What is the earliest anyone ever got there crosse's to bloom

Warners, NY

The fastest bloom I ever had was when I made my first cross in 1987 and got eight seeds from unknown species X ditch lily and planted them in a pot in the kitchen window. I set them out in May and they bloomed the next year. Since then I've planted every way possible, peat pots, under lights, outside in Spring and finally outside in November, which is the least bother if they are oldies that survive the winter--but then they take three, four, or five years to bloom. Five years or so back, I finally bought a tet to cross with old Ed Murray and those seeds demand stratifying and will not grow if planted in the Fall and take about three to five years. But even Stella in the parking lots doesn't repeat well up here so I try for early species (starting to bloom now) earlys like Buckeye, on to August Flame and Autumn Minaret---------------------------------Weedy

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks all!

To my big surprise, most of my 144 daylily seedling crosses are budding..They are only 15 months old at this writing. Likewise my 129 iris seedlings. I have seedlings from 2009 that just bloomed this season. Not grown in the same spot.

The only thing I can think of that made a difference is that I added a lot of rotted horse manure in the garden the year before I planted. Others groing in a differet bed is now setting buds and they were from 2010.

As far as daylilies, the earliest are those sprouting January and February in the house 2012, planted out May 2012 and setting buds now.

1] Iris seedling blooming at 14 months.
2] Daylilies planted May 31, 2012 and now setting buds.

Planted 100 more seeds of daylilies and 30 of irises. What was I thinking!!!

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Lilly looking good. Can't wait to see pics.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

wow, Thats Great!

Saratoga, CA(Zone 9b)

Years and years ago, I was growing seedlings indoors under light. I had potted up seedlings from the 6-packs I started them in, into 4" pots. I was flabbergasted to see one seedling bloom a few months from germination. (At this late date I can't recall if it was 2 1/2 months, or 4 1/2 months (I would think the latter?) but for sure it was abnormally early.) If I recall correctly, the stunted (5-6" or so) puny scape had only 1-2 flowers on it, and was from a PURPLE PETALOID cross.

I have never had a seedling bloom so early since. (It typically takes me 2, sometimes 3, years to get a bloom scape.) I don't know for sure what the difference was... maybe the bottom heat and lights right on top of the seedlings....probably lots of fertilizer and water had something to do with it, too. But there were several other seedlings (including from the same cross) in the same tray, getting the same treatment, and they all took a normal amount of time to bloom, so probably a lucky combination of genetics played a roll.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Very nice!!! Your seedling bed looks so much more organized than mine, lol. Can't wait till you have some blooms.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

know you were probably thinking " I luv the iris and Daylily , and I want to see as many as I can "
lol We all have had similar thought .. pretty , very pretty !!!

Thank guys. I too am waiting. Iris seedlings are finished. The buds on the daylilies seedlings are swelling. Probably another week before they open.

Trying to finish up editing the iris photos before the daylilies bloom.

hemlady, I have to be organized or I will surely screw up.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

This doesn't mean much , and I have showed this pic before , but this is the first cross I have done since the 1970's
As that is,, this is my first cross grown from seed to bloom , from naturalized hybrid & ruffles ...

This message was edited Jul 2, 2013 1:37 AM

Thumbnail by juhur7

Ju It is nice with great edges. Be proud of it since you are the creator.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

juhur7, It's a nice seedling cross!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice sdlg Juhur7.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you all . !!! very nice of you !!!

I keep trying . I will get there . Still looking for a ruffle the size of the red volunteer . love the new style blooms .. lol
It does get overwhelming !!!lol

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

The hardest part is tagging the crosses. IMHO!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL! Memory is a thing ^_^

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