What is the earliest anyone ever got there crosse's to bloom

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

from seed??
I seen a post on another forum where someone got a bloom on a 4 month old, Kinda hard to believe, Whats the earliest you all got a bloom from a seed??

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

9 months.

Ive never heard of the best even getting a 4 month bloom. Not saying it didnt happen, but its sure not even close to the norm.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

wow, 9 months is pretty good gardenglory! I have never heard of anyone ever getting a bloom at 4 months either besides the person in the post I seen, Thats why I'm asking people what there earliest bloom was.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Fred,( Spunky), gets 9 month blooms frequently. I think he has posted a few 7 month seedlings, but Id have to go back and look. Im lucky if I just get a seedling to bloom ;-o

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Yes, If you get a chance, Please look, I'd like to know.
I've had crosse's I did two years ago and no blooms as of yet :(

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ive got some 4 yrs old that have never bloomed. From hence forth, two springs is the most Im going to give them. I just dont have that much space.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

omg, 4 years ~ Geeze, Hope I get some blooms this year, Mine are in pots out in upper back yard in an enclosed fence area, They are out of the way, So they can stay there for a while (Hope it don't take mine 4 years or more though!) they did good/looked great last year, Thought sure I'd get bloom from them, But I didn't.
Did you have a lot that you crossed?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Living in the north it almost always takes 2 years for a bloom but I have on occassion had one give me a bloom in a year. It sure isn't often that happens but if I get seeds started early enough outdoors and I let them grow outdoors, I sometimes get a bloom the following summer.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have had blooms as early as 7 months, anything 4 months wouldn't be strong enough to support a very big scape and bloom.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Lyle, how many years do you wait for a seedling to bloom , do you cull after the first year??

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I do cull after the first year, after rebloom, which is important to me in my hybridizing and a must for seedlings with a lower bud count. One of the things I look for in the seedlings in the northern test garden is but count since some parts of the country don't get rebloom. I have two seedlings in the northern garden that may be registered this coming spring, both 30 bud count plus and instant rebloom, and increase, both seedlings have seen temps of -21 and still increased the following season.

I am very pleased with my first northern hardy registration (also survived and increased -21 temps) Heidi Lynn.........

First photo northern garden, second photo southern garden..

Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627
Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

really beautiful, lyle! you dont usually see that kind of edge on flowers in the north! great work


Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Dang, I must be doing something wrong hemlady, I started them early, I even covered them up the first year in the cool months and they have been outside from the start, Still haven't gotten a bloom yet ( Hopefully this year)

Lyle, I seen pictures of a couple of the 4 month olds and they had a good sized bloom ( they were hanging over a bit though) ~ I totally agreee with aggiegirl, You did great work with those and they are beautiful!!

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

If I start seeds in January I will get bloom on some of them the following summer. Most though are 2-3 years and can change dramatically from 1st year bloom so I don't cull right away.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for your input seedsower

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't cull after first bloom either. Bloom can change from one summer to the next and bud count can increase too.

Here in cold Wyoming, it takes 2 years to bloom on average. Some will take 3 years. Those that are on their 3rd year of growth, were sowed in the same year as those blooming at 2 years. They received the same care since they were all growing in the same coldframe.

A few bloomed a bit less than 2 years.

1] My first seedling that bloomed Aug. 2011, sowed Oct. 2009
2] Sowed 2010 bloomed 2012
3] Sowed Nov. 2010 bloomed June 2012, my favorite.
4] Sowed 2009 blooomed 2012
5] Sowed 2009 bloomed 2011

I should have many blooming this year.

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Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

I like #2, #3 & the color on #4! Know any of the parentage off hand?

Hi Seedsower.
Below is the flower from seeds I got from you Bedovin Tatoo x Untangle My Heart. Other seeds you sent me should bloom this summer.

Will have to look up the parents for those posted above. I think the seeds I purchased from TS's

Darn forgot the photo

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Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks Tracie! It is hard to keep a good edge on a daylily in cooler climates. I will have a couple more this coming spring, also with good bud count, and branching..

Thanks IRIS! I have had some very early scapes appear but usually anything less than 7 months I will cut the scape and hope for rebloom..

As a hybridizer I don't set a season (EE,E,EM,) for a seedling until the second season.

Some 2012 EE for evaluation - the bloom season will be determined spring 2013

Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627
Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I wish the guy that got a bloom in 4 months from seed would post & I would tell him about the time I went fishing out in the ocean & hooked into an old lamp that was at least 2 thousand years old & it was still lit. (If you believe in fairy tales)

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Very nice sdlgs there Lilly and Lyle!

I love the 3rd and 4th blooms. Very striking.

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for posting the seedling Blomma! I'd have thought that cross would have produced something more appealing, but it could change this year if this was the 1st year bloom.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Lyle, Nice seedlings! Love the second and fourth!

Roseman2, He is not on davesgarden, He's on facebook.

SEEDSOWER, I thought if was appealing for the tiny dots on the petals. Actually a buyer thought so also for it is one I had to cull due to space so sold it on LA last year. It was the first year bloom. Your others should bloom this year. It is strange that some will bloom at 2 years, others at 3. That goes for iris also.

1] My 2012 crop of daylilies, sown Fall 2011. Photo taken in August 2012
2] My 2011 crop of daylilies sown Fall of 2010. Photo taken in July 2011. Your seedlings are in that bunch. The one that bloomed was from there, including those I posted above. I will post yours when it blooms.

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Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Every now an then, when I used to plant zinia seeds and the such, there would be a freak that would just send up a bloom, almost before it got leaves. Im guessing there is a chance that could happen with a daylily, but it would be a fluke for sure.

Finally got the chance to look up the parents of the seedlings posted above. Three are from seeds purchased from T'S Flowers and Things. One from LA, and fifth from another member on Daves.

1] Highland Pinched Fingers x seedling
2]President Ronald Reagan x Siloam Ralph Henry
3] Seedling x Linda Daniel
4] Golden Scroll x Hush Little Baby
5] James Marsh x Forestlake Ragamuffin

I will have quite a few that will bloom this summer.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Quite frankly I am delighted any of mine bloom at all summer to summer say 10 to 14 months , about that? eh ,,usual ...

Question anyone:
Why is it difficult to get the edges on the blooms that Lyle have on his. I did get one with edges shown above with President Ronald Reagan x Siloam Ralph Henry as parents. Seeds from T'S Flowers and Things. So far it is a keeper unless the 2nd year blooms proves otherwise.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

blomma, I read that it has to do with our short growing season. Now if you were using a heated greenhouse things would PROBABLY be different. I am sure someone more in the know will chime in.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

When you cross tetraploids you have over 1600 possibilities. 40 chromones per plant. 40 X 40 = 1600. You have to plant a lot of seeds from a cross to get a good one. That's why I have heard hybridizers say that crosses can produce a lot of dogs. With diploids you have a little bit better chance of getting a nice one. 20 chromosones X 20 chromosones = 400 different possibilities.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

This message was edited Apr 25, 2013 7:45 AM

Oh well, I am not going to move to a warmer climate for teeth and edges. I would garden myself to death without a winter reprive. LOL!

I can see why you would need more tet seedling to get something other than a "dog" I won't stand a chance with 3-6 seedling. Maybe I'll get lucky.

I did get one with a nice edge but the seeds were not from my crosses. They were purchased. Only one from that cross bloomed last year so will see what the others will bring.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I really think that no matter what zone you are in, if the edges are very strong in the genetics of the plant that you have a good possibility of getting daylilies with an edge. Make sure you cross good edges together that way you will have a greater possibility of getting an edge. The only problem I would think, being in a colder zone, would be the flower not opening properly because of cold nights. That would be another challenge.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Cindys right, I reread my response and that came out wrong, especially about the edges. Ive seen some pretty good edges from northern blooms, teeth are tougher. I sometimes only have 3-6 seedlings of a cross that actually bloom. Its still fun, and even if not registration worthy in your eyes, they are most pretty and all are fun. My best flowers have been from purchased seeds, I just dont seem the knack for picking good crosses. Hopefully Ill get better with time and seeing what makes a good candidate.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I agree with Cindy.

This daylily will grow in all grow zones, it has been tested for 3 year in temps from -21 to 115 deg., and it increases very well.

Heidi Lynn

First phot Northern Arizona - Rudy's garden
Second photo in my Phoenix garden

Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627

I do have some DL with edging that I purchased from Bob (Blueridge) and that bloomed last year.

1] Spacecoast Krinkles
2] Regal Braid
3] Oliver Billingslea
4] Leslie Renee
5] Beyond Words

Will again use them as parents and cross them . I have saved pollen from each that is stored frozen. I also purchased Alexa Kathryn and Forestlake Ragamuffin late last year. They should bloom this summer.

All are tets. I tried crossing them last year but they didn't produce seeds due to the heat we had when they bloomed.

This message was edited Apr 25, 2013 9:17 PM

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