure, if you take cuttings that you keep them moist at all times and strip the leaves except for the ones at the very top. I put mine in a potting mixture and in a tray with holes in the bottom. Then I put the whole thing in a larger tray with water in it.

When you lay the branches down on the ground, you really don't even need to scratch it at least I've never done it. I put some down a few weeks ago and by springtime, they'll be babies. Last spring, I put some down and I had 5 new plants by fall.

I lay them down and put pine needles over them, a little dirt or perhaps a small piece of wood, just so that they are touching the dirt a bit.

Good luck.

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