How do I root Thunbergia Battiscombei?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)


Just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to root cuttings of this Thunbergia at this time of the year. If so, how do it do it? I've heard that summer is the best time to do this but I'd like to get some cuttings rooted now. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

you could try rooting leaves, but I've heard that tip cuttings of thunbergias are easier.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I've tried tip cuttings, six inch cuttings, both in water and soil, with and without rooting hormone, on heat and off heat. Just can't get them started. I thought about the leaves, but then I looked at the plant and they don't have enough leaf stem to put into soil. These things cost a bunch to buy and I thought I could save some people some money by getting some rooted cuttings ready for spring. If you can figure out anything else, let me know. Oh yes, have 12 babies now out of 15, so the % is getting better all the time.


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

the leaves I got from my thunbergia grandiflora didnt' have much stem at all. I stuck it in the soil with rooting compound and just kept them watered. I got a pot full of roots, and then on the 19th of Oct saw a shoot. It's now almost 3 feet long.

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Brugie, what would you like me to be rooting for you for one of those babies? Got a 'wish list'?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)


I just wanted to root them for others since they are so expensive to buy. Thought as long as I had a big plant I could take a lot of cuttings and should be able to get a few to root. I can't promise any to you guys until I figure out just how to do it. I don't quit though. One day the right process will work.


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