Growing Space Options for Budding Bride near Frederick, MD?

Maple Shade, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hello, forumers -- I am in need of aid that only gardeners can provide.

I'm growing my own flowers for a Late September wedding -- Tons of Dahlias, Dahlias, Dahlias. Trouble is, I'd prefer to not grow them where I'm living (New Jersey) and have to haul them all from there to home (near Point of Rocks) since their vase life is somewhat limited. My parents have a good bit of space, but little of it is sun. While they took a number of trees down over the fall/winter (not for my flowers, just planned improvements), I'm unsure of whether I'll be able to fit all the tubers in their yard. At the current guesstimate (bear in mind, I usually divide in the spring), I should have about 100 on hand and another 60 on the way, plus whatever I decide I want for kicks when I inevitably get garden-rabies and clandestinely wander into a garden shop of any kind.

This naturally presents some difficulties: namely, I want to grow them there, but can't water them regularly, and I remember a number of pretty scaldingly hot summers there. I'll be home twice or so a month, but that's decidedly not enough for good maintenance. I could ask the neighbors to turn over some new soil, but it won't be the premium, broken-in, much loved kind of dirt that the tubers will need to give me the goods.

So, a the big question: Does anyone know of a farmer/CSA/nice lady who would be willing to rent me some space (and water the poor neglected things a couple times a week), in exchange for tubers for next spring, flowers to sell at markets, or even cold, hard, cash? I'm pretty flexible, and willing to provide any supplies needed to make keeping them easier. Any tips you can provide will be much-appreciated.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gabigrier, this is such a neat idea. I live in Lucketts, which is only about 4 miles south of Point of Rocks. The location is right, but unfortunately my place is woodland, and the only really sunny area is the drainfield. No premium, broken-in kind of dirt there though. With my woodland setting, I've never had dahlias. What size space would be needed for that many? I can ask around.... Terri

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

If I knew of space like that near me, I'd steal it for myself! Sorry!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I know a professional grower near (10 miles) Point Of Rocks who should be quite accommodating and reliable for this project. A member of Dave's Garden but not on often. I'll dmail you contact information after I check with them and give them a "heads up". Think this will solve your problem.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I wish I could help, but I've never really grown dahlias, so I wouldn't be reliable! Hopefully Greenthumb's contact will work out for you.

I did want to suggest that whatever tubers you put in at your parents (and it's a good idea to grow them in a couple of places, in case of deer or other disaster), put in a couple of soaker hoses with them. If you have a quick-connect at the end of a hose and also on the ends of the soakers, it'll be very easy for your parents to hook up the water for a couple hours (probably twice a week if it hasn't rained). You could even hook up a supply line with a programmable timer.

Best wishes!

Maple Shade, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the references -- I really appreciate it.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, What a wonderful idea. Sounds like you will have a lovely wedding.
Ric and I grew Dahlias for my cousins wedding a good 15 years ago. They were our gift to her. We didn't provide flowers for the entire wedding but for the cakes. She had 6 very large cakes and the flowers where cake toppers. Ric made beautiful arrangements for on top of each cake. We used shallow clear plastic trays (the type you use under pots) to hold the arrangements. I have pictures somewhere. We also made arrangements for on the tables that held the gifts and a tossing bouquet.

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